
Deep Underground Poetry

Fire of Insight
Joined 2nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 18

Just some random thoughts.


   Talking with others here at DUP, I've come across what is evidently a common occurrence I once thought only applied to me.

   I see DUP as a community, and as such when it comes to reviews, I try to contribute my share as an active member. Yet some of us don't always see anything in return. NOW, before you take that the wrong way, let me specify what I "don't" mean.

   What I don't mean is: I gave you a review, now it's your turn to give me one.
This site, or any site, should not have to operate like that. I fully understand that there are those who feel at a loss for words and leaving a comment may feel uncomfortable.
Therefore, they decline.

   But if someone offers praise to another 20 times and more, yet gets nothing back except a friendly thanks, after a while, this may possibly dissuade any further comments.

   It's funny though, maybe there should be an option that says, you're a good guy/woman and I like your reviews, but I'm not into your writing.

Ahh Gosh
Okay then, I guess.

Ahh gee. (looks down sad and kicks a rock with his foot)  


   Have you ever sent a PM to someone pointing out there typos or other obvious errors? I've always done that in a friendly manner, yet those typos aren't always corrected and the writer doesn't seem to care. Is it necessary to do this anymore?  Is it the message they're more concerned with? I don't feel the need to do this anymore. Am I being selfish?


   Have you ever been blocked and you can't figure out why?
   I usually move on, but it does hurt a bit and leaves one confused, especially when the writer replies to your comment in a friendly manner.


   The last - and most common - occurrence is the short review. You know, something like "Good poem, or similar." I don't mind if someone leaves this. It does make me wonder though - did they really read the story/poem, or are they just returning the favor?

I've been considering doing the same.


To summarize:
   Reviews, typos, being blocked, shorties....
are any of these worth mentioning?

This is not a rant.
These are not complaints.
This is not meant to offend anyone.
I'm not asking anyone to change their ways.

   They're just things I and a few others have contemplated. But maybe you have a different take.

   Feel free to share any views you may have. (Just keep it civil, okay?)  :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16370

Your comments center on the behavior of others, whether it's the method of their comments, their responses, their choices, and/or their decisions.

Love is accepting others where they are regardless of where you wished they'd be. Allowing others to be themselves is a very difficult lesson within human expectations, which you seem to be centered on.

In acceptance lieth peace. Just keep being you. What you emit will return, unless what you remit is based in expectations - then there's where you'll remain.

My .02.

Fire of Insight
Joined 2nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 18

Ahavati said:Your comments center on the behavior of others, whether it's the method of their comments, their responses, their choices, and/or their decisions.

Love is accepting others where they are regardless of where you wished they'd be. Allowing others to be themselves is a very difficult lesson within human expectations, which you seem to be centered on.

In acceptance lieth peace. Just keep being you. What you emit will return, unless what you remit is based in expectations - then there's where you'll remain.

My .02.

Thank you for your comment, Ahavati.

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