Official DU NaPoWriMo 2023 Discussion
Forum Posts: 891
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

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FOUNDERS: Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze
HOSTS: Eerie & Cabcool
TEAM NAPO'23: Ahavati, Eerie, cabcool, Josh, SummerRain75, wallyroo92, PoetsRevenge, LunaGreyhawk, wafflenose, Ljdynamic, Cipher_0, Fiftysevenhours, Webmiss, JohnnyBlaze ( Director Emeritus )
Welcome to the DUP Official Glo/NaPoWriMo 2023, those who finish this challenge will receive honorable mentions on Facebook and Instagram along with a TROPHEEE! custom designed by Webmiss!
This challenge will begin in the "Competition Forum" on April 1st. In order to participate, you must register FIRSTLY by reading the Rules & Guidelines and SECONDLY by posting the following here in this thread:
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is ________ located in Time Zone ________.
Location must be your City & State ( or City & Country if not the U.S. ) Substitute a nearby City if you don't want to reveal your true location.
Ask for clarification if you don't understand a rule BEFORE committing to the challenge. You have until Midnight of March 30th in your time zone to commit.
An accumulation of 3 Strikes will result in your Disqualification. You will receive 1 Strike for failing to correct certain Rule Violations in an entry within 24 hours of its posting. We will not warn you to correct anything. You are monitoring yourself. Pay attention to our Daily updates to know If you have any Strikes or were Disqualified.
Our advice? Partner up with others who can check your entries for Guideline violations and immediately notify you of such. If you follow these rules, you won't earn a single Strike.
Only one poem per day can only be posted from 12:01 AM and 11:59 PM in your time zone starting April 1st --- before or after will earn you 1 Strike. You will create 30 posts numbered #1 through #30 regardless of when and if any late postings occur.
Your entries must have its number on top corresponding to the date of its posting, then a title in bold text, and lastly the body of your poem. Example:
After 24 hours of posting, if there is:
No number ( or the incorrect number ) = 1 Strike
No title in bold text ( or no title ) = 1 Strike
Number, title, & poem out of order = 1 Strike
Notes other than the "unique word count" ( which is optional ) or the copyright symbol ® posted after the poem = 1 Strike
Theoretically, you could earn more than 3 Strikes from one poorly executed Entry and be Disqualified.
Entries cannot be edited after 24 hours of posting. Forum Time Stamps tell us if and when you have edited. An edit occurring after 24 hours can result in a Disqualification.
• Entries Must Be Pasted Into The Forum Direct Linking is prohibited.
• Poetry, Not Prose Entries must be in the format of lines and stanzas, not sentences and paragraphs. How "poetic" your entry is IS A NON-ISSUE.
• No Erotica Allowed Simply do not attempt to post erotica and you will be safe! Do not use language prompting the reader to imagine a sexual encounter. Do not make references or allusions to human body parts with intent to sexually arouse the reader.
• Entries Must Be In English
• No Images or Videos can accompany your entries.
Double Posting When Late We encourage you to complete poems ahead of schedule in the event you are prevented from writing and posting by an unexpected event such as a personal crisis, power or Internet failure, etc.
Follow this protocol upon your return: post a maximum of 2 poems per date until you are caught up. At the very top of each late post, attach a brief explanation stating why you are posting late whatever reason it may be. Example:
• Strike if your late post(s) do not include an excuse.
50 Unique Word Rule
The body of each poem must contain a minimum of 50 "unique" words. You can repeat any word as many times as you wish, but it only counts as 1 unique word. You are allowed to make up your own words. Titles and quotes of other writers are not included in your unique word count. If you provide the number of unique words in your entry, please type it AFTER the poem is finished.
What counts as 1 unique word : Contractions | Ampersands | One letter words such as "a" or "I" | Numbers such as "4" | Hyphenated words such as "sugar-free" | Power words such as "Freedom"
If you don't have a minimum of 50 unique words after 24 hours of posting, this will result in 1 Strike.
One Violation of this particular rule can result in you not receiving the Trophy.
Errors & Inconsistencies ( Typos, Grammar, Punctuation, etc ) This is not a competition to see who can write a technically accurate poem. You may submit more polished versions of your entries to your personal DUP portfolios or other comps at any time.
