Will 2015 Be the Year In Which Nuclear Judgment Day Arrives?!

Another way to put it: When will the Tribulation Period begin?          
Back in the 1980s a lot of Christians thought like this:          
The end time "generation"(Luke 21.32) began in 1948          
With the restoration of an independent Jewish Israel.          
The generation should last for 40 years.          
So 1948 plus 40 years brings us to 1988.         
So 1988 was when the Tribulation should finish!          
(They thought in terms of a 7 year Tribulation, based on Daniel 9.27.          
So they expected the beginning in 1981.)          
But nothing happened in 1981 thru 1988.          
So folks are wandering in the desert in a daze right now.          
I want to say their theory was basically CORRECT!          
Except for the "seven years" length of the Tribulation.         
It will run for only "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10),          
You can't deny it, that is much better than a long 7 years.          
The general arrangement:          
(1)the return of Israel as the starting point, plus          
(2)a generation of time, ending with        
(3)the Tribulation Period,      
That much is correct, right as rain.          
All we have to do is tweak it just a little bit,          
By making two small changes.          
(1)Count the return of Israel from 1945 instead of 1948.          
For Ezekiel 37 speaks of the Holocaust survivors          
going to Israel and becoming (part of) "a great army"(Ez 37.10).          
The traveling to Israel - that part happened in 1945.          
(2)Instead of a 40 year "generation," how about 70 years(Psalms 90.10)?          
That would bring us to 2015! Yes, this very year - 2015!    (See update at the end of the poem. 2017 is the new date.)    
So, this should be the year of the start (and finish) of the Tribulation,          
Which means Russia's take over of the world,          
Which means Russian Attack on America          
(so that Russia can overrun Western Europe          
without any interference from America.)          
Christ said, "When these things begin look up.."(Luke 21.25).          
Then He said "all things will be fulfilled within this generation"(Luke 21.32).          
So the start of that generation should coincide with "the beginning of these things."          
But what event is He talking about as "the beginning"?          
Well, He speaks of "the times of the Gentiles coming to an end"(21.24).          
Which means that JEWISH rule over Israel would replace that of the Gentiles.          
The beginning of Jewish rule,logically, is the "beginning of these things"!          
The return of Israel was in 1948, but we adjust that to 1945,          
Like I say, based on Ezekiel 37's words.          
What is the relationship of Ezekiel 37 to Ezekiel 38-39?          
They are the two bookends enclosing the "generation" that Christ refers to!          
Ez 37 is the beginning, while Ez 38-39 is the endpoint!          
The time between them should be that end time "generation."          
Because the Return of the Jews to Israel(Ez 37.12)      
After "the valley of dry bones,"  meaning the Nazi Holocaust(1939-1945),          
Began in 1945, that is when we date the start of the "generation."          
While Ez 37 is about the Holocaust, and the Jews emerging as          
Walking skeletons(Ez 37.10) from the death camps,then settling in Israel(Ez 37.12),,          
Ezekiel 38-39 is about the Russian led invasion of newly restored Israel          
Which invasion is defeated by the Messiah, Christ at the Second Coming.          
But why is Ezekiel 37 necessarily about the Holocaust?          
The "dry bones" morph into walking skeletons.          
But if we discount the morphing, and just count the dry bones and          
the walking skeletons as two separate groups of Jews,          
They match the two groups of Jews in the Holocaust,          
(1)These that died and were incinerated, and        
(2)those that survived and moved to Israel.        
We read, "These bones are the whole house of Israel,"      
So when they say, "Our hope is lost, we are cut off completely"(Ez 37.11),      
"We" refers to all Jews everywhere around the world.      
For the Jews in the concentration camps,      
At least during the lowest days of the war        
felt that Hitler would succeed in exterminating ALL the Jews.      
Only after the USA entered the war and landed troops at Normandy,      
Did hope revive for the Jews undergoing the horrors of the Holocaust.         
Finally, it speaks of the "joining of the two sticks"(Ez 37.16-22).          
