Graduation Present

Last Friday a girl had graduated. Tall, with a mane of curly hair she stood in front of her class.
God she was so proud to finally accomplish something worthwhile.
Her family gave her three bouquets of flowers, roses,tulips and lilies which are her favorite.
They all ordered a pizza, half cheese for the skinny Pescetarian. Sitting around with her mother,father,aunt,sister and nana she hasn't felt this happy in a very long time.
After they all exchanged their love and finished eating they parted ways.
Her sister went home, and her patents went to bed.
She stood up packing for the beach for that was the present for making it through four years of high school.
Waking up early she showered, pinned up her dark locks and got ready with her mother. Her older brother and his close friend came over and then the whole gang was off to the beach.
They ate plenty of food.
They shared plenty of laughs.
They took so many pictures.
Then when the night set in they all showered to unwind.
Sitting on the front porch of the hotel everyone was having a great time.
Sipping wine while the young girl sipped lemonade.
Her mothers cell phone rang,and she watched as her mothers blue eyes became as large as a does eyes.
Hanging up her mother looked to the girl and said "Nana passed away."
The girl screamed and tears spilled over her eyelids. Following her mother she started packing.
The pain in her chest only got worse. Her brother and his friend started packing to go home with us. On the ride home her mother shut down, she didn't talk, she just drove concerned with getting all of us home safely.
The girl cried the whole time. She didn't make a sound, but she cried the whole time. Her brother held her hand the whole time for support.
Arriving home her brother took care of the bags as her mother and her ran up the stairs to see the whole family crowded in the tiny apartment.
Looking down the hallway the girl watched as they took the jewelry off her nana, the woman who helped raise her, while she was lying unmoving on the floor of the living room. The girls mother went to say goodbye, but couldn't handle it. The mother ran out, and the girl followed because she knew she had to be strong for her mother. She always had to try and be strong, until everyone stopped looking. Her aunts came over to see her mother and the girl stepped out. She ran down the stairs ready to run as fast as she could away from the apartment building, but her brother who was leaving spotted her and left the car mid drive. He held her as she curled up in a ball and sobbed. He calmed the girl down enough to go back and be there for her mother. When the girl went back she witnessed the paramedics putting her nana in the van.
She went back home to find her mother in bed already, so the girl curled up right next to her mother in the bed.
Her nana always said "I hope I will be there to see you graduate." Well she was. The day beforehand her granddaughter had graduated. And then the next day the girls nana was gone. The last thing the girl said to her nana was "I'll see you Monday okay? I love you." The girl said that Saturday morning, and Saturday night it was all over.  
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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