I was stoked when you came too me to have your pretty honeypot shaved. Examining my finished work, I peel lips apart with my thumbs gazing at your throbbing clit. I voluntarily soft swirl tongue around clit and you shiver adorably. After you hand me my ten bucks, you witness hard on catching your sexy self telling me, "I wanna see your manscaping", with eyes sparkling. After a shocking pause I untie sweats, releasing lance that points right at you. Looking surprised eyes wide your warm tongue greets me first, licking tip too balls. Soft French kisses nine steps down, along sides and underneath. Sweet lips surround pipe, kinda gagging taking in too much. Once you obtained a steady bob, I fucked your face. Hot tongue swirled around my mushroom. I'm loving how I fill a wanting mouth, the sight alone I'll treasure. In a sweet while great brain became too much to bear. With a warning I bite my lip closing eyes, letting my people go, rewarding you. Your amazing sucking didn't stop until there was no evidence. Returning favor, I ease you back spread thighs and attach my lips too your honeypot. Each lick bucks your sexy ass off the lawn chair too meet a stabbing tongue. Moaning and squeezing gorgeous thighs against my ears, I butterfly kiss your clit swollen with desire. I lick you through two orgasms coating my tongue with your delicious nectar. You grab me and kiss me deep too taste you. And with our lips glazed your friend showed up watching the whole thing. And I was stoked when she said, "Can I be next?!!"

         Sir Lancelott
Written by Sir_Lancelott (Lance)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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