
 When distance is imposed
By morals and kilometres
When cravings emerge
To feel my hull part waters
In pursuit of gliding freedom
(which is often)

I reach across land and sea
To place my thick long fingers
At your slippery disposal
To caress your missing skin
With raw passion
(yet salt our open wounds)

Limbs entangled in words
Sharing independent friction
To splay our transmitted sex
In hot jumbled joy
Our faces bask in liquid crystal glow
(tissues close at hand)

Eyes closed
I feel your soft pressure
Manifesting between my legs
Aching for your flesh materiel
To mount lubricious assault
(to jettison your name across ceilings)

Congealing gratitude
Setting like jellied contentment
Wishing for your absorbing embrace
Seeking that snug connection
To charge my fading battery
(hurry and plug me in)
Written by Franko76
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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