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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Last Quarter Moon in Virgo came in overnight, Tuesday, December 05, @ 12:50 AM ( EST ) ♍️

Gratitude is a Balancer.

No matter the circumstances, there is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude is a practice that raises lower vibrations to higher ones. Life is conspiring for you; thus, guard your associations and focus carefully.

During the last quarter, the energies begin to turn toward surrender and release. To let go of what we no longer need. It behooves us to pay attention to what we have right now, whether we perceive those possessions are positive or negative.

This focus allows us to wisely discern and to be grateful for all of it. Yes, all of it. The nasty stuff, the contrast that we perceive is causing suffering, it's already happened, and we can glean the wisdom from it. What did you learn? Now it's going and what we have left is the good stuff. And, frankly, most if it is going to be great.

Taking some time out on this Moon to list a few things you feel grateful for will raise your vibrations and banish any resistance you have to ditching old, outmoded patterns. Doing this also turns your powerful focus away from a story you may have started to believe of 'everything gone wrong' or that 'life does terrible things to you'.

Gratitude is a balancer: In fact, it normally tips the scales to the positive. Work with Ocean Jasper throughout this phase, as its properties are extremely nurturing. It will encourage you to embrace love, happiness and joy, even when you may find it hard to do so.  Allow its healing properties to infuse your spirit with positive energy to support enhanced joy and deeper self-love.

Image: Mirabai by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Wed, Dec 06, 2023: We can see through a different perspective, a new light, and realize our desire to move forward is stronger than our vigilance to a tomb.

Early morning the Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. Emotional yet grounded connections. We seek a higher plane of conversation. We feel the energy of reformation in our veins and transformation in our bones. We are ready to step out of our cocoons to spread into a new beginning.  

Midafternoon the Moon, now in Libra, inconjunct Saturn in Pisces. The Teacher demands an adjustment of our attitude or negative pattern/habit. We must be willing to compromise with someone/thing/situation to restore balance. Resist retreating to escape emotional reality or we will become our own undoing. There is spiritual evolution to be had, and Saturn is here to teach us. There is hidden strength to be had.

Early this evening the Moon square Vesta in Cancer. Emotional insecurity and doubt are unwelcome visitors in our thoughts. We see the crack in future's door but must open our grip to something from our past. We can see through a different perspective, a new light, and realize our desire to move forward is stronger than our vigilance to a tomb.

Tonight, the Moon sextile Ceres in Sagittarius. Our emotional awareness has begun to burgeon from its bud. We are stretching our limbs into an exciting unknown, ready to sow the seeds of our future through acceptance. We bleed creativity, and our minds are adaptable. We are ready with Life!

Less than ten minutes later, the Moon sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus.  We mustn't allow other people or situations to rain on our resolve. Doubt is an infectious disease swallowing our calm focus and determination to proceed. We can't play small, especially to ourselves!

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 28VIR38, 9
Pluto: 28CAP38, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:50 AM

Moon: 01LIB25, 7
Saturn: 01PIS25, 12
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 2:25 PM

Moon: 03LIB22, 4
Vesta: 03CAN22, 1
Aspect: Square
Time: 6:21 PM

Moon: 05LIB03, 3
Ceres: 05SAG03, 5
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 9:43 PM

Moon: 05LIB22, 3
Uranus: 20TAU07, 10
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 9:51 PM

Image: The Language of Birds by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
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Rainbow Waterfall

A sparkling waterfall cascades into a crystal dear pool surrounded by a glade of ferns. Floating in the air above the pools, a shimmering rainbow creates a wavering reflection in the water. Fairies and elves adorned in all sparkling colors perk through the ferns. Butterflies swoop and dip into the waters, their kaleidoscope of colors iridescent in the sunshine.

The rainbow after a storm represents hope and promise for a bright future. Know now that the gifts of the Universe are flowing into your life! This is your time. Let go of fear and doubt. All is well.

