Submissions by scorchy902 (Caitlin)
Why did you go?
I miss you so much my love
My days are meaningless without you here
My dreams are filled with you
My nights are spent tossing and turning
Trying to fall asleep
Trying to forget you
Trying to make this perpetual night end
Waiting for the sun to rise
I'm sorry for everything I did to you
I'm sorry I wasn't enough
I'm sorry you ever met me
I'm sorry for becoming your nightmare
But baby, why did you have to go?
I miss you so much my love
My days are meaningless without you here
My dreams are filled with you
My nights are spent tossing and turning
Trying to fall asleep
Trying to forget you
Trying to make this perpetual night end
Waiting for the sun to rise
I'm sorry for everything I did to you
I'm sorry I wasn't enough
I'm sorry you ever met me
I'm sorry for becoming your nightmare
But baby, why did you have to go?
631 reads
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Pain or Pleasure
She sits there
Razor to skin
Thinking only one thought
"Oh fuck this is going to hurt"
Replaying over and over in her head
Just pressing down draws blood to the surface
With all of this she's shaking in anticipation
Then one moment she cuts in
Blood instantly coming to the surface
A quick flash of pain
Making her want to scream,
But she doesn't, she just laughs
A maniacal laughter
Filling her room
She gazes at the newly opened wound
Seeing the blood pouring out
Overcome with a sudden impulse
She brings her finger...
Razor to skin
Thinking only one thought
"Oh fuck this is going to hurt"
Replaying over and over in her head
Just pressing down draws blood to the surface
With all of this she's shaking in anticipation
Then one moment she cuts in
Blood instantly coming to the surface
A quick flash of pain
Making her want to scream,
But she doesn't, she just laughs
A maniacal laughter
Filling her room
She gazes at the newly opened wound
Seeing the blood pouring out
Overcome with a sudden impulse
She brings her finger...
612 reads
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Fit in
She looks in the mirror.
Staring at her ugly self
"Your hairs messed up, you look fat today, your boobs are too small"
She does her makeup
Coating black onto her eyelids
Applying blue onto her lips
Turning them a pinkish purple
Studying herself in the mirror
"This will have to do"
Before she goes out the door she puts on her spikey choker
The one she's not allowed to wear
And feels complete and ready for the day
But at the end of the day
She goes into her room
Looks in the same mirror and cries
Staring at her ugly self
"Your hairs messed up, you look fat today, your boobs are too small"
She does her makeup
Coating black onto her eyelids
Applying blue onto her lips
Turning them a pinkish purple
Studying herself in the mirror
"This will have to do"
Before she goes out the door she puts on her spikey choker
The one she's not allowed to wear
And feels complete and ready for the day
But at the end of the day
She goes into her room
Looks in the same mirror and cries
578 reads
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We are born alone
And we die alone
The years in between
Are filled with attempts to fight off the loneliness
In the end you are alone
Nobody will completely understand you
So in reality you're always alone
Why hide it?
Embrace it.
And we die alone
The years in between
Are filled with attempts to fight off the loneliness
In the end you are alone
Nobody will completely understand you
So in reality you're always alone
Why hide it?
Embrace it.
671 reads
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Escape. or Death.
On her knees she looks at her attacker
The face is covered
But she feels she knows the attacker
It grabs her face
Squeezing her face between its hands
Muttering sweet words of comfort
Telling her to open up
Saying it wants her back
"She might be okay for now"
The thought spreads through her body
But as soon as she slightly relaxes the attackers hands clasp around her throat
A vise-like grip, cold, no 'love' in this touch
A scream attempts to escape her throat
Without sucess though
Suddenly the hands are gone
The attacker...
The face is covered
But she feels she knows the attacker
It grabs her face
Squeezing her face between its hands
Muttering sweet words of comfort
Telling her to open up
Saying it wants her back
"She might be okay for now"
The thought spreads through her body
But as soon as she slightly relaxes the attackers hands clasp around her throat
A vise-like grip, cold, no 'love' in this touch
A scream attempts to escape her throat
Without sucess though
Suddenly the hands are gone
The attacker...
588 reads
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Because of you

625 reads
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I see a strong girl standing before me
A slight scowl on her face
Cold demeaning eyes
Dressed in black
Revealing little of her skin
Modest maybe
Her short blonde hair is straight
Sweeping bangs across her forehead
She looks so strong so in control
She looks like she's got her life together
A few moments after studying her
Recognition speads throughout her face
She is my reflection
But we are not the same
I am not strong
I am lost, looking for guidance
Afraid of finding it though
My eyes appearing cold and distant
A slight scowl on her face
Cold demeaning eyes
Dressed in black
Revealing little of her skin
Modest maybe
Her short blonde hair is straight
Sweeping bangs across her forehead
She looks so strong so in control
She looks like she's got her life together
A few moments after studying her
Recognition speads throughout her face
She is my reflection
But we are not the same
I am not strong
I am lost, looking for guidance
Afraid of finding it though
My eyes appearing cold and distant
592 reads
You ask so many questions
Not knowing who to blame
Wondering why I am the way I am
Wondering why I have become who I am
Even wondering who I am
You blame so many people
Thinking it might be school
But you honestly have no idea
Now you take care of me
Trying to heal my scars
Working your way into my brain
But you aren't even close
There's no way you will ever get into my head
You still bandage my arm
Even though they're only scars
But you're going to work on it
Until you can get them better
The problem in...