This is the joining of the 10 northern tribes with the 2 southern tribes  --      
The reuniting of the 12 tribes of Israel, after close to 3000 years of alienation..          
This was fulfilled in 1949-1950 when the Knesset  (Parliament)        
and/or the Supreme Court ruled on the status of the 200 plus Samaritans.          
They were accepted as a "sect of Judaism" and full citizens as Jews.          
The north(the Samaritans) and the south(the Jews) were reunited!          
That it happened within the 1940s shows that Ezekiel 37 is set in the 1940s.          
This supports my theory that Ezekiel 37 starts off with the Nazi Holocaust.      
Why don't Christians and Jews recognize that        
the Samaritans are the ten "lost' northern tribes?      
Because after Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel,      
The king deported 20,000 Samaritans, replacing them with Gentiles,foreigners.      
This diluting of the bloodline, plus the changes the Samaritans made to the Bible,      
Led the Jews to disown them, rejecting them as true Israelites.      
But Ruth, King David's grandmother, was a non-Jew from Moab(Ruth 1.2-4).      
That didn't stop David from being an authentic Jew and Israelite.      
It is inexcusable to deny that the Samaritans        
are the remnant of the Northern nation of Israel.      
Now for what will happen at the end of this end time "generation"(Luke 21.32)):      
"There'll be signs in the sun,moon and stars.      
And on Earth there'll be distress of nations..      
Men's hearts will fail them for fear of the things coming upon the world.      
for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken"(Luke 21.25).      
In a parallel passage, Matthew 2429-31, we find something extra:      
The Rapture occurs at the time that "the stars will fall."      
And in another Rapture passage we read that      
the "Man of Sin" will be"revealed" as the Destroyer(the "Son of Destruction")      
Right as the Rapture occurs, presumably by the mass destruction that he launches.      
After all, it says, elsewhere, that he "makes war on the saints" ie the Christian nations(Revelatiion 13.7).      
That war is the means he uses to gain "power over every..nation", the world(Rev 13.7).      
"Making war", modern war, means launching mass destruction.      
So that man-made mass destruction is what "reveals" the Antichrist as the Destroyer.      
Finally, if that man-made destruction and "the stars will fall"      
are synonymous, this means that the "stars" are man-made objects.      
What man-made objects are fiery like stars? Nuclear warheads.      
Plus nuclear warheads operate by nuclear fusion just like the stars do.    
Long story short, nuclear war,Russian Attack, comes at the end      
of the "generation" that Christ is talking about(Luke 21.32).      
PS: there are two generations in that one generation.    
The first relates to the 40 years from 30 to 70 AD.    
The other one is from 1945 to 2015.    
UPDATE: well 2015 and 2016 have come and passed peacefully.Thank God. But Russian Attack is still coming. 2017 has overwhelming support as far as evidence of Russian attack is concerned. See the work I've done lately - in February 2017. Since 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it is likely the climax to that struggle (between Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism) will actually come this very year!!!    
You see the Russian Attack wont just hurt the USA and mean the overrunning of Europe. NO, Rome gets burned with fire(Rev 18.10,17,18). "As the cities of the nations fall"(Rev 16.19) to invasion.Pope dies - as St Malachy predicted back in the 1100s !! See my piece about 4 prophets pointing to Our Time.  
My point is that if we can tell when the Roman Catholic Church is destroyed that gives us the time of Russian Attack (on America) as well!!  
And like i say, the 500th anniversary is an apt year !! Just like the North's victory in the battle of Gettysburg was  right on the very day associated with the Union cause. It was as though God wanted to show favor to one side. Ditto with the religious "civil war" between Catholics,Protestants.  
Book of Revelation definitely has God siding with the PR. So the end of the RC SHOULD occur on a special time for the PR !!! Just like with the 4th of July Gettysburg victory. But instead of a special day, think of a special YEAR, ok??
What do you think??  Pray tell.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Mar 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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