The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words
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Weekly Oracle: Sunday, Dec 10-16, 2023: 1. Our Lady of the Sacred Hearth
There are times on our path when we have outgrown our old safety nets. Like a hermit crab that outgrows the little shell and needs to search for a larger home, we must endure a transition that can feel frightening, giving rise to many insecurities. We may feel that our life becomes chaotic, unpredictable, and that makes having trust quite difficult. Perhaps we have fears arising for our survival. Or perhaps we feel uncertainty and doubt about how things are going to unfold, even though we do mostly believe that everything will work out somehow. Perhaps we fear that we will fall back into old patterns, becoming smaller, rather than trusting that we have grown enough internally to support ourselves as we rise to the challenge of stepping into the next cycle energetically larger and more empowered than before.
Whether the change in our life relates to our home in the literal sense to where we live or where we should move to, or whether it relates to that which once felt like our home, perhaps a relationship, financial arrangement that supported us or a group or community which we once considered to be as family to us, this message comes to us with love we have outgrown. What has been and the manifestation of the new is only a matter of time. Either way, whether through trust or doubt, or a mixture of both, there are times when growth simply must happen.
We are at one of those times in our life, or fast approaching it. Growth has been set in motion now and must happen in order for life to continue. Although there can be a feeling of subtle restlessness or even of terrible upheaval with much anxiety and fear for the future, it is not a dying that is happening, beloved, but an emerging of a new life that is occurring now. It is spiritual growth that is making its presence felt in our material world, or soon will be.
Remember that we are not only being guided away from what has been, but towards a new dawn. We are being granted a gift, a new sense of greater belonging, which is necessary for us to now fulfill the spiritual purpose of our life, no matter how this unfolding for us. The Holy Mother is telling us now that she is watching over us, guiding us through it to safety. Know that all is well even if our fears are triggered from time to time, no matter what appears to be now.
One can never be truly without a home when they accept the benevolent support of her Holy Grace. She loves us without condition and will guide us through even the most challenging emotional and physical conditions into the manifestation of our beautiful life path, she says. Unto us pray to me and have faith, my child. I am your mother and will never turn away from you.
Deck: Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Mon, Dec 11, 2023: Nurturing and selfcare are vitally important tonight. Plan a ritual bath or relaxing evening.
Monday morning square between the Moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces. Whatever the teacher is attempting to teach could frustrate and limit us. But if we utilize patience and reason over emotion, we can see the bigger picture.
Midmorning the Moon inconjunct Vesta in Cancer. We're going to have to make some type of an adjustment to our attitude or a circular pattern. Work and health are closely indicated here as well as domestic matters. A practical and analytical approach will lead us in the right direction.
Early afternoon Mercury sextile Venus in Scorpio. Continuing the previous aspects, something must end in order to gain something we desire. This aspect provides an opportunity for the head and heart to align.
Early evening the Moon conjunct Ceres in the 6th house. Work and health are once again linked and emphasized here, as well as our service to others. Nurturing and selfcare are vitally important tonight. Plan a ritual bath or relaxing evening.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 01SAG41, 10
Saturn: 01PIS41, 3
Aspect: Square
Time: 9:13 AM
Moon: 02SAG15, 11
Vesta: 02CAN15, 6
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:14 AM
Mercury: 04SAG41, 9
Venus: 08SCO17, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 2:16 PM
Moon: 07SAG07, 6
Ceres: 07SAG07, 6
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 6:52 PM
Image: Bath Scene by Naiyaruvr
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The Word Wants to be Written
You might have been taught that creativity is something you have to work hard to access, or that finding your life purpose is
so difficult that you must search high and low for it. Yet what you are is within you and wants to come out at every available opportunity! You don't have to struggle so much. It is more about allowing space for it to manifest and to let the energy flow.
The real struggle is not in finding something. It is more about letting go of the idea that you need to search for your path in the first place. You see, the process of activating your life path is a natural one. The effort is in getting out of the way, not in making something happen.
As for being yourself, that is the foundation from which your true life path will reveal itself. Being yourself becomes easier when you give yourself permission to love, honour and accept yourself in all circumstances, especially the ones where you might be more tempted to reject and judge. Give the sacred rebel within the opportunity to decide your values - irrespective of whether they meet with general social acceptance.
