Image for the poem Desperate Measure (Part Three)

Desperate Measure (Part Three)

Stacy has quite the tale of woe
Her "alliance" with Great White gone south
His now 60 per cent of the take unacceptable
That savage treatment of all his "glamor girls"
Each ho beaten on a regular basis
Occasionally adding to their scars
Stacy's tears manage to convince me
"Great White," she says, "has got to go
I can pay triple your normal rate
Plus whatever's left of my life in your hands"
"Do I look like a gun thug to you?," I reply
But I'm a sucker for a lady in distress
And a patsy for a femme fatale
"Murder isn't normally my line," I inform her
"But for you I'll make an exception."
Written by crowfly
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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