You don't have to do it all yourself. Let the Creator step in and solve challenges for you in mysterious and wondrous ways. In some be-liefs, rainbows are considered a promise from above that all was well. Remember that your life is a miracle.

Just as a rainbow carries all colors and every spectrum of the electromagnetic field, and water is the element of emotions and feel-ings, so your heart is opening wider and wider.  Your capacity to receive love and give love is expanding.

Myths also speak of the gold at the end of the rainbow; hence, the rainbow is a portent for treasure ahead. Don't limit the way that miracles can appear in your life by having expectations about how they need to occur.
Celebrate them when they appear, no matter how small.

The Spirit of the Rainbow Waterfall says:
Everyday miracles are occurring around you.  Watch for and embrace them. Let go of fear and doubt. As you notice and accept the small wonders in your life, greater gifts will grow around you in spectacular ways. Be open to receive.

(Card and message are from The Sacred Forest Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Neptune stations direct 14°PISCES53', 4th House @ 8:23 AM EST, Wed, Dec 06, 2023

Neptune is dignified in Pisces, which strengthens our response to its energy. Here we experience the spiritual or escapist urge combined with heightened intuition. Here dreams, illusion, delusion, spirituality and mystique all converge.

The fourth house is the natural home of Cancer and signifies security and endings. Our heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, and our private lives and all that is secluded are highlighted on this stage. Representing the end of all matters, this house enables us to finally take out the emotional and psychological trash that's been accumulating during the retrograde period so we can step into new beginnings.

As with any station, there's a stop/start motion that may produce a temporary imbalance within us. The purpose of retrograde is introspection and re-evaluating. Once that's complete, the planet stations to move forward once again. Hopefully we've ditched the baggage associated with the planet and sign before we proceed. If not, it comes with us.

Once we're acclimated to the forward motion, we should experience a renewed sense of spirit, generosity, compassion, and empathy is shared by all when Neptune inhabits its home in this mutable water sign. With Neptune direct, our creativity soars, or at least, we are more confident about applying our creativity in the real world.
Like Jupiter, Neptune is also dignified in psychic Pisces, emboldening our spiritual sides. This will be a time to focus on searching for deeper meaning.

Remember to allow for the adjustment phase; the above will happen gradually, not overnight. Pay attention to the energy update today to be aware the accompanying aspects. Neptune won't leave the post-shadow zone until March 25, 2024 - slow and steady she goes.

Image: Neptune by PargaCreations

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Dec 07, 2023: Rewards are reaped when our demeanor elevates into a more practical perception of truth.

Early morning Venus in Scorpio trine Vesta in Cancer. Sensuality surfaces along with deep, emotional connections. We are not interested in the superficial. Our intuitive and transformative powers peak as high as they descend low. Goals, dreams, and wishes sail through our thoughts between.

Early this evening the Moon in Libra oppose Chiron in Aries. Emotional triggers. Limitations cause insecurity and doubt. Moody disposition hangs over our perception. Practicing gratitude reconciles polarity. Twenty-two minutes later, the Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron—rewards of gratitude are reaped when our demeanor elevates into a more practical perception of truth.

Late tonight, Mercury in Capricorn trine Chiron. Inspiring yet serious communication that reaches the depth of psychological and heart-healing. Expunging our fears and inviting in belief allows us to relax our mannerism and focus on creative endeavors and amusements.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Venus: 03SCO14, 11
Vesta: 03CAN14, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:59 AM

Moon: 15LIB37, 4
Chiron: 15ARI37, 10
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:39 PM

Sun: 15SAG37, 6
Chiron: 15ARI37, 10
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:11 PM

Mercury: 06CAP28, 5
Jupiter: 06TAU28, 9
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:08 PM

Image: Mercury Woman by Caseum

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
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Grab hold of the mane! Pegasus is leaping into the sky with you on his back. You can feel the wind rush by as this winged horse climbs higher and higher, his muscles rippling beneath you. You are keenly aware of his majesty, strength, and power as you are brought closer and closer to the heavens.

