Submissions by beautiful_accident
Poet Introduction
I play in the macabre, the erotic, the taboo.. but it's just play for the most part. I don't beat or kill people or puppies in my spare time.
Here I stand
The back, another man
who loved me for me
Turning lover into enemy
Humpty Dumpty’s heart on the wall
What will she do when it falls
When it cracks
How much can she take
When it bleeds
She needs a soul transfusion
Some light entertaining delusion
Somewhere under there he cares
For her as a human being
Light on the substance and
Absent on meaning
The back, another man
who loved me for me
Turning lover into enemy
Humpty Dumpty’s heart on the wall
What will she do when it falls
When it cracks
How much can she take
When it bleeds
She needs a soul transfusion
Some light entertaining delusion
Somewhere under there he cares
For her as a human being
Light on the substance and
Absent on meaning
799 reads
The latest movement
It was never about
Fetal Tissue.
No one sells fetal hearts on Craigslist; I checked.
It was also never about
This world has never wanted for unloved children.
It has been about
The second a woman has power over herself
Her body, her choices, her rules
There are no checks and balances—
The sky becomes the limit.
Her sexuality becomes empowerment
Rather than a hindrance.
That is a scary situation
For the part of the population
Determined to stand in her way.
Fetal Tissue.
No one sells fetal hearts on Craigslist; I checked.
It was also never about
This world has never wanted for unloved children.
It has been about
The second a woman has power over herself
Her body, her choices, her rules
There are no checks and balances—
The sky becomes the limit.
Her sexuality becomes empowerment
Rather than a hindrance.
That is a scary situation
For the part of the population
Determined to stand in her way.
951 reads
My gnarled fingers
Covered in loose flesh
Chicken skin flesh
Discolored filthy tan
Gray skin
I could let
My burn scars define me
I could wallow
In my disfigured finger misery
But I survived.
Not everyone did.
These are my fingers.
They remind me I survived.
I was spared.
They remind me
Every day
Is not a promise
Not a commitment
But only an opportunity
A slight chance
And sometimes you have to grab those chances
With gnarled fingers
Covered in loose flesh
Chicken skin flesh
Discolored filthy tan
Gray skin
I could let
My burn scars define me
I could wallow
In my disfigured finger misery
But I survived.
Not everyone did.
These are my fingers.
They remind me I survived.
I was spared.
They remind me
Every day
Is not a promise
Not a commitment
But only an opportunity
A slight chance
And sometimes you have to grab those chances
With gnarled fingers
960 reads
On the A
It is in these thoughts
Somewhere between 2nd and Park
You demand revelation
And I feel like nothing today.
You want to identify
To feel like you know me
Or like I know you
Like no one else does,
Like no one else should,
Like no one else dares.
But I don’t.
I just glance across the subway at you
Your New York Times bestseller on display
You want to be intelligent
To be thought of as witty
To have someone compliment
Coral scarf against
Navy blue vinyl jacket
“Oh, you’re so..”
Yeah. You are.
Somewhere between 2nd and Park
You demand revelation
And I feel like nothing today.
You want to identify
To feel like you know me
Or like I know you
Like no one else does,
Like no one else should,
Like no one else dares.
But I don’t.
I just glance across the subway at you
Your New York Times bestseller on display
You want to be intelligent
To be thought of as witty
To have someone compliment
Coral scarf against
Navy blue vinyl jacket
“Oh, you’re so..”
Yeah. You are.
745 reads
I stepped into the past
Into you;into this
into what we had
and what I found
that what we had
we lost and
there is no going back
no time machine
not a goddamned hope
to recapture
the something
or nothing
we were/could have been
I loved you
but lost it
is this a cheap
hollow imitation
of what we had
or is this a cheap
hollow imitation of
what I need today
either way
it's my life
and you don't fit
quite as well as you
used to.
Into you;into this
into what we had
and what I found
that what we had
we lost and
there is no going back
no time machine
not a goddamned hope
to recapture
the something
or nothing
we were/could have been
I loved you
but lost it
is this a cheap
hollow imitation
of what we had
or is this a cheap
hollow imitation of
what I need today
either way
it's my life
and you don't fit
quite as well as you
used to.
1059 reads
my twist on the romance novel
Stacey walked into the tall glass and brass structure under the opulent sign stating “Damien Taupe Holdings,” her empty, unfed stomach lurching in want for food. She had a 10:00 appointment to interview the maverick, young billionaire in his conveniently close office for her college newspaper. It was originally Amanda’s, her roommate’s, story, but when Amanda came down with the stomach flu, she leaned on Stacey. Stacey reached in her pocket and touched the list of questions she was to ask Mr. Taupe, because it didn’t occur to her to actually read the questions beforehand.
She was...
She was...
