Men: A User's Guide Chapter Twelve / Questions J
Why do men masturbate so much?
Women often tell me that they are intimidated by this and are jealous of the Internet in its offering of billions of images of perfection, and that their men seem more interested in masturbating than being with them. Women forget that, if they were to be honest, the frequency of sex in their relationships decreases usually over time and the capacity for men to need, want, and have to have it does not. Men may get tired and stressed, but, as previously discussed, a man who cannot get it up is not a man in his own mind. There is the thought of the 400,000,000 messengers he is saddled with every day. But there is a further note here that needs to be understood and addressed. If a man is not allowed to cry or have emotions in general, then the one time he gets a pass on that is when he is offline from the Wolf Pack and in the middle of an ejaculation. It's emotional free time. The more he is stressed or couped up or made to feel small or profoundly inelastic by his circumstances, the more lactic acid build up, the more he needs that release. Guys will poke fun at you, ladies, when they say, "Well, just tie it in a knot," when you have to pee. What they are actually alluding to, and these inside jokes are rampant everywhere in our conversations, is that you've got your biochemistry banging on your door and you can't tell it no. For men, this may be the only time they have to actually feel a moment's peace.
And too, men have this constant need to re-prove to themselves that they are not broken, that they are men, that that penis still works. Yep, still works…not impotent. 20 minutes later, wow, am I broken? Let me check that.
Also, advertisers and other women play on this all the time. Fiona Apple says it best…Criminal…She breaks him just because she can. Women love to tease the shit out of men. It does not mean that they want to have sex; it just means they are saying hey or getting some attention, so what? Devastating. Women talk about women like this who go after their men as "Your basic nightmare." Well, while you gals are bickering about who has supremacy of the moves, men are nearly strangling themselves to keep up. To not know this is to flirt with danger.
True, men do not need to fall for it. I agree. And if you wanted a robot, marry a vibrator. You want a man so that you can entice and rearrange his schedule for him, so then know the territory as they say in the Music Man. Just be aware of the situation you are facing. If this is your man, see him for what he is. On behalf of all men everywhere, I implore you to "take care of your shit." That is man talk for "if you are going to be in a relationship with a man, know what you are into. These are complex beasts that need more attention than your cat or dog." Eat it, Fuck it, or Forget it." The balls are in your court.
Why does he make comments about other women when he knows I am sitting right here?
Well, there is no excuse for his insensitivity. But. He is telling you something. The question is whether you are listening. If you get mad over that then you miss your golden opportunity to understand your situation. He is with you, but looking at her. When you ask questions like "What does she have that I don't have?" you may find out exactly what you need to know, but it will be a very bitter pill to swallow. She is not complaining, she looks ready for sex, she looks good in her clothes, she is a potential conquest, and she is ready right now. Your best attack of this circumstance is to raise the bar in your favor. He is asking you to crank it up a notch. "Do you see that?" Well, yes, her 32 double D's are hard to miss, but that is only a part of her package. Okay, size 1, and those stilettos are hard to miss. But he is not looking at that. She is potentially someone he might be with because she has not spoiled the mood. He is trying to talk with you about what she is doing right. You talk to him about his tie and you say, "Wouldn't you rather wear the red tie?" What you just said was, "You don't know what you want." Buzz kill. Then why is he with you? If you said, "Hmmmm…(grabbing the tie, kissing him and taking it off of him, and then slipping on the one you want and you kiss him harder and wetter) this one really, really, really makes me want to take it off again…and again…." Now, you could undermine his confidence, in which case every girl at the party looks better than you, or you could insure that he knows that he has it going on and you are in control of his attention since you set the mood. You might say, "I don't play games. I don't want to go around trying to shore up his ego and fragile masculinity." Don't bitch when some bimbo comes by and says, "Really nice tie…it sure is long, and thick, and big….I like it." Homey plays that.
If every other word out of your mouth is sarcasm or painful or ridicule or undermining, you ARE playing games, mind fucking games. And you will lose at this one. Because once that bimbo comes by and flinches, she will make you look like the bumper on his truck….this whole story line goes to a very sad place.
Why does he only last 40 seconds?
As discussed, men have an unutterable fear of failure when it comes to cumming…that being said, they are often lazy as hell on the end game of sex. Men on average take 40 seconds to cum. Women on the order of 20 minutes to 2 hours. This is its own skill….If a woman does not have multiple orgasms, then the man is off his mission. It would be better for him not to cum and her to cum 7 times. But then fear rules him, and he has to know. Foreplay is where this can be taken care of…..and then end play, teaching him the actual amount of time it takes you. If you do not show him, he has to guess. Most pornos are how long? What does he know? The truth is, that right away, a woman should actually get off in front of a man in order to show him what she likes and to insure she does get off. If you get him involved too soon, he will ejaculate and figure you got yours. Don't do that…Get her off, get her off, repeat as long as necessary until she actually does climax, and then go at it…and then it will all make sense.