History is replete with myths and legends of a winged horse, the protector of the soul. The pegasus represents the immortality of your spirit and the journey to the heavens.  The appearance of this card is a sign: Get ready for a dramatic activation of your spiritual journey! A powerful transformation is at hand.  Great things are possible in your life. Prepare yourself to fly high above adversity.  

The pegasus's rise above the earthly realms offers a higher, celestial perspective. Take time to meditate, and profound insights about your life will be revealed. You are asked to see the situation at hand from a higher perspective. Step away from the drama and emotional manipulation of others.  

Some stories describe that where his hooves strike the earth, new springs emerge.  Life begins anew. In Greek mythology, Pegasus activates and befriends the nine Muses who inspire creativity, liberal arts, music, science, poetry, and visual arts. Hence, Pegasus is symbolic of creativity. The message here is to focus on the incredible creativity, vitality, and spiritual awakening within you!

The Spirit of the Pegasus says: You're on a pilgrimage of the soul. It's time to transcend the weight of earthly burdens. Fly over situations that have been pulling you down. Don't involve yourself with the drama of others. When you remember that you have come from spirit and are eternal, challenging situations will resolve.  A profound transformation is at hand.

(Card and message are from the Sacred Forest Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish friends!

Hannukkah ( Chanukah ) is an eight-day "festival of the lights" observed by the Jewish people. Each evening, a candle is light on the menorah ( a seven-branched candelabrum ), along with special prayers and foods.

The Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication,” and celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple (as you’ll read below).

In the second century BCE, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who tried to force the people of Israel to accept Greek culture. Against all odds, a small band of faithful but poorly armed Jews, led by Judah the Maccabee, defeated one of the mightiest armies on earth, drove the Greeks from the land, reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

When they sought to light the Temple's Menorah, they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks. Miraculously, they lit the menorah and the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.
To commemorate and publicize these miracles, the sages instituted the festival of Chanukah.

To read the full story of Hannukah here: https://www.chabad.org/.../jewish/The-Story-of-Chanukah.htm

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Fri, Dec 08, 2023: There are two types of fear, when we learn the difference, our lives change. Belief in our self is a shelter that weathers temporary storms. Love's power is stronger than that of fears.

Early morning the Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Emotional rollercoaster. Self-doubt and insecurity may plague our minds, especially involving relationships. Belief in our self is a shelter that weathers the temporary storm.

Midmorning the Libran Moon conjunct the South Node while opposing the North Node in Aries. Doubt and insecurity may be emphasized. A sure sign of the North Node beckoning is fear of leaving our comfort zone for the unknown.

There are two types of fear: Firstly, there is a 'warning' fear that signals of danger, "Take a different route", or, not to trust someone's "Pie in the Sky" offer. Then there's fear of stepping into something that our heart wants but our head doubts. When we learn the difference in these fears, then our compass will be set to True North and there's no stopping us.

Lastly and right after lunch the Moon will inconjunct Neptune in Pisces. This is the peak of the aforementioned energies. This aspect forces an adjustment if we are to move forward. Be it attitude, the breaking of a habit, or overcoming a pattern of fear, it must be done to progress, or we risk becoming stagnant.

Think of Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights, who recognized that love had a stronger power than fear. In order to save herself from execution, she tells the prince ( who was rife with betrayal from his former queen, thus had each concubine executed after the first night to avoid that pain again )  an ongoing story until he falls in love with her and crowns her queen consort.

Allow our heart, filled with love, to outsmart fear.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 28LIB41, 4th
Pluto: 28CAP41, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 8:05 PM

Moon: 23LIB40, 10
North Node: 23ARI40, 4
Aspect: Opposition
South Node: 23LIB40, 10
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 10:42 AM

Moon: 24LIB53, 4
Neptune: 24PIS53, 1
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 12:44 PM

Image: Scheherazade by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
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Stag Spirit

A majestic stag stands atop a mossy knoll.
His nobility and grace are palpable. You can see fog form around his nostrils with his every exhalation. He does not need to announce his might. Simply and utterly, he is powerful without words or proclamation.

