Two sides of a girl

Don't do it
Don't do it
Do it
It'll help
It'll make the pain go away

I don't know what to do
Up seems like down
And right feels like wrong
I need to shut my mouth
Everything I say angers someone
It's better to crawl into a dark hole
That's not who I am anymore
Fuck fuck fuck
I need to be strong
I can't let them know I'm cracking
It took so long to feel whole
Why'd she have to go? I loved my nana so much
I was her little Lex.
She was the sweetest person I had ever met
She never wanted to hurt anyone ever
Everything's wrong now
My insides are churning, screaming, rotting away.
My heads screaming at me to do the right things
*Be a supportive sweet daughter
*Put your needs aside for your aunt who needs help
*Don't mention the things you see away from the family
My heart just wants to stop burning. The ache hasn't gone away
Tears keep flowing like a torrential downpour
It's going to cause a mass flood and drown me eventually.
My legs and arms itch for the blade
Though I've been clean for over a year
They're aching to bleed and have rosy red streaks across my tan skin
My appetite is non existent anymore, but I keep eating
Though I want to starve until I can't feel anything anymore
Just like before
The bottle of liquor in the fridge looks so tempting
Maybe if I drink enough I'll get alcohol poisoning since people who don't eat meat become intoxicated much quicker.
Damn, I've really hit a wall. Face first. And the pain feels so good.
I need to get out of here
It hurts too much
No one's there to help
There's no one to try and save me
I can't rely on others to save me, I need to save myself
But how?
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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