Nice is overrated

I used to think revenge was the fuel to the fire.. Used to believe that the bad in people will be replaced with good.. Used to have faith in the ones who believed they lost hope until they all took me from behind, repeatedly stabbed me and watched me bleed to my death.. All the hard work and sweat I put into helping the selfish son of bitches who can't do the same damn thing.
  To all the useless dumb asses who I told to stay strong then turned their backs on me I honestly hope you all burn in hell.. Fuck you all.. I realized I'm way to nice..  
  Someone who was getting ready to slice their vein came to me & I said "your stronger than that urge.. It takes strength and hope so put down that razor" a month later with my help that person is now getting college recommendations and has a future ahead...
  I take my time but the ones who are screwed up in the head take that advice and throw it in the fire but it won't be to long until they join that advice in the pits of hell..
  I gave you my all, gave you advice, stood by you at the worse & now all a sudden you wanna turn your back, betray me and act like I never tried..? I used to care for people like you.. Used to believe that the pain I felt for you people was worth it because I would die trying to protect anyone who feels how I feel.. Damaged, weak, afraid, traumatized, hurt, breathless, alone, stranded, broken, useless, unloved, ugly, fat, waste of space, better off dead, mother and fathers biggest regret..  But how stupid was that...
  I give a hand to lift you people from the water beneath but you pull me down instead and watch as I drown... Haha some selfish bitches.. & for the one friend I thought would never leave my side after everything we been through? Your one of those bitches I hope burn in hell.. Your one of the bitches I will meet in the pits of hell and make it more miserable for you than it was while you were "living" fuck you and your fake tears if I could I would knock the shit out of you... If I had the chance I would watch you bleed and take your last breath just like you sat back and watched me suffer.. Don't worry sweety I know you hate me.. But the feeling is fucking mutual.. Your a sorry ass cunt I hate you and I was never able to say it until now.. Maybe I don't have the guts to actually hate you.. Maybe its the damn anger in me but if I had the chance to watch you burn like you watched me.. I would grab popcorn, sit back relax & enjoy the show
Written by lostsoul9712
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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