In many traditions, the elusive and mysterious white stag is considered king of the forest. With his noble antlers and his proud stance, he carries a commanding energy. This card is calling you to claim leadership of your life. Now is the time to step out of the shadows and become a beacon for others. Don't allow anyone or anything to dim your light.

You may be asked to take on a position of authority. Even if you have been in the background in the past, this is your time to step up and shine. Remember that a leader isn't necessarily defined by age, status, or income. A true leader is someone who is commanding, passionate, and motivating. They have a vision and are able to make decisions with clarity and strength.

The greatest leaders are those who know how to serve and act as stepping-stones for others to reach their dreams. You empower others simply by being who you are ... and who you are is enough. Are you willing to step into the light and be a leader for others?

In European folklore, a white stag signifies extraordinary adventures. In others, the stag is a faerie-beast that represents a quest for spiritual wisdom. These themes may appear in your life in the near future.

The Spirit of the Stag says: You inspire others to greater heights. Step into leadership in Your life. You are a beacon for others. Shine in Your own life. Be gentle with yourself and others; however, do not play small. Take action. This is your time. Step up.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Forum Posts: 16402

Moon enters Scorpio tonight @ 10:35 PM, EST, 4th House, the natural home of Cancer ruled by the Moon. I typically don't mention Moon phases outside of New, Full, and Quarters; however, we have some strong aspects coming in over the next few days, and we are in the dark season of the year and Scorpio invites us deeper into the darkness of ourselves. Daylight is still getting shorter until Dec 22nd due to sunrise being later, not sun setting earlier.

The Solstice brings the return of the Light.

With the Moon being in her fall in Scorpio, we're going to experience difficulty expressing our authentic nature. It's akin to being a guest under a host you aren't comfortable with. Furthermore, with this lunation occurring in the 4th House, it signifies security issues and endings. We may feel at dis-ease in our surroundings or private life involving secrets or that which is secluded.

With Neptune stationing and turning direct this week, we're still finding our footing. Also, Mercury is in his pre-shade period and will be turning Rx in a few days, adding to any potential disruption to our schedules, line of thinking, and/or emotional outlook.  Also, the Moon will enter a conjunction with Israel in two days, signifying persecution and potential conflict and/or attacks on our character by way of gossip or our own doubts and insecurity.

If we feel like we're on a rollercoaster right now, it's okay. The ride will eventually end. In the interim, try to remain grounded in the moment and go with the flow without violating our moral code of ethics. There may come a time we need to put our foot down. If and when that time comes, reach for reason rather than emotion.

Image: Crescent Moon by Emre

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Moon #crescentmoon #Scorpio #Israel #Mercury #Mercuryretrograde #MercuryRx

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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I love December skies!

Beginning tonight, the Moon will pass between 3-4 degrees of the planet Venus. Additionally, the December Monocerotids and Sigma Hybrids meteors showers will each be at their peaks with approximately 3 and 7 observable meteors per hour, respectively.

The Monocerotid meteor shower will be active until 20 December, producing its peak rate of meteors around 9 December.

Over this period, there will be a chance of seeing Monocerotid meteors whenever the shower's radiant point – in the constellation Monoceros – is above the horizon, with the number of visible meteors increasing the higher the radiant point is in the sky.

On the east coast, the shower will not be visible before around 4:36 PM each night, when its radiant point rises above our eastern horizon. It will then remain active until dawn breaks around 06:49. The shower is likely produce its best displays in the hours around 02:00 EST, when its radiant point is highest in the sky.

At this time, the Earth's rotation turns east to face optimally towards the direction of the incoming meteors, maximizing the number that rain vertically downwards, producing short trails close to the radiant point.

The shower is expected to reach peak activity at around 12:00 EST on 9 December 2023, and so the best displays might be seen before dawn on 9 December and after the radiant rises on 9 December. The Moon will be a waning crescent @ 7%; therefore, the sky will be optimal for viewing.

