If the Big Bang is True Why Didn't God Put it in Genesis Chapter One?

That's easy:        
It would have deprived Christians        
of the privilege of discovering        
the evidence for the Big Bang and        
then formulating the Big Bang theory.        
God wanted to get glory for Himself thru the Church.        
"To Him be glory in the Church.."(Ephesians 3.21).        
How does a Christian scientist making a great discovery,        
 - a breath-taking scientific breakthru -        
give glory to the Church (and thereby to God)?        
Answer: When Christians achieve greatness,        
the Church logically gets the credit.        
For it is largely the Church which produces        
those great men and women!        
Two Points:  
One,It was Edwin Hubble,  
Raised as a Baptist in Springfield MO,  
Who discovered the evidence for the Big Bang,  
Namely that the universe is expanding.  
Two:It was Father George LaMaitre,  
A Roman Catholic priest/physicist  
Who first formulated the "Cosmic Egg theory,"  
Which later was dubbed the Big Bang theory.       
So the credit for the Big Bang theory  
Goes to Christians and so to the Church,  
And so to God - "Glory to God thru the Church"!  
Later Addition:        
When Christ was in the world        
Why didn't He inform people about the sun        
Being in the center of the solar system, not planet Earth?        
Because that would have robbed Copernicus        
of making that discovery himself in the 1500s.        
By Copernicus being a Christian,      
a church official called a "canon,"    
 - a "canon" was right below a priest -        
His discovery brings glory to the Church,        
The institution which enabled him to accomplish what he did.        
Why does God want the Church to get glory        
(Which then goes to him) as Ephesians 3.21 says?        
Christianity is competing against other religions:        
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.        
By the Church, by which I mean the Believers,        
Making scientific discoveries,        
Inventing machines which serve as        
extensions of the body:        
The Church gains glory.        
But the point is that it shows she has been favored by God.        
Over and above all other world views.        
Christians' successes in science        
Is one of God's ways to evangelize the world,        
Drawing mankind to Himself.        
Four points:          
One, Christ is the Creator of the universe,        
According to the Gospel(John 1.10),        
Which means He invented the scientific laws        
by which the universe operates!        
On that basis, He becomes the Ultimate Scientist!!        
Two,Christians are supposed to        
"have the mind of Christ,"(1 Corinthians 2.16;Philippians 2.5).        
This comes thru their conversion        
and surrendering to His will(Luke 11.12-13).        
Three,since "In Him are hid all the treasures        
of wisdom and knowledge"(Colossians 2.3),        
If we have just a modicum of "the mind of Christ",        
This should,logically, enable us to make great leaps        
Forward in every field of science of every kind.        
Well, what does the historical record show?        
Four,Down thru the centuries, it has been        
Christians, Christians, Christians, Christians        
Who have made 95% (if not 99%) of all the breakthrus.        
Not the Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists!!!!        
Why, then, is there the present alienation        
between the Church and Science    
(which obscures the above fact)?        
Because the pastors, evangelists, theologians        
Have failed to give "General Revelation"  its due.        
They have overvalued "Special Revelation," the Bible,        
While undervaluing "General Revelation," ie, science.        
There are 2 ways in which God reveals Himself:        
"Special Revelation,"(the Bible) is one way.        
But "General Revelation," thru Nature, is the other way.        
This secondary way works thru the study of Nature, or science.        
So, science and "General Revelation" are basically synonymous.        
As the general rule of Bible interpretation is,        
"Scripture interprets Scripture,"        
So, too, "Revelation interprets Revelation."        
On that basis, we should use science(Astronomy,Physics)        
to interpret Genesis 1.3's words,        
"And God said, 'Let there be light!'"        
If the Church had done so, we would see        
That the Big Bang fits this verse!        
The entire(?) electro-magnetic spectrum        
arrived at the moment of the Big Bang -        
Or at least trillions of degrees of heat,    
Which is infra-red radiation,        
A known part of the electro-magnetic spectrum!       
If the Church had been ready to interpret        
"Creation Week"(Genesis Chapter One)        
By the Big Bang theory, derived from science,        
(On the basis that "Revelation interprets Revelation")        
We wouldn't have the present-day embarrassing feud        
Between the Young Earth-ers and the rest of us!        
It makes the Church look bad, like Luddites,        
Bringing scorn upon the head of Christ.        
Creationists "bravely" endure the world's contempt        
As though its necessary for Christ's sake.        
That makes as much sense as believing        
the Earth is flat and then        
accepting the resulting contempt        
as God's will for our lives.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 10th Dec 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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