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So, how are we all?

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

I bought a CBT app, which I rarely use, though I should. For most of my life, I've mainly dealt with depression, but the last few months anxiety has decided to show up to the party and make my life hell. Normal everyday things are a challenge some days, but getting out doors helps. I wanted to get out to today but I hurt my foot yesterday and I'm not pushing a pram around with a limp. I'm covered in bruises, courtesy of my toddler, who is semi-verbal, meaning he can say some words, but can't string a sentence together. His latest thing to say is "no biting" right before he bites me. Someone send a bubble suit.

poet Anonymous

Indie said:I bought a CBT app, which I rarely use, though I should. For most of my life, I've mainly dealt with depression, but the last few months anxiety has decided to show up to the party and make my life hell. Normal everyday things are a challenge some days, but getting out doors helps. I wanted to get out to today but I hurt my foot yesterday and I'm not pushing a pram around with a limp. I'm covered in bruises, courtesy of my toddler, who is semi-verbal, meaning he can say some words, but can't string a sentence together. His latest thing to say is "no biting" right before he bites me. Someone send a bubble suit.

N’awww he sounds like a cute handful

You’ll have to let us know how CBT works out for you. I had it for the anxiety and repetition parts of OCD. It sadly didn’t work for me because I’m too stubborn and just got angry at it.

I know. I can hear the surprise in everybody’s voice.

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Northern_Soul said:

N’awww he sounds like a cute handful

You’ll have to let us know how CBT works out for you. I had it for the anxiety and repetition parts of OCD. It sadly didn’t work for me because I’m too stubborn and just got angry at it.

I know. I can hear the surprise in everybody’s voice.

lol, no surprise .

And yes, he's an adorable handful. I just can't wait til this biting phase is over and done with.

I've used CBT before, with limited success, mostly cause I'm also stubborn, lol,  but I have found it somewhat helpful during this current period of anxiety, talking my way through things, reframing things, trying to find a different persepective. It doesn't fix everything, but if I can figure out why I'm spiking I can usually bring myself back down to a manageable level.

poet Anonymous

That sounds good. I’m a big fan of talking to help relieve and reframe things. I used to run from it at all costs, but I can absolutely see the benefits of that now.

Meditation and breathing techniques are also good (and free!) tools for anxiety. Five minutes of stillness helps reframe things too.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

I've started to write about it quite a bit. My poems are possibly samey. My other strategy is to throw myself into big projects including fundraisers, crazy challenges, learning languages and (currently) writing two books. This works well for my restless and hyperactive mind, but isn't always ideal from an EDS point of view.

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Northern_Soul said:That sounds good. I’m a big fan of talking to help relieve and reframe things. I used to run from it at all costs, but I can absolutely see the benefits of that now.

Meditation and breathing techniques are also good (and free!) tools for anxiety. Five minutes of stillness helps reframe things too.

I find breathing techniques help, but I can't meditate. I don't have the time and when I do I find I can't relax. Being active helps me more, like I'm working off the restless energy.  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

Indie said:

I find breathing techniques help, but I can't meditate. I don't have the time and when I do I find I can't relax. Being active helps me more, like I'm working off the restless energy.  

Doing the dishes / house work is a good meditation

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 157

Deer rescues are up, turtle rescues are down (from last year....raccoon rescues are year-round.) The eagles hold court from high above and feral kitties rule down below. The bear & coyote are all transient. I've been seeing tracks that suggests there's a large male Eastern black out there roaming around somewhere.

The Trash Beast never sleeps, but actually got 3 whole days away from the landfill. Back to the waste come Monday morning. Time flies and I never get anything but work done.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Time flies and I never get anything but work done.

I didn't even get any work done today. In fact, I'm not sure quite what I've achieved. Spent too much time on here, possibly over-invested. Cooked dinner for the family. That's about it...

I'm SO close to the end of Duolingo Italian, and want to get it finished in the next couple of weeks. Also have loads of work to do before class starts again, but that isn't until September. I'm trying to get a book out this summer too, but all the friends who are currently reading sections for me (to weed out anything shite) are away on holiday.

I have three hours of band tomorrow, and am going to go swimming too.

poet Anonymous

I got a mystery box today to celebrate Lughnasadh on August 1st (Pagan festival of the first harvest). It arrived today. Was quite the little lift that I needed.

Can I just say there was a spiced citrus wax melt in there. I don’t burn a lot of wax melts, but sometimes the mood takes me.

That one was bloody lush. Feeling quite chilled tonight after that. ☀️🥰

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Sounds very nice! I realised today that I'll have been here for a year on Monday. I noticed on my profile that it said I joined 363 days ago.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 157

Wafflenose said:

I didn't even get any work done today. In fact, I'm not sure quite what I've achieved. Spent too much time on here, possibly over-invested. Cooked dinner for the family. That's about it...

Sounds like work to me. Sometimes I wonder if anything I do actually constitutes as such, possibly over-invested in my own whimsical short-term goals on occasion.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Nah, I've been a lazy bum really. There's a pile of washing up in the sink, clothes to sort and fold, and others to wash. I'll get to it tomorrow.

poet Anonymous

Get in, Lionesses! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Bit of a great day for women not gonna lie 😂

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

I haven't got a TV. I got a cheapo Eurosport subscription last year so I could watch the Olympics, but they weren't covering it properly (just text updates) because the BBC had a monopoly on that. I'm pleased though, and hope it will encourage more girls to stick with sport.

23rd wedding anniversary today. Husband has been working all weekend and just got in. We don't make a big deal out of it anyway, but will go out for dinner as a family during the week.

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