Source: In The Sky
Image: Monocerotids by Skyoye

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Sat, Dec 09, 2023:  Don't allow the fear of reputation or community standing prevent you from being who you are or pursuing your dreams. Life is looking forward, not over your shoulder.

Early morning the Moon in Libra conjunct Venus in Scorpio, 11th House. Emotional affection. Friends, goals, dreams, and wishes. Opening our hearts to visions ensures we'll receive direction.

Midmorning the Moon oppose Jupiter. A sense of feeling limited or trapped, particularly by authority ( employer, government, etc. ). Don't allow suppression to fuel doubt and insecurity regarding hopes and dreams. It's just a fleeting feeling. Following our heart through it will keep us heading True North.

Right after lunch, the Moon sextile Mercury. Opportunity for a conversation that may feel emotionally overwhelming. Reaching for the higher consciousness in relationships or social situations retains our morals and ethics. Which, in turn, lead to emotional fulfillment without regret.

Midafternoon the Moon conjunct Pallas in Scorpio, 7th house. Partnerships flourish under this energy if we're cooperative. Compromise may be required to establish balance. We have the wisdom to navigate whatever circumstance presents.

Late tonight Jupiter inconjunct Ceres followed by an opposition to Venus. If we don't adjust our attitude or mindset, we may lose out on an opportunity to reach an understanding that promotes our long-term goals. There's a tension between the desire to get out and be creative and worry about our reputation or standing in the community. Sometimes it's good to let our hair down.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 05SCO40, 11
Venus: 05SCO40, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 9:23 AM

Moon: 06SCO22, 10
Jupiter: 06TAU22, 4
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 10:41 AM

Moon: 07SCO28, 9
Mercury: 07CAP28, 11
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:46 PM

Moon: 08SCO42, 7
Pallas: 08SCO42, 7
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 3:04 PM

Jupiter: 06TAU20, 10
Ceres: 06SAG20, 5
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 9:51 PM

Venus: 06SCO20, 4
Jupiter: 06TAU20, 10
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 10:34 PM

Image: Sylvan by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Forum Posts: 16402

“All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother.

"Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb, and she in turn formed in the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythm of our mother’s blood before she herself is born, and this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through the grandmothers to the first mother.”

~ Layne Redmond, When the Drummers Were Women

Image: Gaea Divine Mother by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Sun, Dec 10, 2023: There is hidden strength to be accessed in times of limitations, suffering, and sorrow.

Our Lunar aspects begin at lunchtime when the Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. A polarity between our emotional outlook and unexpected circumstances needs reconciled. Whether a cancellation, delay, lost parcel, whatever, only acceptance of what is combined with patience will unite peace and polarity.

Late afternoon the Moon square Lilith in Leo. Emotional drama/tug-of-war. What are we resisting? A substantial awareness is surfacing, we shouldn't sequester it.  Six minutes later, Moon conjunct Israel in Scorpio, 6th House. Duty and substance is highlighted. Work and health ( mental/emotional/physical ) are linked in this house. Israel represents persecution and attacks; take care and pay attention to how we feel around certain individuals, atmospheres, and circumstances. Toxic relationships negatively affect our health.

Lastly, tonight Moon trine Neptune in Pisces. Pay close attention to our dreams. Know there is hidden strength to be accessed in times of limitations, suffering, and sorrow. Deluding ourselves about someone or thing could be our self-undoing. Allowing something to end creates an opening for space to transform.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 19SCO59, 9
Uranus: 19TAU59, 3
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 12:03 PM

Moon: 22SCO28, 6
Lilith: 22LEO28, 3
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:34 PM

Moon: 22SCO34, 6
Israel: 22SCO34, 6
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 4:45 PM

Moon: 24SCVO53, 4
Neptune: 24PIS53, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:58 PM

Image: Lilith by Lee

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16402

Christian Dior and Saks fifth Avenue coming through with the astrology! ♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

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