This oracle brings you the message that what you are dreaming of or seeking to do, create, live or manifest, is actually very natural for you. That is why you want to do it.
If you experienced controlling and manipulative forces as you were growing up, you would have found it hard to access your natural state at the time. You would have been too busy trying to adapt and get through the trials of childhood.
When you finished navigating childhood and started to let go of who you were taught to be in order to become who you really are, you may have found your life path was not easily accessible. That is simply because your true and natural self was covered by layers of shame from the early conditioning that you had to be other than you are in order to win love or be acceptable.
However, that natural self hasn't gone anywhere. It is still there within you. Now it is just about chipping away at the walls of shame, perhaps with a defiant, "Who the hell cares, I am here and I am going to love myself anyway." This allows you to risk bearing the feeling of any shame that arises as you release old emotional wounds and break away from any restraints to unconditional self-love. The sacred rebel within can empower you to love yourself no matter what, simply because you want to.
You might decide to declare, "I am still loveable - so put that in your pipe and smoke it!" This will send an energetic message to whomever shamed you in the first place, whether they meant to or not. Your message could be going to a parent, school teacher, sibling, friend, lover or anyone else that was struggling enough with their own shame wound that they couldn't help but dump it on you. You can be freed to realise that the shame is just an emotion, not a truth, and you can defy any hold it has ever had on you and your ability to love yourself. This oracle brings you the guidance that you are now powerful enough to break the cycle. It is time to stop the shame and claim yourself in love instead.
What you want to write, sing, dance or become, is you. It is natural. Drop your defences, get into the grit and confront the power that any old shaming has had over you. It's finished now. It is time for you to be naked with yourself, acknowledge how gorgeous you are and get on with your work. Life is urging you to do so, because the work wants to happen. What you want to create, wants to be created. The word wants to be written. You just need to let go of any remnants of the past that have been in your way. Step firmly over them and on to your path.
Say aloud, "I now choose to forgive and release any person, situation or circumstance that has ever been a source of shame or shaming for me, whether conscious or unconscious. I now release this from my body, mind and heart, through unconditional love. I choose to claim myself instead. I love, accept and claim all of me under the loving protection and wisdom of life. I choose to live as myself. Now. I call on the unconditionally loving assistance that life wishes to send me for this journey now. Ihonour my creative power and my innate worth. So be it."
Be kind to yourself. Say this every day for the next few days or however long it takes for you to believe it. You are worth the effort.
(Card and message are from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild.)
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Tyrant of Words
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The fluctuation of moods we experience, and the various aspects planets make in a day are no coincidence. They're an energetic exchange affecting us on a cellular level. Innately we know we are connected to the grand cosmos despite how fear may prevent us from deeper exploration.
According to Old Moore's Almanac, experts believe that fluctuations in the earth’s gravitational field are responsible for these shifts in mood. This change in gravity can create disturbances throughout our nervous system, altering levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine and affecting our cognitive processing abilities.
Research has shown that solar activity can directly affect our levels of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that regulates both mood and sleep patterns. Some studies have even found evidence that increased solar activity can lead to higher incidences of depression, especially in individuals who are sensitive to changes in their environment.
When it comes to our moods and emotions, there is no doubt that the planets can have a significant influence. Each planet is associated with specific feelings and personality traits, and these are often reflected in our everyday behavior.
When it comes to our moods, the planets play a significant role. Whether we’re happy, sad, angry, jealous, or experiencing any other emotion, there seems to be some sort of connection between our emotions and the planets.
Becoming intimate with our natal chart and educating ourselves about planetary aspects leads to an awareness that grounds us in knowledge. When we KNOW why we are feeling a certain emotion, we are better able to navigate it without a fear that leads to actions or words of regret.
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Tuesday, Dec 12: True progress is made through honest discourse and kind yet firm boundaries that honor our spirit.
New Moon in Sagittarius - 12/12 Portal:
Early morning the Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. Nostalgia may surface wounds, evoking security issues. Emotional healing is to be had if we're brave enough to face the wounds.
Early afternoon, Neptune in Pisces sesquiquadrate Pallas in Scorpio. Deep intuition and karmic return. Avoid the escapist urge through wisdom and higher intellect. Consider actions carefully before acting impulsively. Roughly 30 minutes later the Moon trine Lilith in Leo. Dark sensuality and creative amusements. Communication and short trips are favored.
