Nuclear War Accounts For the Rapture of the Church

More accurately,            
Nuclear War(Russian Attack) accounts for            
The massive DEPARTURE OF SOULS at the Rapture.    
When do souls normally depart this world?    
At the death of the body, of course.    
So when we read about a great multitude of souls      
departing this world together (at the Rapture),    
We really should ask this question:    
Is a mass death occurring that that very time?!    
The answer, surprisingly, is YES! YES! YES!           
There are 5 Rapture passages in which          
The Rapture is accompanied by DESTRUCTION of some kind.          
(1)The Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17          
Is accompanied by "sudden destruction"(1 Thes. 5.3).          
(2)The Rapture in Matthew 24.30-31 is preceded          
By these ominous words,"the stars will fall"(Mt 24.29).          
(The implication is fiery DESTRUCTION from out of the blue!)  
(3)The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2.3 is accompanied by          
The destruction(implied) that "reveals" the Destroyer          
(literally, "the Son of Destruction").          
Destruction is "implied" for what else    
would more likely "reveal" the Antichrist          
to be the Supreme Destroyer("the Son of Destruction"),            
if not the mass destruction that he launches?          
(But why would he launch a massive military attack?            
Because (we read) he gains "power over every..nation"            
by "making war on [Christian nations]," (Revelation 13.7).          
In short, he launches world war in order to gain the world.)           
(4)The Rapture in Luke 17.29-37,N.I.V.,        
will be accompanied by            
"Fire from the sky"(implied).          
For we read these ominous words:          
"On the day that Lot left Sodom,            
it rained fire..from the sky          
And destroyed them all.          
On the Day of the Son of Man."          
(New International Version)          
(5)Finally, The Rapture in 1 Corinthians 15.51-57          
Will be accompanied by vaporizing heat          
(hot enuff to turn human bodies to vapor instantly).          
For we read,          
"We will be changed from physical to spiritual          
IN AN INSTANT, in the twinkling of an eye"(15.52-53).
So far we see that at the Rapture  
there will be 2 types of death.  
One,there will be the kind of death  
in which no body is left  
To "sleep" in the grave.
("We shall not all sleep..")         
(2)There will be deaths where corpses are left behind.
"For where the CORPSES are,
There will the vultures be gathered."
Well, nuclear war (Russian Attack)  
can account for BOTH types of death scenarios:
There would be 2 degrees of destruction:          
(1)There would be millions of degrees of heat            
from the nuclear fireballs in the sky,          
(The fireball would last for 3 minutes).          
People within 2 or 3 miles of "Ground Zero"          
Would instantly vaporize.          
They would completely disappear.          
(2)People more than 3 miles away would die.          
But the heat would be less intense.          
Their "cooked" remains would be eaten by the vultures.          
For we read, "For where the bodies are,            
There will the vultures be gathered"(Luke 17.35-37).          
Why do I call #4(Luke 17.29-37) a Rapture account?            
Superficially it is an account of          
the coming "Day of the Son of Man,"            
NOT the Rapture.          
But in Matthew 24 we see that            
"the Day of the Son of Man"(v30)          
Equates with the Day of the Rapture(v31).          
So Luke 17 does deserve,surprisingly,            
to be taken for a Rapture passage!          
If the Rapture in all 5 passages is the same Rapture,            
then the destruction in all 5 passages,            
likewise, should be referring to the same destruction event!          
On that basis,          
"The stars..falling" in Mt 24.29            
should be synonymous with the destruction(implied)            
that reveals "the Destroyer"(2 Thes 2.3)!          
But in order for this destruction          
to make someone "the Destroyer,"          
That man has to be responsible for it.          
In other words,          
it has to be MAN-MADE destruction.          
And that means "the stars..falling"          
Have to be man-made star-like objects!          
What man-made object gives off            
more light than nuclear fireballs?          
Real stars operate by nuclear fusion.          
Ditto for nuclear fireballs!          
In short, the Rapture points to NUCLEAR WAR!           
For #5 I said "more than 3 miles away" from Ground Zero.            
I should add "but less than 8 miles away."            
For beyond that distance people will survive,            
except in the cigar-shaped zones in which            
radiation is laid down as "fallout" particles.          
PPS:For #4,Christ says that the Rapture            
will be like "the day that Lot left Sodom"            
at which time, "the sky rained fire..          
and destroyed them all."          
But in addition to the fire that fell on Sodom,          
Christ compares the day of the Rapture            
to the Flood of Noah's time.          
For we read,          
On "the day that Noah entered the ark..          
The flood came and destroyed them all"(Luke 17.27).        
And "Just as it was in the days of Noah,          
So too it will be in the days          
of the Son of Man"(Luke 17.26).        
How can nuclear war be like BOTH            
the Flood and the fire from the sky?          
Well it would be fiery destruction            
from out of the blue, as was Sodom's end.          
But it would be on the SCALE of            
the destruction wrought by the Flood.          
Sodom's destruction was limited in scale.          
While the flood was, supposedly, global.          
Fortunately, like the flood was actually          
much less than global,          
So too with the nuclear war.          
About the destruction that fell on Sodom,          
Just because it came from "heaven,"          
that doesn't mean from the third heaven,          
From God's heaven.          
Rather, it can mean from the sky.          
What happened, in my opinion, was this:          
The "slime pits in the valley of Siddim" (Genesis 14.10)          
exploded and bitumen went up into the air.          
And then landed on Soddom, Gomorrah, etc.    
("Siddim" and Sodom are fairly synonymous terms.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 28th Mar 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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