Multiple Accounts If you are actively posting at DUP with multiple accounts not publicly disclosed in ALL of your profiles + forum signatures per site guidelines, you will be notified AFTER the competition that you were Disqualified. We do not reward individuals who secretly use additional memberships at DUP to exploit others.
Using Previously Written Ideas For Poems You may convert any written idea into a poem for entry if you wrote it down digitally or old school in a notebook and did not perform any further work on it. In essence, you may use any poem you "started" and it is only during April 1st - 30th that you may "finish" said poems.
If you paused during the "note-making" - i.e were interrupted or answered Nature's call - the note remains valid.
If you returned to the "note-making" after performing a chore or relaxing, then the note is no longer valid. You cannot consult the written version and must start writing it again from scratch during April.
Off Topic & Drama Posts will be removed from the Registration / Discussion thread. Only poem entries are to be posted to the NaPo challenge thread and NaPo Prompt Comp thread.
Acceptable Entries & Writing Prompts We provide prompts available in the NaPo Prompt Comp competition likewise beginning on April 1st.
Otherwise, you do have complete freedom to write about anything you want! You will not be disqualified based on content or quality - with the exceptions of Erotica, which is not allowed, and Plagiarism; if we discover that you are swapping words in pre-existing poems or copying partial to entire poems, you will be notified AFTER the competition that you were Disqualified.
PLEASE use common sense. Your poetry, unpolished or otherwise, is a reflection of the overall talent being fostered by DUP. We would hate to see outside readers, potential members, or even publishers turned away by material meant to garner attention purely from shock value. Don't be a shock jock.
Final Award Check After the FINAL entry is submitted on April 30th, Ahavati and the Directors will double check entries to ensure viability. It only takes 1 ineligible entry to negate your acquisition of the trophy, so be certain your work adheres to the Rules!
A special THANK YOU! to all braving this challenge! Particularly to our Team members for donating their valuable time to assist us in making this the most SPECTACULAR NaPo ever!
Sincerely Good Writing To All,
Team NaPo ‘23
Forum Posts: 891
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Cincinnati, Ohio, located in Time Zone EST.
Let's get this party started!!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Cherokee, NC, located in Time Zone EST.
Woot! T-Minus 30 Days!
My location is Cherokee, NC, located in Time Zone EST.
Woot! T-Minus 30 Days!
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 285
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 285
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Holland, Michigan, located in Time Zone EST.
These avatars are strait fire...
Im feeling powered up...
The Incredible Hulk starting to scream and transform...
Or the Wolfman...
Starting to howl at the moon...
My location is Holland, Michigan, located in Time Zone EST.
These avatars are strait fire...
Im feeling powered up...
The Incredible Hulk starting to scream and transform...
Or the Wolfman...
Starting to howl at the moon...
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614
Aaaand we're off! Thanks, Cipher! Glad you're smok'n!
Joined 25th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 209
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 209
Having read the NaPo 2021 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is the Highlands of Scotland located in Time Zone GMT.
My location is the Highlands of Scotland located in Time Zone GMT.
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 787
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is JAMAICA, located in Time Zone GMT-5.
My location is JAMAICA, located in Time Zone GMT-5.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614

The Parade of Country Flags has begun!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614

Scotland is in the House!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614

Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1881
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Bakersfield, CA, located in Time Zone PST.
My location is Bakersfield, CA, located in Time Zone PST.
Joined 22nd July 2019
Forum Posts: 208
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 208
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is NYC, NY located in Eastern Time Zone.
My location is NYC, NY located in Eastern Time Zone.
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1877
Having read the NaPo 2023 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is Central Portugal (same as U.K time)
My location is Central Portugal (same as U.K time)
Forum Posts: 891
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891
Welcome aboard, Honoria!! So happy to have you back this year!