Early evening the Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Moon in the 6th house. We may need to adjust a habit affecting our health or work, as work/health are linked together in this house and affect both the ego and our emotional outlook. Diet, procrastination, or ego could be the source.
Lastly, Venus in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces. Intense relationship/s. Honest communication is essential for understanding one another. We may feel like playing small to keep the peace, but it will not serve us in the long run. True progress is made through honest discourse and kind yet firm boundaries that honor our spirit.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 15SAG32, 12
Chiron: 15AIR32, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:39 AM
Neptune: 24PIS53, 1
Pallas: 09SCO53, 9
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 12:41 PM
Moon: 17SAG36, 3
Lilith: 17LEO36, 5
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:13 PM
Sun: 20SAG40', 6
Moon: 20SAG40, 6
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 6:32 PM
Venus: 09SCO54, 3
Neptune: 24PIS54, 7
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:34 PM
Image: In the Beginning by J Edward Neill
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Tyrant of Words
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New Moon in Sagittarius comes in tonight @ 6:33 PM EST, 6th House: A Practical approach to idealism. Aim for the stars with our intentions! This lunation coincides with the 12/12 portal, an energetic gateway aligned with the power of number 12.
The ability to manifesting intentions will be at its peak. Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, stopped backpedaling through Pisces, inviting us to look at our current path from a new perspective. Our dreams are changing because we're changing. By taking a moment to reflect on all that we've accomplished, we'll become even more empowered to believe in ourselves. Set our intentions for the future, knowing that the Universe has our back and is always conspiring for us.
The combination of the New Moon in Sagittarius and the 12/12 portal is the cocktail we’ve all needed to fuel the holiday season! New Moons initiate the lunar cycle and are the most auspicious times for ritual and setting intentions. Astrologically they assist our hearts to open to new energies and opportunities.
Placed in the freedom-loving fire sign of Sagittarius, this lunation is also conjunct the Sun, emphasizing the independent and party-planning nature of the Archer. With the God of War, Mars, and the goddess of agriculture and bounty, Ceres also occupying Sagittarius, our energy and initiative desires are boundless.
Remaining stagnant is going to be difficult under the influence of sociable Sagittarius, especially with Mars and Ceres in the Firey mix. Try stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something new. We could expand our perspective. Belief is an evolving science according to paradigm shifts, so don't be afraid to release past ideals to make room for new ones.
This magical new Lunation is also being enhanced by a Trine to the Wounded Healer, Chiron in Aries and Lilith in Leo. That is a LOT of fire, and the cosmic connection should feel cleansing.
Fire is sacred to the gods and used for purification rituals: Pottery is set by fire; gold is tested for genuineness by fire; and according to the immortal words of Gibran from the Prophet, "On Love", we are tried by fire:
"[ . . . ]
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
[ . . . ]"
According to mythology, Prometheus, the Titan god of fire, stole fire from the gods and gifted it to man so they could evolve by using the sacred tool to cook their food, keep warm in the winter, and see through the darkness.
We can expand this healing opportunity by opening our heart to receive and give love so that others may benefit from the healing of their own wounds. It's also a perfect time to embrace our inner adventurer and set our soul free to explore new things.
Moon magic is back on the table. Prepare your altar, light candles, burn incense, or do whatever feels right for YOU. This energy is perfect for expansion into something new - a ritual perhaps. Don't settle for mediocrity or get too comfortable in the familiar; both will prevent positive expansion in all areas of your life. Most importantly? Have FUN! Afterall, no one knows how to party like fun-loving Sagittarius!
Image: The Archer, unknown
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Receiving From Angels
“Shimmering wings of Angels embrace me with love.”
Card meaning: Blessings from above are showering over your life. Angels are real, and their presence is near - they are only a thought away. Messengers from the Creator, they come to you with immense blessings and love. All is well. Spread your wings and soar!
The Universe wants you to know:
Angels are watching over you. They love you deeply and profoundly. Be still and open your heart to their wisdom and healing. They will come to you in soft breezes, rainbows, and feathers that seem to magically appear. These signs let you know that you are going in the right direction and that all is unfolding exactly as it should.
The angelic energy within you is expand-ing. Know that you are an angelic healing force for others.
Questions to ask yourself: How can I access the angelic energy within me? What is the most important thing that my angels want me to know? How can I accept and receive even more from the angelic realm?
