One More Passage That Supports the Russian Invasion Interpretation for Dan 7.8

While walking by the shining (goldplated) temple,
The disciples remarked how beautiful it was.
Christ replied that "not one stone will remain on another,"
It would all be thrown down(Matthew 24.1-2;Luke 21.5-7).
When will this be, they asked.
"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by the [Roman] armies,
Then know its desolation has come near"(Luke 21.20).
It's called "the tribulation of those days"(Matthew 24.29).

He describes the siege of the city and the exile of the Jews.
"Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles
until their time comes to an end"(Luke 21.24),
Meaning the opposite of the Gentiles -  the Jews!  -
Would regain control over Jerusalem.

Then Christ predicted a SECOND Tribulation period.
"Immediately after the tribulation of [70 AD]...
THE STARS WILL FALL..(Matthew 24.29).

Why do I say this is NECESSARILY a second Tribulation period?
Because we read that at that time Christ "will send His angels
And gather His Elect [the Church] from the four winds,
From one end of heaven to the other,"
Meaning from horizon to horizon(Mat 24.30-31).

When do angels,logically, gather souls?
At death,naturally(Luke 16.22).
So the scene in Mt 24.29-31 is one of death,
mass death caused by the destruction implicit
In Christ's cryptic words, "The stars will fall"(Mt 24.29).

How does this relate to Daniel 7.8?!
Christ quotes from Dan 7.13,
"Then..'They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven,'
With power and great glory." (Mt 24.30).
Well, Dan 7.13 is like a handle on a frying pan.
When you hold the handle you actually are holding the pan.
Dan 7.13 points to or represents 7.8, the action verse.
So we can insert Daniel 7.8 at very point!
THIS is when the action of Dan 7.8
 -  One nation entering into the presence of ten nations  -
takes place  --
The context is "the stars will fall"
and the massive death and destruction
That would logically come out of that.

The implication is that the action in Daniel 7.8
Will involve death and destruction on a massive scale.
This indirectly supports the Russian invasion theory for Dan 7.8.

PS: The "tribulation of those days" in 70 AD ended 2000 years ago.
So why does Christ say, "immediately after" it, "the stars will fall"?
"Immediately after" doesn't literally make sense.
Christ is putting two tribulation periods back to back
For the purpose of conveying that the second goes with the first.
They are a pair.

PPS:Just what does,"the stars will fall" mean?
The context is the Rapture(Mt 24.30-31) and  the "sudden destruction"
that happen together(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).
So "the stars will fall" and the "sudden destruction" are synonymous.
But we still don't know what this means,
So we turn to a third Rapture passage.
To see if some form of destruction is include,
just as with the first two passages about the Rapture.

"Our gathering unto the Lord" or "our being gathered"(2 Thessalonians 2.1)
Is suggestive of the Rapture,the time that the angels gather the Elect(Mt 24.30-31).
So when it says, "That day won't come except.." this is referring to the day of the Rapture!
It goes on to say that "that day" coincides with
the "revealing of the Man of Sin, the Son of Destruction"(verse 3).
Logically, what would be more apt to "reveal" a destructive person
than the act of destruction that he commits?

So the day of the "revealing" of the Destroyer =
the day of the destruction that he is responsible for.
So we're talking MAN-MADE destruction here.
So, the conclusion to draw is that the
Rapture occurs on a day of man-made destruction.

Now, if the Rapture in the first passage=
the Rapture in the second passage=
the Rapture in the third passage,
This implies that,likewise,
the "sudden destruction"=
"the stars will fall"=
the  (implied) man-made destruction.
So "the stars will fall" = the (implied) man-made destruction,OK?

LSS, "the stars..falling" have to be man-made objects!
What man-made objects are like stars?
Well, real stars operate on nuclear fusion.
Nuclear war heads do too!
They produce fireballs that are man-made stars,so to speak!
Conclusion:"The stars will fall" refers to nuclear war!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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