How Do I Get Nuclear War(Russian Attack) From Bible Prophecy ?

I put four Bible passages together, like a molecule made out of atoms.  
Or like pearls strung together on a necklace.  
(1)1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3;  
(2)2 Thessalonians 2.3;  
(3)Revelation 13.7;  
(4)Daniel 7.7-8.  
(1)The first passage says that the Rapture occurs in the context of "sudden destruction.".  
For the words, "we..will be caught up.."(1 Thessalonians 4.17) are followed just 4 verses later  
by "sudden destruction." -- "When they say, "Peace and safety [has come] then  
SUDDEN DESTRUCTION will come upon them...They will not escape"(1 Thess 5.3,4).  
The implication is that people's souls are departing their bodies as those people  
are being killed by this "sudden destruction."  
(2)Just what is this mysterious "sudden destruction" ?  
The second passage explains that the Rapture happens right as  
the Antichrist is "revealed" to be The Destroyer"("the Son of Destruction"),  
For we read, "That day [of the Rapture] can not come except
..the Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Destruction"(2 Thessalonians 2.3).  
Presumably, this "revealing" occurs as the Destroyer launches some form of destruction.  
But since we live in the age of WMD,"weapons of mass destruction,"  
we can assume this "sudden destruction" will be mass destruction.  
(3) But why would this Destroyer launch this "sudden destruction"?  
What does he gain from it? Well, the 3rd passage explains that  
the Antichrist, aka, "the Beast," will "make war on [the Christian nations],  
and conquer them, [gaining] power over every..nation".  
For we read that,  
"The Beast will MAKE WAR on the saints and overcome them...  
Power was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation" (Revelation 13.7).  
Since "every tribe, tongue and nation" basically is synonymous  
with THE WORLD, we can assume that the "war" that Antichrist will "make",  
Will in fact be world war, WW3 !!  
So the reason the Destroyer launches the "sudden destruction"  
(which triggers the departure of souls at the Rapture and) which  
"reveals" him as super destructive, "the Son of Destruction," is this:  
It gains him the whole world !!  
(4)But which nation will launch this "sudden destruction" ?  
And which Christian nations ("the saints" in Rev 13.7) will be the victims ?  
Well, the 4th passage gives us the location of the victim nations.  
Which in turn enables us to narrow down the possibilities  
as to the identity of the aggressor nation which gains the world.  
"The Beast" of Revelation 13.7 has "7 heads, 10 horns" (Rev 13.1).  
It starts out as "the Beast with 10 horns" in Daniel 7.7-8.  
(The purpose of the Book of Revelation is, in part,  
to explain Dan 7.8, the main action verse.)  
The "7 heads" added (in Revelation 12, etc) to the 10 horns  
stand for "7 hills upon which the Woman sits..the Woman  
is that great city which rules over the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.9,8).  
From Rev 13 onward it's talking about Papal Rome.  
(For in the Middle Ages Rome really did rule over the kings).  
With Papal Rome as the "7 heads/7 hills,"  
this establishes that the "10 horns" (that with the "7 heads")  
Are 10 Roman Catholic Western Europe.  
Now we're ready to go back to Daniel 7's "Fourth Beast(Dan 7.7),
It has to be the Roman empire.
So the 10 horns = the geography of the 10 Catholic nations
But before they become Catholic and before they become sovereign nations,  
Notice that Rev 12.3 parallels Dan 7.7 for the 10 horns are not crowned.
But in the much later time of Rev 13.1 they are crowned,
Meaning they have become sovereign nations, each with its own ruler.
So Revelation 13 goes with the time of Daniel 7.8.
Rev 12 is about the first period of the Beast(Dan 7.7),
While Rev 13; Dan 7.8 are about the return of the Beast,
After a hiatus in which the Fourth Beast wasn't in existence(Rev 17.8-11).
The Beast in Dan 7.7 is under one-man-rule by (each) Caesar.
Then there is a leap in time over to a much later (post-Roman-empire) age.
The area of the 10 horns is now ruled by 10 concurrent rulers(Dan 7.8)..
Then, finally, "another horn comes up among them"(Daniel 7.8).
Meaning that the 10 nations are invaded by an outsider nation.
This return to one-man-rule = the socalled return of the Beast(Rev 17.8,11).
Since the location of the 10 victim nations is within the once-Roman lands
of Western Europe, the invading/conquering nation has to be near  
to Western Europe, so RUSSIA is pointed to, as opposed to China.
Yes, the return of the Roman empire won't actually be Roman.
Rather it will be Russian.For Russia is who conquers once-Roman Europe.
Rome gets "burned with fire in a single hour" (Rev 18.10,17,19).
Let me try to sum it up briefly, for my wordiness so far may obscure the meaning.
"The Beast" in Rev 13.1 is the man/nation who is called "another horn"(Dan 7.8).
The "war-making" and the conquering in Rev 13.7 is nothing less
Than the explanation of the vague action (the "coming up among") in Daniel 7.8.
One nation will come up among the nations of Western Europe
in terms of INVADING them !! And conquering them.
But how can conquering 10 nations (plus others) in Europe enable  
the Antichrist to gain "power over every..nation" in the world?!
That's easy, America is married to Europe thru NATO.  
So any Russian conquest of Europe presupposes  
the all-out Russian surprise attack against America.  
Once Europe and America are out of the way,  
Russia basically rules the world.
As for China, if Russia waited 10 more years,
the hitting of America and the taking of Europe would NOT
Equal the gaining of the world.
For China would be equal to Russia by then.
This is a clue that the war won't wait til then.
I expected it in mid 2015.December is still left.
So I expect it in December, maybe even Dec 7th (Pearl Harbor day)
or within the same week.
Regardless of when it comes, the Tribulation will last only"5 months" (Revelation 9.5,10).  
For Christ promised to "shorten the days"(Matthew 24.22),"for the sake of the [Church]"
down from the "3 1/2 years" of Daniel 7.25. A SHORT Trib is good news, very good news !!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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