am i any good

33.33% • 8 votes • some of it is okay but not great
20.83% • 5 votes • you're pretty damn good
16.67% • 4 votes • not bad man
16.67% • 4 votes • reading your words made me puke and want to stab out my eyes
8.33% • 2 votes • you're amazingly talented
4.17% • 1 vote • you suck
0% • 0 votes • horrible just horrible
Total votes: 24
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am i any good

Kurt Geric Dili
Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 19

your doing great man
bless you

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799

MadameLavender said:

Then that's all you need right there.  If it makes you happy to do so, then you don't need the approval or validation from anyone but yourself.  Yes it's nice to have feedback, but ultimately is it really going to sway the amount of satisfaction you get out of writing?  Writing for the sake of writing because you enjoy it, and not worrying about what everyone else thinks, does a world of good for your soul by not getting caught up in all the criticism.  

Now that’s how you talk to someone.
Nicely said Lavender 🤗

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

Yes to what sex_on_the_joe said

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

Just curious --
WHOSE FAVOUR are you attempting to gain?

I ask because if a novice says :
*  some of it is okay but not great
*  not bad man
*  you're amazingly talented
*  you're pretty damn good

and a seasoned writer says those other choices you offered up

will you still feel validated and feel great about yourself?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 28th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 39

I agree with the opinion that "good" must first be intrinsic.  Did you feel good writing it and better when it was done?  Then keep at it, but learn what seems to make it better for you, more clear, more germane to your intentions.  You will know it when you continue getting "gooder" at it.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 3

Wow, I found a few comments above a little harsh. Isn't this site for poem lovers, free and open thinkers to help one another with advice, critiques, input, thoughts?  To therefore reach a place of personal growth and overall love of our shared art? I think the fact that you are brave enough to ask others for their honest opinions is difficult and I admire you for allowing yourself to be so vulnerable and open! By the way, keep up the great writing! We are all in this together right guys?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

I would kinda agree with El Eye... some of the previous comments were unnecessarily harsh.

as for your poems... I enjoyed the dark themed poems. and for someone like me, I'm not good at commenting on poems. to be honest I'm not good at replying to a constructive criticism on my own poem. But I give a like and add my reading list. If you felt you have fewer comments for your poems may be most of your poem readers could be readers like me. since I enjoy dark themed poems. and it doesn't mean that your poems are bad.

Also, you can use the groups in DUP to get feedback on your poems... there are groups just for that...

good luck and keep writing...  ;)

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

In poems
I am always strong
I always belong
I can always
Sing my song

Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

I'm coming in mid flight on the conversation but it might not always be about good or bad poetry/writing as much as it might be about reaching your target/intended demographic audience. Everything isn't for everybody. Madame Lavender and el_eye_vee_eye_en said it best here; 2 truths occupying the same space. Irony.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 241

I've read some. You're not bad.
I don't see any inherent wrong in seeking validation from your peers. This is a natural thing for many of us to do, regardless of the underlying reasons, which are none of my business..
These sites, large and full of people of various walks of life.. Common to be "overlooked" with so many entries & works. Nobody can read them all. I would venture a guess that all of us feel "buried" at times, under the massive threads of words.
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease"!
More so than validation , humans require reciprocation.
As a fellow "nobody", I chose kindness, so I have read some, and I will leave this comment here.
Keep writing as long as it satisfies your soul,
and know that people are harsh creatures.
Often reserved to withholding grace, again, for underlying reasons that are none of my business. 😁👍

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