What the hell does he want from me?
Okay. Let's lay the cards out. Eat it, Fuck it, or Forget it. He needs to eat. He needs to Fuck. And he needs to forget it. Let's define these. He needs a steady diet of you are his sanctuary. That dissipates with every negative comment. Every time you are the bearer of bad news, he goes further from you. If you are encouraging and building and sustaining, you will have a healthy man that will do anything for you. Simple, eh? The world can be against him and she can say, "Go get'em Tiger," and he is totally unleashed. The opposite of that is also true. If she undercuts his confidence, a man with everything will end up with nothing. The streets are littered with men who are smart, attractive, well-mannered, and good souls, and they had one thing that they all shared in common: A woman who cut him down to size. Maybe in your mind he deserved it. Maybe he did. But maybe you just took him down unknowingly and he ended up broken and despairing because his reason for living just baled on him. Men can check out for lots of reasons; don't be that reason.
He is not at all empathetic and only thinks about himself, why should I suck that?
Okay. You shouldn't. Really. But be honest with him and tell him that it is over. If he responds and works through it, then you got your man back on track. If you are totally done and this asshole is not going to get another attempt at civility, then be honest about it. You are done. You don't owe anyone anything in life. You give of yourself freely. You need to be appreciated.
The reason things are out of control is that there is no control. No one ever has control. Women need to know that they are wanted. Men need to know that they are appreciated. When this goes well, it is awesome. When this goes sour, it is fucked up and heart breaking. Don’t waste time beating your head against a wall. If you cannot respect this guy ever again, you are done.
If you are trying to pump life back into your relationship, then sure, go at it. Get him so excited that he has to have you. What is missing is that drive. If you have had to take over because he was fired or laid off or got injured, he is vulnerable. If he is now impotent and can't get it up, then you have to ask if you can be a floor show for him. If he knows he can fulfill you in some other way, he has a purpose. He can eat it, he can finger fuck it, and he can at least know that you are not forgetting him. This one point is 10,000 words easy.
And the NUMBER ONE asked question: Would I be happier with another guy?
I want to use the remainder of the writing on this one question. It will hinge on your answer to this question: Do I understand a man well enough to even have a relationship with him, and am I capable of tolerating the insecurity of being in a relationship at all?
Remember: A man is not a woman, by definition, and so what kind of woman you are will determine what kind of man you pick out as a mate. You are ultimately in control of that. You need to be a responsible owner of a male of the species. Ladies, curb your dogs. The Wolf Pack is in session.
Women often tell me that they are intimidated by this and are jealous of the Internet in its offering of billions of images of perfection, and that their men seem more interested in masturbating than being with them. Women forget that, if they were to be honest, the frequency of sex in their relationships decreases usually over time and the capacity for men to need, want, and have to have it does not. Men may get tired and stressed, but, as previously discussed, a man who cannot get it up is not a man in his own mind. There is the thought of the 400,000,000 messengers he is saddled with every day. But there is a further note here that needs to be understood and addressed. If a man is not allowed to cry or have emotions in general, then the one time he gets a pass on that is when he is offline from the Wolf Pack and in the middle of an ejaculation. It's emotional free time. The more he is stressed or couped up or made to feel small or profoundly inelastic by his circumstances, the more lactic acid build up, the more he needs that release. Guys will poke fun at you, ladies, when they say, "Well, just tie it in a knot," when you have to pee. What they are actually alluding to, and these inside jokes are rampant everywhere in our conversations, is that you've got your biochemistry banging on your door and you can't tell it no. For men, this may be the only time they have to actually feel a moment's peace.
And too, men have this constant need to re-prove to themselves that they are not broken, that they are men, that that penis still works. Yep, still works…not impotent. 20 minutes later, wow, am I broken? Let me check that.
Also, advertisers and other women play on this all the time. Fiona Apple says it best…Criminal…She breaks him just because she can. Women love to tease the shit out of men. It does not mean that they want to have sex; it just means they are saying hey or getting some attention, so what? Devastating. Women talk about women like this who go after their men as "Your basic nightmare." Well, while you gals are bickering about who has supremacy of the moves, men are nearly strangling themselves to keep up. To not know this is to flirt with danger.
True, men do not need to fall for it. I agree. And if you wanted a robot, marry a vibrator. You want a man so that you can entice and rearrange his schedule for him, so then know the territory as they say in the Music Man. Just be aware of the situation you are facing. If this is your man, see him for what he is. On behalf of all men everywhere, I implore you to "take care of your shit." That is man talk for "if you are going to be in a relationship with a man, know what you are into. These are complex beasts that need more attention than your cat or dog." Eat it, Fuck it, or Forget it." The balls are in your court.
Why does he make comments about other women when he knows I am sitting right here?