1111 reads
missed opportunities
I can't help but want you
tangled in my dirty sheets
fingernails digging sweaty skin
marking what was once mine
you could be mine again
your eyes barely open
lip between your teeth
I know that look
you want this too
fingertip against my lips
I can say nothing
our little secret
I'll meet you out back
I check my phone
"Spaghetti alright?"
nothing meant by it
simple text, honest man
sitting at home, waiting
while I meet an old friend
for a drink...
I leave by the front door.
tangled in my dirty sheets
fingernails digging sweaty skin
marking what was once mine
you could be mine again
your eyes barely open
lip between your teeth
I know that look
you want this too
fingertip against my lips
I can say nothing
our little secret
I'll meet you out back
I check my phone
"Spaghetti alright?"
nothing meant by it
simple text, honest man
sitting at home, waiting
while I meet an old friend
for a drink...
I leave by the front door.
2092 reads
everything we had is dead
your face is nothing
yet here you are,
walking through piles of ashes
working to light a spark
I never told you
I was tired of holding you up
You were so good at falling
building up dreams
then crashing and burning
and you are burnt again
waiting for me to carry you.
I like standing on my own.
your face is nothing
yet here you are,
walking through piles of ashes
working to light a spark
I never told you
I was tired of holding you up
You were so good at falling
building up dreams
then crashing and burning
and you are burnt again
waiting for me to carry you.
I like standing on my own.
1503 reads
10 and 2
The day is done.
I have scraped away my second skin,
Foundation, powder, blush
Until I stare at only myself
Unadorned, plain, non-descript
Plain brown eyes peer through
rings of gray and brown
no concealer lightens it up
no trick tones it down
almost lashless lashes
blotchy, pocked cheeks
wrinkling creases in the corners
dry cracked lips
hint of a moustache
blackheads, bumps, and pimples
nose too big for any face
all staring back at me
I could look down at a body
striped in stretchmarks,...
I have scraped away my second skin,
Foundation, powder, blush
Until I stare at only myself
Unadorned, plain, non-descript
Plain brown eyes peer through
rings of gray and brown
no concealer lightens it up
no trick tones it down
almost lashless lashes
blotchy, pocked cheeks
wrinkling creases in the corners
dry cracked lips
hint of a moustache
blackheads, bumps, and pimples
nose too big for any face
all staring back at me
I could look down at a body
striped in stretchmarks,...
995 reads
Our bodies mesh in blasphemy
Too filthy not to be a piece of heaven
If I didn't bleed emotion you wouldn't cut me so deep
I could will my eyes not to squirt tears
Stop being a human attached to the sublime
But you pick me up completely
As no one else has dared or will ever dare
Stare hard into my eyes and see past the smile
Into the worms that dance on the surface of my soul
And you accept it wordlessly and completely.
But I,
I am in hell.
Hell exists in that you
understand accept befriend believe complete
touch grab...
Too filthy not to be a piece of heaven
If I didn't bleed emotion you wouldn't cut me so deep
I could will my eyes not to squirt tears
Stop being a human attached to the sublime
But you pick me up completely
As no one else has dared or will ever dare
Stare hard into my eyes and see past the smile
Into the worms that dance on the surface of my soul
And you accept it wordlessly and completely.
But I,
I am in hell.
Hell exists in that you
understand accept befriend believe complete
touch grab...
1004 reads
all the firmament of heaven and earth
screaming at once
The cacophany is deafening
mouth full of half-dissolved pills
attempting to silence the voices
exercising the only control I have
my life my self
and all falls silent.
I am speaking; a car
who can't fire on its cylinders
one hand claps
words are meaningless in a life
that has no meaning
I am scared
I will soon be dead.
I pull away from this.
Monitors beep in a vacuum
I float and I fly
Being survived by...
Fallen victim to...
If I could...
screaming at once
The cacophany is deafening
mouth full of half-dissolved pills
attempting to silence the voices
exercising the only control I have
my life my self
and all falls silent.
I am speaking; a car
who can't fire on its cylinders
one hand claps
words are meaningless in a life
that has no meaning
I am scared
I will soon be dead.
I pull away from this.
Monitors beep in a vacuum
I float and I fly
Being survived by...
Fallen victim to...
If I could...
959 reads
My father said if I didn't kick your ass next time
He'd kick mine
He was so sick of watching me hold my breath
Trying to retain my dignity
Not wanting him to see me cry
So I ran home for an entire year
Most of the time I was successful
I became one hell of a fast runner
Sometimes I wasn't
And your throng of followers
Would swarm around me
Stinging me with words, punches
Until I went home a bloody, crying
You made seventh grade impossible.
Eighth grade was no better,
And I still can't speak in front of...
He'd kick mine
He was so sick of watching me hold my breath
Trying to retain my dignity
Not wanting him to see me cry
So I ran home for an entire year
Most of the time I was successful
I became one hell of a fast runner
Sometimes I wasn't
And your throng of followers
Would swarm around me
Stinging me with words, punches
Until I went home a bloody, crying
You made seventh grade impossible.
Eighth grade was no better,
And I still can't speak in front of...
1041 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by beautiful_accident