Submissions by yourlove22
car sex

1535 reads
1 day

1084 reads
heaven between your leg's

2740 reads
From her beautiful black hair flowing down her back. people would kill and she knows that.
seduction is her name
Her bright brown eyes screams out sex.
And her inviting tone sounds the best
Seduction is her name
To her big bright pink lips. from her sexy luscious gyrating hips.
Seduction is her name
To her round apple bottom ass to her stilettos heel class.
Seduction is her name
seduction is her name
Her bright brown eyes screams out sex.
And her inviting tone sounds the best
Seduction is her name
To her big bright pink lips. from her sexy luscious gyrating hips.
Seduction is her name
To her round apple bottom ass to her stilettos heel class.
Seduction is her name
1290 reads
I hate the life i live i take shit here all day the sun is not yellow its just simply turned black i uesd to be full of life. my life is full of shit now know coming back. my smiles are gone i uesd to love blue now i adore black sadness follows me and i embrace that 65 friends in room no is around. out of the black i found a new friend his name is lonely. Will be tight to the end .He has a couple of buddys named pain and problem to. And one who cry's to if your going out with him bring a tissue. These guy i know them all to well. we where at my houes just shooting the shit.a knock at the door...
727 reads

877 reads
The time is rite

1118 reads
will be alright
Thinking back you never left our side times was hard you always did provide.told will be alright. back then I thought water was brown beating the pipes when they make funny sounds looking in the back. no yard the smell of piss broken bottles and bums to spare. no grass no trees no study breeze of air but car and truck in trouble to spare looking back then no trips outside not even in the snow i remember snow was yellow or black back then. that was so many year ago. And a blink of a eye all shit just changed. at last me and sis can kick it outside white fences things to ride no more walking...
586 reads
I'll hurt you like you hurt me dad the love i had for you .And what it uesd to be I'll hurt you like you hurt me dad some day you'll see. I'll hurt you like you hurt me dad I'll one day i'll grow my born day is here but not you no Hi bye not even a telephone ring its sad realy no one sing .
i'll hurt you like you hurt me dad you'll see!! I'll be bigger then you showing my son love more then you ever showed me . I'll hurt you like you hurt me dad
i'll hurt you like you hurt me dad you'll see!! I'll be bigger then you showing my son love more then you ever showed me . I'll hurt you like you hurt me dad
810 reads
my love
The sweet words of name echoes in my ears making my soul dance and cheer knowing around knowing here can't stop this feels i have deep inside its a feeling of life its a beautiful thing my life is yours to have and to hold. You are my everthing, you are my life. Your life force feeds me. Your body teases, me your mind intrigues me, your flesh pleases me. Being around you is unbearable to bear.Being without you I'm losing my hair. my love
657 reads
thank you
Being in a relationship wit you made me a man. Culeless as a boy i didn't understand know you made me. what i am today growning and more responsible everyday. Minute of hour, hour of second i pray thanking god for the strongest woman in my life hoping and praying you'll be my wife.thank you for the lesson that you took time to teach .thank you for the knowledge upon how to speak. thank you for the respect i crave as a man.thank you for the know how to understand to be a man. thank you for having my back. Pulling me out the fire you know shit like thank you for the sex and how wonderful it is...
695 reads
All most there 1 body we share

1148 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by yourlove22