Well, there is no excuse for his insensitivity. But. He is telling you something. The question is whether you are listening. If you get mad over that then you miss your golden opportunity to understand your situation. He is with you, but looking at her. When you ask questions like "What does she have that I don't have?" you may find out exactly what you need to know, but it will be a very bitter pill to swallow. She is not complaining, she looks ready for sex, she looks good in her clothes, she is a potential conquest, and she is ready right now. Your best attack of this circumstance is to raise the bar in your favor. He is asking you to crank it up a notch. "Do you see that?" Well, yes, her 32 double D's are hard to miss, but that is only a part of her package. Okay, size 1, and those stilettos are hard to miss. But he is not looking at that. She is potentially someone he might be with because she has not spoiled the mood. He is trying to talk with you about what she is doing right. You talk to him about his tie and you say, "Wouldn't you rather wear the red tie?" What you just said was, "You don't know what you want." Buzz kill. Then why is he with you? If you said, "Hmmmm…(grabbing the tie, kissing him and taking it off of him, and then slipping on the one you want and you kiss him harder and wetter) this one really, really, really makes me want to take it off again…and again…." Now, you could undermine his confidence, in which case every girl at the party looks better than you, or you could insure that he knows that he has it going on and you are in control of his attention since you set the mood. You might say, "I don't play games. I don't want to go around trying to shore up his ego and fragile masculinity." Don't bitch when some bimbo comes by and says, "Really nice tie…it sure is long, and thick, and big….I like it." Homey plays that.
If every other word out of your mouth is sarcasm or painful or ridicule or undermining, you ARE playing games, mind fucking games. And you will lose at this one. Because once that bimbo comes by and flinches, she will make you look like the bumper on his truck….this whole story line goes to a very sad place.
Why does he only last 40 seconds?
As discussed, men have an unutterable fear of failure when it comes to cumming…that being said, they are often lazy as hell on the end game of sex. Men on average take 40 seconds to cum. Women on the order of 20 minutes to 2 hours. This is its own skill….If a woman does not have multiple orgasms, then the man is off his mission. It would be better for him not to cum and her to cum 7 times. But then fear rules him, and he has to know. Foreplay is where this can be taken care of…..and then end play, teaching him the actual amount of time it takes you. If you do not show him, he has to guess. Most pornos are how long? What does he know? The truth is, that right away, a woman should actually get off in front of a man in order to show him what she likes and to insure she does get off. If you get him involved too soon, he will ejaculate and figure you got yours. Don't do that…Get her off, get her off, repeat as long as necessary until she actually does climax, and then go at it…and then it will all make sense.
What the hell does he want from me?
Okay. Let's lay the cards out. Eat it, Fuck it, or Forget it. He needs to eat. He needs to Fuck. And he needs to forget it. Let's define these. He needs a steady diet of you are his sanctuary. That dissipates with every negative comment. Every time you are the bearer of bad news, he goes further from you. If you are encouraging and building and sustaining, you will have a healthy man that will do anything for you. Simple, eh? The world can be against him and she can say, "Go get'em Tiger," and he is totally unleashed. The opposite of that is also true. If she undercuts his confidence, a man with everything will end up with nothing. The streets are littered with men who are smart, attractive, well-mannered, and good souls, and they had one thing that they all shared in common: A woman who cut him down to size. Maybe in your mind he deserved it. Maybe he did. But maybe you just took him down unknowingly and he ended up broken and despairing because his reason for living just baled on him. Men can check out for lots of reasons; don't be that reason.
He is not at all empathetic and only thinks about himself, why should I suck that?
Okay. You shouldn't. Really. But be honest with him and tell him that it is over. If he responds and works through it, then you got your man back on track. If you are totally done and this asshole is not going to get another attempt at civility, then be honest about it. You are done. You don't owe anyone anything in life. You give of yourself freely. You need to be appreciated.
The reason things are out of control is that there is no control. No one ever has control. Women need to know that they are wanted. Men need to know that they are appreciated. When this goes well, it is awesome. When this goes sour, it is fucked up and heart breaking. Don’t waste time beating your head against a wall. If you cannot respect this guy ever again, you are done.
If you are trying to pump life back into your relationship, then sure, go at it. Get him so excited that he has to have you. What is missing is that drive. If you have had to take over because he was fired or laid off or got injured, he is vulnerable. If he is now impotent and can't get it up, then you have to ask if you can be a floor show for him. If he knows he can fulfill you in some other way, he has a purpose. He can eat it, he can finger fuck it, and he can at least know that you are not forgetting him. This one point is 10,000 words easy.
And the NUMBER ONE asked question: Would I be happier with another guy?
I want to use the remainder of the writing on this one question. It will hinge on your answer to this question: Do I understand a man well enough to even have a relationship with him, and am I capable of tolerating the insecurity of being in a relationship at all?
Remember: A man is not a woman, by definition, and so what kind of woman you are will determine what kind of man you pick out as a mate. You are ultimately in control of that. You need to be a responsible owner of a male of the species. Ladies, curb your dogs. The Wolf Pack is in session.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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