(Card and message are from the Gateway Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Wed, Dec 13, 2023: Limitations don't have to be frustrating. They can actually be protecting us. Altering our perspective alleviates discomfort.
Mercury Rx in Capricorn:
I normally don't list aspects that occur overnight; however, because this involves two goddesses, and could affect the situation in Israel, I'm going to. At 3:36 AM EST ( 10:36 AM Israel ), Venus and Pallas perfect a conjunction in the First house symbolizing the energy of new beginnings. Venus is the goddess of Love and affection while Pallas the goddess of wisdom and warcraft. There's an emphasis on peace through higher vibrational reasoning, especially with the Divine Feminine involved. Feminine energy is softer and much more nurturing than the masculine protective urge that's been demonstrated by Israel.
Early morning Mars in Sagittarius semisquare Pluto in Capricorn. I also don't normally post minor aspects; however, when it involves the god of War and the god of the Underworld in the 12th, I will. There's something we want to do but are not fully prepared and that can be frustrating. Mars is all about action and an aggressive urge which leaves little room for patience. But patience is exactly what we need right now.
Early afternoon the Moon in Capricorn oppose Vesta in Cancer. This aspect, especially in the 10th and 4th houses respectively, can emphasize the previous polarity between patience and desire to act. It can feel like biting our tongue not to speak or act. There are ways to move forward without being blatantly obvious. Our goal is to find them.
Ten minutes later, the Moon sextile Saturn in Pisces in the 10th and 12th. We stand a chance to be our own undoing if we don't rely on reason, which is readily available from the Teacher. Consider the consequences of all actions and words—that is the hidden strength of the 12th house. Limitations don't have to be frustrating. They can actually be protecting us. Altering our perspective alleviates discomfort.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Venus: 10SCO09, 1
Pallas: 10SCO09, 1
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 3:36 AM
Mars: 13SAG49, 11
Pluto: 28CAP49, 12
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 10:15 AM
Moon: 01CAP43, 10
Vesta: 01CAN43, 4
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 1:28 PM
Moon: 01CAP50, 10
Saturn: 01PIS50, 12
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:38 PM
Image: Painting the Night, Shootingstarlogbook_dejayly
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Revealing Radiance
"My light illuminates the world."
Card meaning: There is a luminosity within you that's expanding. It illuminates others and brings light to the darkness. Your radiance also acts as a sacred beacon that calls the bounty and support of the Universe to you.
The Universe wants you to know: Even if you've been feeling lackluster lately, know that there's a vibrant, shimmering light radiating within you. Take time to be still and welcome the light revealing itself to you.
Own your radiance, and the rays will expand into the farthest reaches of time and space.
When you shine brightly from your heart, the bounty of the Universe showers you with blessings. You are the light.
Questions to ask yourself: How can I shine even more brightly? Who helps me shine, and who dims my light? What do I need to clear out of my life so I can shine even brighter?
(Card and message are from the Gateway Oracle by Denise Linn.)
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Tyrant of Words
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Mercury stationed and turned retrograde in Capricorn @ 2:10 AM EST, this morning (Wed, Dec 13th) in the 4th House.
Mercury rules chatty Gemini and analytical Virgo, so moving into an earthy sign such as Capricorn denotes a serious preoccupation with our thoughts and feelings. Our thinking becomes more methodical and centers on solid foundations from which to build our intentions into a reality.
As Mercury slows down and turns Rx, we are likely to notice issues at work. This is not a moment to apply for a new job or schedule an interview. Nor is it wise to request a raise or sign contracts. However, it's the perfect time to reevaluate what's working for you, and what's not. It's a time to slow down and reconnect with your heart. Ask yourself what you are ready to commit to in your life. The time will come to act upon those answers.
Focus on potential achievements and where you would like to be one year from now. You can blend the questions and/or answers into the current New Moon in Sagittarius ritual until 6:33 PM ( note void of course times on today's Aspecting the Cosmos energy report ).
Gaining analytical clarity on what's essential for the heart will enable an objective review of current commitments to ensure they are still serving you properly. This goes for relationships as well; if they are no longer serving you in a growth manner, it may be time to distance yourself from them.
Slow down. Breathe. Reconnect. Evaluate. Plan. Those are the steppingstones to this Capricorn communication retrograde.
