
It seems like in this day of age
Technology has corrupted the youth
It's an addiction
Addiction so bad it's caused an apocalypse
Brain dead zombies
Looking at a small bright screen
Where's the fun in that?

Can't go 5 minutes without checking social media sites
People seem to have so much power when they have technology
Then when you see them in the real world all you can do is laugh
Technology is a drug that's spreading to the youth and contagious

Silent teenagers
All you can here is them pounding on there screen
Letter after letter it gets faster
You don't acknowledge the life around you
You just sit there

Drifting from the world.
You can't unglue from the pointless ignorance posts on Facebook
So what makes you capable to drive a car
If you can't keep your eyes off your phone.
How you going to see the pedestrian you just hit.
And after it all
Texting lol isn't worth it

Technology has established a new high
And a new low
Don't fall into it's power
Technology isn't the world
It's just a part of it
So stop making your life all about cell phones and computers
Don't let technology take away your life.
Written by WhisperingDeath (Matt Harrop)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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