Russia And the RAPTURE

Have you ever noticed that the Rapture (1 Thess. 4.17-5.3)     
is just 3 verses away from the "sudden destruction.".      
It was in 1980 that i realized that this "sudden destruction"      
Explains what the heck is going on when the Rapture occurs!      
As people get killed by this "Sudden [Mass] Destruction,"      
Their souls are gathered by the angels and taken to heaven,      
just like when Lazarus died, he was "carried by the angels"(Luke 16.22).      
What, just what, is this "sudden destruction"?!      
The massive destruction that goes with warfare, of course.      
I say, "of course," for we read that it happens on "the Day of the Lord"(1 Thess 5.2).      
That term, "The Day of the Lord," comes from the Old Testament      
Where it ALWAYS refers to the Judgment of God coming via WARFARE between nations.      
When Ezekiel predicted that Babylon would attack and whip Egypt,      
He called it, "the Day of the Lord" for Egypt(Ezekiel 30.3,10).      
When Isaiah predicted that the Medes and Persians would conquer Babylon,      
He called it "The Day of the Lord" for Babylon(Isaiah 13.1,6,17).      
I'm not saying God's judgment on a nation always comes thru war.      
I'm saying that when it does come thru war, it is often called,      
"The Day of the Lord" for that nation or group of nations.      
What have we learned so far?      
That the Rapture will occur in the context of a war,      
a war that is the judgment of God!!      
(So the Rapture occurs on a Day of Judgment.)      
But which nation launches this war?      
First of all, it has to be a super power      
For the war is truly massive, global.      
For the Rapture will be world-wide,      
"From one end of heaven to the other"(Matthew 24.30-31),      
Meaning from one end of the horizon to the other.      
Well, if Russia bombed America (and 3 nations in Europe,Dan 7.8),      
Plus our military bases in Japan, etc,      
that would fulfill the idea of      
"from one end of the horizon to the other.,"      
From one end of the map to the other, so to speak.      
But plenty of nations inbetween would be SPARED.    
(Millions of Christians won't go up at the Rapture!)    
Let me ask once more, Who launches this world war,      
Which causes the departure of souls at the Rapture??      
We look to a familiar Rapture passage, 2 Thessalonians 2.3.      
"That day [of the Rapture] can not come except..      
the Son of Destruction [the Destroyer] be revealed."      
So the day of the "revealing" of the Destroyer      
will also be the day of the Rapture!      
What event is it that "reveals" this Destroyer?      
We read that he will "make war," gaining victory, for      
"Power was given him over every tongue,      
tribe and nation," the whole world(Revelation 13.7).      
The idea is that this world war will be so destructive      
That it will forever establish ("reveal") this conqueror      
As the most infamous Destroyer,"the Son of Destruction".      
Bible scholars will tell you "the Man of Sin," "the Son of Destruction,"    
"the Beast," and the Antichrist are all the same man.    
The Antichrist is who launches the war which triggers the Rapture.    
But another title or name for him is"Gog," the ruler of "Magog," Russia.    
This points, to be blunt, to Gorbachev, the old guy, 84 years old.    
Christ said,"No man, nor angel,not even the Son,    
knows the day or the hour" of the Rapture(Matthew 24.36).    
How ironic that the Antichrist decides the day of the Rapture.    
For he picks the day of the Russian Attack!!    
PS:A nuclear war/Rapture combo would mean    
both saved and unsaved go up together at the Rapture.    
For the war would kill saved/unsaved in the big cities.    
But then "the wicked [the unsaved] get severed    
from among the just [the saved souls]"(Matthew 13.47-50).    
So only one group actually is raptured to heaven.    
PS:Nuclear war would fulfill the words about    
"We will not all sleep[leave corpses behind]    
but we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye    
..from physical to spiritual bodies"(1 Corinthians 15.51-53).    
For the dead bodies will be vaporized,    
disappearing in an instant of time due    
to the heat of the fireballs at ground zero.    
We'd be in physical bodies one moment,    
but left with only our inner spiritual ones the next moment.    
Nuclear war would fulfill the part about    
"Where the corpses are,    
There will the vultures be gathered"    
On "the day of the Son of Man,"(Luke 17.29-37)    
Which is another name for the Rapture.    
See Matthew 24.30-31.    
For near Ground Zero the vaporization would occur.    
But further out the heat would be less,    
So corpses will remain.    
Both things would be fulfilled by nuclear war.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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