Submissions by DIVINE (dessylove)
Poet Introduction
I write to release, I love poetry. Hopefully some will enjoy my work. These are my words, this is my life . Thanks for reading!
Sheldon Tyrone
I imagine
All the pain
You put inside me
Like wild fire grew
The molested
All of us.
We're the cancer cells
That spread
Within you
Like Dandy Lion seeds
In the wind.
The disease
That brought
Your shameful existence
On earth to an end.
Burn In Hell
All the pain
You put inside me
Like wild fire grew
The molested
All of us.
We're the cancer cells
That spread
Within you
Like Dandy Lion seeds
In the wind.
The disease
That brought
Your shameful existence
On earth to an end.
Burn In Hell
385 reads
I got this
To you my son I leave this armor suit
Wear it proper for it has served me well. Do your best to stay out of hell. Keep your head held high, we all must die .Dream big baby like Martin luther try try then, try one more gan. Be a man set a great example .My soul is floating along peaceful
Warm and Serene
Celebrate me
Don't grieve
I'm going on
To the next level
More than a
human being.
Souls exist
Wear it proper for it has served me well. Do your best to stay out of hell. Keep your head held high, we all must die .Dream big baby like Martin luther try try then, try one more gan. Be a man set a great example .My soul is floating along peaceful
Warm and Serene
Celebrate me
Don't grieve
I'm going on
To the next level
More than a
human being.
Souls exist
688 reads
1 Comment
Twisted one
He has a hard-on for games
This beast I cannot tame
Same old shit another night
I bent the bars with my beak
And took flight
he glares
at my
empty cage
This beast I cannot tame
Same old shit another night
I bent the bars with my beak
And took flight
he glares
at my
empty cage
655 reads
Days of my life
I feel the sands of time gliding through my hour glass figure.
The cure for my sickness is within reach
I listen and let my legacy teach
A woman can only take so much
Grow old and wise
Tough for your size
Be bold,
Say what you mean don't lean
Become a pawn, in his game
Not again heart in his hands
Your beauty is wasting
Don't take his name
The cure for my sickness is within reach
I listen and let my legacy teach
A woman can only take so much
Grow old and wise
Tough for your size
Be bold,
Say what you mean don't lean
Become a pawn, in his game
Not again heart in his hands
Your beauty is wasting
Don't take his name
655 reads
Beautiful pain.
This isn't just another morning,
Recovering from brain surgery
Has changed my life.
I'm no longer a fool's wife
Reality hit hard, knocked me off my feet
Battered women's syndrome
Is something wicked
My heart beat's stronger
Than ever
I broke the spell
The vicious cycle
That kept us together
Reborn I see
What I'm made of
Love doesn't control, reticule , spit or
Hit you in the face.
Hate has been replaced with mercy
I'm fabulous
He can't take from me
I laugh,
Recovering from brain surgery
Has changed my life.
I'm no longer a fool's wife
Reality hit hard, knocked me off my feet
Battered women's syndrome
Is something wicked
My heart beat's stronger
Than ever
I broke the spell
The vicious cycle
That kept us together
Reborn I see
What I'm made of
Love doesn't control, reticule , spit or
Hit you in the face.
Hate has been replaced with mercy
I'm fabulous
He can't take from me
I laugh,
585 reads
Midwest summer
It's hot as hell today, forgive me I'm bitchy. Humidity puts me in a mood . My attitude sucks, I'm aware people stare when I yell,but quite frankly. I , couldn't care less. I'm sticky sweaty , my hair is nappy, what a mess. I'm surrounded by idiots, learn how to drive, supervise your kids in the store! Stay the fuck out of my way!! Need I say more?
725 reads
Like a music box I unwind, love is blind, moments when I'm not searching I find. inspired by pain I push the pen and rise again. You caused the bleed in my brain, I survived cause I'm a rebel Musicality screwed into my head. Creative minds go to bed satisfied, unleashed line's I rest peacefully upon the peak. I've reached my prime. Its now or never. Severed limbs can't stop me , I'm rolling out in the race, you struck a chord. Echo's I've ignored chime in loudly. Unleashed I'm me for the first time in this era. Living my 9th life right, spirits I've collected unite . Violet rain cools the...
872 reads
Merry go round
The[font=Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande][/This carousel isn't thrilling anymore.My Pagasus will find me after I exit. Every time I go by the Carney my requests of getting off are denied with an evil grin. Courage brewing, momentarily I will jump off. Brace myself for the ruff landing, I hit the the ground running, no looking back in the name of fear.
721 reads
Mrs. Jackson
Fuck It I retire, mood swing in Bitch. I'm hired and fired by the end of the day. Everything you say about me is negative I'm gone so now you can look back and see for yourself how do you live? Come on now what did you give and,how much did you take? Tell the truth, ken your fake! I'm far from plastic so go find barbie.Im the best girl in your history. Fool stay gone the bullshit your on is benieth me. Omg watch me flee, the barb wire gates. I'm at home in the arms of my son. Yeah life is great! Go on with your hate, I've had my fill. Kill your own dreams. I'm entitled to mine, the papers...
774 reads
Thirty four
I dressed in purple instead of black. Made a stiff drink then another. On a mission to deal with your death once more. The pain never completely goes away. Its my birthday and I want nothing more than to be near you.
I'm going to pay my respects and fall apart again. No cake or blowing out candles. I cannot celebrate though I know you want me to. I
must find a way to be OK with your transition. So I bid you farewell for now. Vow to live. . Honor u&I. My head is draped in purple instead of black
I'm going to pay my respects and fall apart again. No cake or blowing out candles. I cannot celebrate though I know you want me to. I
must find a way to be OK with your transition. So I bid you farewell for now. Vow to live. . Honor u&I. My head is draped in purple instead of black
869 reads
Accidental overdose (for M.J.A.)
Im approaching the final chapter so unprepared, Im scared to write it. Document how i've failed. The prison fences I scaled, will always be. Why does escape have to end me? My intensions were Good, Love never left my soul. Sin stole my life, Keep that in mind. I Walked blindly into the light unable to fight my demons or, did I Refuse to shine? The choice was mine or, was it
So wrapped up in the shit.
It was not me that died
Im alive inside.
So wrapped up in the shit.
It was not me that died
Im alive inside.
939 reads
I emerge and
gently flutter
my wings
for the first time.
I rise
from my deep sleep.
gently flutter
my wings
for the first time.
I rise
from my deep sleep.
626 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by DIVINE (dessylove)