my try

There she is
in the back of groove,
the beat of the bass drum.
For I am in the rumble in your heart.

Slowly I Hum
in my head to the sound of the
bass. I am playing to hear
soft ears. To see you move
those hips like a dancing
doll, made of skin
not plastic.

I look into her eyes
and let out a little smile then
up I jump up to slam down on the
hard wood ground. This mound of
rock I have built in my soul.
That will not let a girl become
one whole with me, kills.

I want that babe. I want to know
who you are, and not what.
I want you just for tonight,
but not to to get inside your gut.

Hold you hair as your smile
is against mine. Oh love,
crawling slow swiftly down my spine.
Here I am.
At last  
Written by Bunx
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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