Memoirs of A Knight

There were nights when I felt lost,
And following days when I felt found,
The goal almost not worth the cost,
With so many emotions fully abound.

I sat upon the edge of thought,
In a journey solely my own,
Riding upon a ticket that can't be bought,
While reality appeared overthrown.

Setting adrift in a tossing ship,
Waves continuously heaving,
There was no destination for the trip,
All just a web of imagination's weaving.

My eyes let go of a focal point,
Going on beyond the distance of staring,
The hinges of rationality out of joint,
And all sound exceeded the limits of blaring.

Escaping on a musical whim,
I fled from the chains of the day,
Every note shining thru the dim,
Leading me on my way.

There was a voice I needed to hear,
The one in which resided my fate,
It would rescue me from my lonesome fear,
The sweet sound of my own soul-mate.

Long had I searched in vain,
Trudging my path thru a living dark,
Suffering so much indescribable pain,
Waiting for my true love to hark.

The moment when it occurred,
Still seems like a dream to me,
Beautiful words which I heard,
Resonate like a starry night at sea.

From that day forward it's been forever written,
A loving novel now in permanent ink,
The darkest knight now glowing and smitten,
By his one and only dearest Tink.
Written by DarkNygtNinja
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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