Not knowing who to blame
Wondering why I am the way I am
Wondering why I have become who I am
Even wondering who I am
You blame so many people
Thinking it might be school
But you honestly have no idea
Now you take care of me
Trying to heal my scars
Working your way into my brain
But you aren't even close
There's no way you will ever get into my head
You still bandage my arm
Even though they're only scars
But you're going to work on it
Until you can get them better
The problem in...
635 reads
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My Final Testimony
I'm sorry
I know I've hurt you all again
I just couldn't handle this life anymore
I just kept hurting the ones I loved
Over and over again
I couldn't take it
Seeing what I did
Hurting anyone who got close to me
I've felt this way for quite a while
I want you to know
This isn't your fault
There is nothing you could've done to save me
Remember I am in a better place
The world probably is too
Without me there
To screw it all up
That's all I really was
A screw up
So don't be sad for me
If anything go back to being mad...
I know I've hurt you all again
I just couldn't handle this life anymore
I just kept hurting the ones I loved
Over and over again
I couldn't take it
Seeing what I did
Hurting anyone who got close to me
I've felt this way for quite a while
I want you to know
This isn't your fault
There is nothing you could've done to save me
Remember I am in a better place
The world probably is too
Without me there
To screw it all up
That's all I really was
A screw up
So don't be sad for me
If anything go back to being mad...
526 reads
Fat, anorexic, bitch, fag
Emo, peppy, outcast, popular
What is the point of all these labels?
Do they somehow prove self-worth?
Can they describe you in all ways?
Labels are too general
To blunt and obtuse
They cannot describe a single individual person
Everybody is too unique for that
Drop the labels
Throw them in the trash
There is no need for them
Look at a person, try to understand them
Do not simply just label them
You are more than just a label
Despite what anyone tells you
You are special, unique, and...
Emo, peppy, outcast, popular
What is the point of all these labels?
Do they somehow prove self-worth?
Can they describe you in all ways?
Labels are too general
To blunt and obtuse
They cannot describe a single individual person
Everybody is too unique for that
Drop the labels
Throw them in the trash
There is no need for them
Look at a person, try to understand them
Do not simply just label them
You are more than just a label
Despite what anyone tells you
You are special, unique, and...
575 reads
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Is She me?
She flexes the finger
A puzzeling expression covering her face
She didn't understand what was wrong
She didn't know if there was something wrong
Unable to recall the past sixteen years of her life,
But why all of a sudden does this happen?
What in fact is happening?
She tries to process this thought, but is unable
The brain in her head doesn't feel like hers
Is it broken?
Is she broken?
Is this real, or just a dream?
All these questions spiraling around her
Numbing her
Attacking her
Killing her
A broken and bloody mess on the...
A puzzeling expression covering her face
She didn't understand what was wrong
She didn't know if there was something wrong
Unable to recall the past sixteen years of her life,
But why all of a sudden does this happen?
What in fact is happening?
She tries to process this thought, but is unable
The brain in her head doesn't feel like hers
Is it broken?
Is she broken?
Is this real, or just a dream?
All these questions spiraling around her
Numbing her
Attacking her
Killing her
A broken and bloody mess on the...
611 reads
My Encasement
Anger, fear, depression
Is all that fills my body
Encasing it in a dark coffin
Not permitting my soul to escape
And find a brighter shell
Anger, fear, depression
Is what radiates outward from me
Causing people to dislike me
Fuck them, is what I think
Not able to have any other sense of thought
Unable to make friends
Anger, fear, depression
Is all I know
Making me unrational
For this I get ridiculed and beaten
Not only at school, but in my own home
Anger, fear, depression
Is what looms over my soul day and night...
Is all that fills my body
Encasing it in a dark coffin
Not permitting my soul to escape
And find a brighter shell
Anger, fear, depression
Is what radiates outward from me
Causing people to dislike me
Fuck them, is what I think
Not able to have any other sense of thought
Unable to make friends
Anger, fear, depression
Is all I know
Making me unrational
For this I get ridiculed and beaten
Not only at school, but in my own home
Anger, fear, depression
Is what looms over my soul day and night...
465 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by scorchy902 (Caitlin)