Clear Matter Innocent Of Opacity

She sleeps in my jeans, she sleeps in my cot. She's anchored to the resilient floor shine on the waxed barracks. Her dangerous fluids dry easily with the scald of fire-effluvium utterances sealed in the desk drawer. Sensitive information is kept at bay while commerades light up the night with their tsar bomba concoctions, their reflective white war painted metal, smooth metal, the kind that creates fireballs in the fingertips. Detonated shock wave signals triggered the empty side of the blanket into re-retreat. Novaya Zemyla forged hush upon the spans of rocky ice water, as silent stratospheres splintered in the aftermath dust of the billowing bloom. And there she was; a corpse draped on the shadows, the seminal syllable in the etymology of seismic magnitude; the lost command from ghost ships - her vapor, serpentine.

Residual therma-electro-burst effects sent code back to the Garrison Town she swept brisk droplets of terse, yet deeply doleful, altitude loss. Nytro soft rays blistered the cooling jets. Her dreams raised sleep meter density into the usual pressure tissue junctions. Standing lines of demarcation marched down the bubbled flesh taunting limits of endurance. The multi-megaton forced winds sank every grain into submission. Device is the fall of nature. Ignited transmissions taint a shade of grey into the predictated mesophere, as duty is afforded one more call. And who has denim constricting their thigh plates? Whose dark goggles reveal the test results in arcane encryption? The now de-commisioned fusion reaction deployed within a strategic radius kept the inertial navigation within unilateral moratorium design.

The cot never moved. If walls could reflect upon event, a book is smoldering. Her outline is the cold morning breath froze into a stilled second on the secret timer within the depths of lost gaze. All is transparent now, and the mission surfaced a gallimaufry of due confusion. What was know before isn't know now. Her lips dance in refracted focal space between the boiled retina, and the optic nerve. Her abdominal cavity fills with her chemicals. Flash damage hazard burning between shudder-blinks leaks a trace of photoreceptor virus cells. These parasites sup on the suprachasmatic tracts of circadian pulse of it's wary host. The field of view is swallowed into the vacuum of destitution that prohibits all evoltion. What was once a simple simper becomes a myriad of ultraviolet hallucinations in trajectory rings of circulatory exception lenses; any modicum of doubt is the paradigm of specimen!  Optimally convex convolution cillitates sessile nettle, and there's only one shade of interpreted light for every mono-recpetor. Parabolic telescope bending image form of spherical aberration orientation, in some cases, polarize the dark phased arrays. Imminent rest is a forever moment. Her relationship to life requirements then changes drastically. The noncombustible rubble that prevents the combustible manifestations from being razed are neglected sources. The brilliant spectrum of light that lords over physical reality is ultimate-there can be no other falter. My hand lightly passes over the curves contained tightly in twill weave as I dismiss any further contemplation, and the sweet sound of sigh-breath is exhaled from my heavy chest.
Written by Conley (Delling)
Published | Edited 29th Jun 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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