A Second Bible Passage About the Russian invasion of Western Europe

Besides Daniel 7.8 there is 2 Thessalonians 2.3-8.  
It says the "lawlessness," the particular evil,  
that the Antichrist later on will be the leader of,  
"Is ALREADY at work"(verse 7 ),  
Meaning in the Apostle Paul's day,  
Who lived in the first century.  
Those evil forces were being "restrained" and would continue to be,  
"Until the Restrainer is taken out of the way"(verse 7).  
By who? By the Antichrist,aka, "the Man of Sin,"  
Aka,"the Son of Destruction," the Destroyer(2 Thess 2.3).  
So, that which was going on in Paul's day,  
   -  In the first Christian century -  
Serves as a foreshadowing, a prefigure,  
Of the struggle between "the Restrainer" and the Antichrist.  
That will be ongoing in the End Time,  
Which means our day, our generation.  
The "Restrainer" and the Antichrist  
Represent two groups of nations,  
Two opposing alliances of nations.  
(Footnote:This interpretation is based on the premise  
That "the Man of Sin"(verse 3) =  
"The King of the North" in Daniel 11.36-45,  
While "the Restrainer" is "the King of the South.")  
An alliance of nations "restrains" or opposes the Antichrist until  
He "makes war against the saints(the Christian nations)  
And overcomes them"(Revelation 13.7).  
This gives him "power over..every nation",  
In other words,almost the whole world! (Except for Israel).  
Well, just what was going on in Paul's day?  
The Roman empire, covering Western Europe,  
Was blocking the advance of Barbarian tribes from the East,  
Meaning Eastern Europe and what is now Russia!  
Caesar Augustus sent a Roman legion into some forest in Germany  
It was never heard from again,it was totally wiped out.  
That happened around the start of the Christian era.  
That struggle of long ago,
The Roman empire versus the barbarians in the East.
Serves as a picture of the East-West war,  
The Russia versus America war,
That will happen in our time(2015)  
In which the East(Russia)will overwhelm the West  
The Restrainer(America and NATO) will be attacked and defeated.  
 "Taken out of the way"(2 Thess.2.7)!

Thus, 2 Thessalonians 2.6-8 really
does echo what Daniel 7.8 predicts,
Namely the Russian conquest of once-Roman lands,etc.  
PS #1: look up Jeff Nyquist on YouTube about the seers who
have had visions of Russian invasion of Europe in the future!
PS #2: the claim that "the Man of Sin" equals "the King of the North"
is based on the parallels between Dan 11.36-37;41-45 and 2 Thessalonians 2.4.
PS #3: Up until 11.36, the North in Daniel 11 meant Syria,
while the South meant Egypt as seen in verse 8.
So why do I say the North is Russia, the South is Europe?
Up until 11.35 it's history.From 11.36 onward it is set in
"the time of the end," the End Time generation(Luke 21.32).

So Daniel 11.36-45 is still in the future.
Syria is now with Russia, Egypt is now with the West.
We go not with Syria but with what it has become, so to speak.
Like an acorn becomes an oak tree.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 21st Jul 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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