Mercury the Messenger by Tori-V
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Tyrant of Words
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✨ In Sweden, Lucia, a festival of light, is celebrated tonight,13th of December, during the deepest winter when darkness and light embrace each other like lovers. This special day, now part of the Swedish Advent tradition, carries a fascinating history that stretches far back in time, deeply rooted in both pre-Christian and Christian traditions.
✨ Historically, Lucia was celebrated in conjunction with the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. This time holds great significance in many cultures, a period for celebration and festivities where the return of the sun and the onset of longer days are welcomed. The winter solstice now occurs around the 21st of December.
✨ With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar and its reforms, the dates for many traditional festivals, including Lucia, were changed. The 13th of December, which previously coincided with the winter solstice, became the new day to honor Lucia.
✨ An interesting aspect of the Lucia celebration is the “Lucia song”, often sung during the festivities. However, it is noteworthy that the last verse of the song is rarely sung. It goes something like this: “Stars that guide us, find our way, be your bright blazes, fair priestess. Dreams with winged whispers, prophesy to us, light your white candles, Saint Lucia.”
✨ This verse raises questions and reflections. What might it be in this final verse that resonates so deeply within us? And what can it tell us about the origins and significance of Lucia?
✨ What do you think Lucia represents?
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Thu, Dec 14, 2023: Now is the time to have that conversation we've been wanting to, especially if in a committed relationship.
☄️The Geminids meteor shower will be at its peak with dozens of observable meteors per hour. Additionally, the Earth’s Moon will pass between 4-5 degrees from the planet Mercury.
✨Only two major aspects today, beginning right after lunch when the Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries. Challenging circumstance beyond our control. With the Moon in its detriment, it's forced to conform to the coloration of Capricorn. It's important we face inadequacy, doubt, and low self-esteem/worth in order to rise above these issues to heal. This may be quite a challenge, especially if the wound is deep.
✨Early this evening the Moon sextile Juno in Virgo. Wonderful opportunity to form emotionally fulfilling and lasting relationships. Intellectual conversation and awareness of our emotional needs take the stage. Now is the time to have that conversation you've been wanting to, especially if in a committed relationship.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 15CAP31, 11
Chiron: 15ARI31, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:44 PM
Moon: 19CAP51, 7
Juno: 15VIR31, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 6:20 PM
Image: Meteor Shower by Tina
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Coming into Power
"I step into my power boldly and confidently."
Card meaning: You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all you need is already within you. It is safe to own your deepest inner gifts.
The Universe wants you to know: If you have given away your authority to someone or something else, now is your chance to reclaim it. Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light. If you are holding on to any beliefs that you won't be liked or will be rejected if you step into your potential, let them go! The more you shine in your own radiance, the more others can see the glow of their own capability. Your strength can heal others and bring light into the hearts of many.
Questions to ask yourself: What has stopped me from expanding my potential in the past? How can I come into my power more fully? In what ways can I support and help others with my own strength?
(Card and message are from the Gateway Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)
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Tyrant of Words
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Keep your circle small and blessings large.
In the Circle we are all equal.
There is no one in front of you
And there is no one behind you.
No one is above you;
No one is below you.
The Circle is sacred because it is designed to create unity.
~ Lakota wisdom ~ 💫
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Tyrant of Words
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Fri, Dec 15, 2023: Utilizing a practical and analytical approach will assist us to overcome an innate fear of vulnerability surrounding an old wound. Slow and steady leads to healing growth.
Late morning the detrimental Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in the 12th house. This is a house of endings, self-undoing, limitations, and frustrations; however, it's also a house of hidden strength. Whether having to let go of something or one, or perhaps our world being turned upside down, this conjunction will challenge us to dig deep for the strength to accept something beyond our control for what it is. We will come to see the blessing of destructive reformation.
Early evening Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. Boost of courage, strength and self-confidence. We'll utilize a practical and analytical approach to overcome an innate fear of vulnerability surrounding an old wound. Cautious and slow leads to healing growth. Chiron isn't just a wounded healer but a wise teacher we can learn the value of healing from.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 28CAP52, 12
Pluto: 28CAP52, 12
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:03 AM
Mars: 15SAG30, 6
Chiron: 15ARI30, 10
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:54 PM
Image: Chiron the Wise Centaur by Smitefire
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