You're Not Right For Me

Even though when you hug me tight, I still feel cold
Even when you call me beautiful, I still feel ugly
Even when you make me laugh, I am still sad
Even when you make me smile, I still feel like crying
Even though you stand by my side, I still feel alone
Even though you try to help, I am still helpless
Even though you say I don't bother you, I can see it in your face that I do
Even though you say I am perfect the way I am, you still look at me in disgust
Even though you say you don't love her, I can tell that you do
Even though you tell me you are faithful, I already know you aren't
Even though you say I can tell you anything, I still fell like I can't
Even though I tell you I am fine, I really want you to hug me tight and not let go
Even though I seem happy, it's just an act
Even though you say you love me, They feel like they're just words
Even though you say you love me, it all means nothing unless you're IN love with me
Even though you're not in love with me, I'll still be in love with you
Written by Angel21
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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