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A group exclusively for erotica?

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1395

Ahavati said:

I don't see why you couldn't have both? Lepp?

And, as far as terms, I feel the same way as you do. Which is, as you know, the reason I refrain from reading it here ( with the exception of a select few ). I am not an erotica snob; I just know what I like.

if i do this and it turns into a shit show, i'm blaming you, A, and refusing to do NaPo.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17520

DaisyGrace said:

if i do this and it turns into a shit show, i'm blaming you, A, and refusing to do NaPo.

Oh HELL to the no! I retract!

You'll be fine! It's really not all that difficult to run a group, and at least we'll know where to point certain entries next year.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

I think, like Av said the guidelines would set the parameters.i dont mean that in a fourth reich kinda way

If you decide to form a group and set guidelines you'll attract people who would think along the same lines as you. it may cause you to make decisions at times when folk might not adhere or maybe push guidelines a little.  when that does pop its head, you will have discretion (I think that's the right word)

Just to edit a little and add on

there is always the opportunity for those who have a different vision to come fourth and form a couple according to their thinkings

the limits are very limited

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

DaisyGrace said:

this is exactly what i would want IF it was a group just for EROTICA. if i was running a group for poetry that was about all things sex...then we could have a section for smut/porn.

i just can't call smut/porn pieces erotica. i just can't.

The categories within the (your) group would be good but to place the smut where it fits that's all it would do is fit what more would there be to say about it? The erotica thread works well for those pieces whereas the erotica you speak of could be discussed and critiqued. There isn't much room for discussion with "Rock the LazyBoy" - shameless plug

poet Anonymous

DaisyGrace said:

the problem is that if it was a group that i was running, i have VERY strong opinions about what is erotica and what is porn (and i'm not trying to start that argument here) and i'd not be able to keep my mouth shut about it. ha!

The thing is my lovely... you don’t have to keep your mouth shut. The freedom of opinion is that you don’t have to agree. You simply just need to acknowledge that those different areas exist, and let them co-exist and all that jazz.

I’m probably in the same camp as you when it comes to what erotica actually is, and I’m pretty abstract about it, as is my taste. However, I’d be interested in taking part in something that focused on an area of classy erotica rather than the proverbial pump n’dump. A little haven to explore that might actually be quite nice.

Best of luck to you.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

Valeriyabeyond said:

I didn't know this about you
If this is true then you must have a sense of humor also it kinda goes together
This revelation sheds some light on your outbursts on other threads . Erotica can relieve tension and frustration next time instead of spouting off at each other you should write something erotic

I object to the term "spouting off", dear Val.

poet Anonymous

^ Isn’t that comma in the wrong place? I do get confused with all that. Some do it like that, some put it inside the “___” if you get what I mean.

Carry on anyways. Don’t mind me.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Okay , I will enter this discussion at this time ;

This is the spectrum I consider Erotica , as does Madonna ,
and many others around the world , in both individual
relationships , or BDSM communities :


Yet , Erotic , as well , can be the scent of a flower , put into words ,
or clouds , or the lapping of the ocean , in warm water , with a
soft breeze , or the feel of silk upon the skin , or eyes deep gazing
into a partner / lover , or being shrouded in fog , moist upon the flesh ,
or the electric spark of a soft kiss...

So , if this is going to have a name , perhaps "Smut And Sensuality" ,
or "Seductive Sensual Slippery" , or "Passion And Pulchritude"...

Erotic does not even have to enter the picture as the title of the thread...

However , we must take into consideration we all view the Erotic differently...

And yet : "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

I would feel limiting the word erotic , is quite an insult to those who view
it as a word encompassing an extremely wide interpretation of idea...;)

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1395

lepperochan said:I think, like Av said the guidelines would set the parameters.i dont mean that in a fourth reich kinda way

If you decide to form a group and set guidelines you'll attract people who would think along the same lines as you. it may cause you to make decisions at times when folk might not adhere or maybe push guidelines a little.  when that does pop its head, you will have discretion (I think that's the right word)

Just to edit a little and add on

there is always the opportunity for those who have a different vision to come fourth and form a couple according to their thinkings

the limits are very limited

So if I started the group, I would set the parameters. Is that correct thinking? People would join the group and if they didn’t follow said  guidelines and parameters, I could ask them to please follow, or leave.


I have no idea. So I need information before I can make a decision.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

"Smut and Humorous Sexual Filth" would be a great idea. Erotica is far too mild and far too limiting.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

As well , if this does happen as an overview thread , with varying categories ,
I would suggest giving those who run it , upon their mutual agreement the
ability to move a poem / image or not , from one category to another , if need be...

Not have to wait for administration , who may not even agree with them , to do so...

Whoever runs the group should be given that power by the Webmistress herself...

poet Anonymous

DaisyGrace said:

So if I started the group, I would set the parameters. Is that correct thinking? People would join the group and if they didn’t follow said  guidelines and parameters, I could ask them to please follow, or leave.


Correct. 👍🏻

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

As well , if Daisy ( with respect to you ) was too limiting in her ideas ,
and I feel another thread on here already is a bit overboard for me ,
I might start another , and use Erotica in the title if I so chose...

With my own rules , and be given ability to remove a poem / submission
if I felt the need to do so...we should not limit the number of erotic threads ,
if we have differing ideas of erotic...

poet Anonymous

Throw out anyone who doesn’t follow one’s own ideology, and brand them a crap erotica writer by someone who doesn’t neither know what they’re doing. Seems legit.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I am all for each of us having our ideas of what is legit for a forum group...

And I do have very broad spectrum of the erotic...

Just not to some other's agreement...

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