
I thought they'd let up
I thought they were giving me a break
I thought you were my savior
but you were just something else they dangled
just out of reach
they give just so much
then laugh when I want more
and they pull the bone away
(I'm tired)

they like seeing me squirm
they like tearing all the limbs off the fly
I'm the monkey behind the glass
to someone/something out there
and they're going to keep me in this cage
they're in control of everything not me
not any of us
they say what; when; and how much
I don't like being fucked with
but that's my whole life
I get what I want
when they ration it out to me
(I'm tired)

I never had any
it never had a chance
it was beaten to death
while still in its cocoon
at least when you have doubt
you're not too surprised
when you get fucked again
if you have hope it just hurts more
when they drop the brick on you
(I'm tired)
Written by noonenothingnone (nathan i)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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