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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Note: Venus & Ceres OOB: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Nov 02, 2024, EDT: Intense emotions or situations can feel overwhelming. Finding a quiet place to relax the mind for even five minutes can serve as a reset which provides the insight to carry on.

Dia de Los Muertos: All Spirits depart: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Early morning the Moon in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter Rx in Gemini and Chiron Rx in Aries: Intense emotions, potential doubt surrounding our security and self-worth. We can expand our vibration and initiation healing by reaching for a higher thought and through relationships—including that with our self.

Late morning Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn: Great strides can be made through incisive conversations involving the evolution of our chosen paths. Dedication, commitment, and managerial ability rise to the forefront.

Late afternoon/early evening the Moon in Scorpio oppose Uranus Rx in Taurus trine Neptune Rx in Pisces: A freedom urge from financial constraints intensifies. Reconciliation can be achieved by discovering practical ways to manage our books. Escapism is not an option unless we want to pay the piper on down the line!  The only way is through.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):

Moon: 20SCO22, 2
Jupiter Rx: 20GEM22, 9
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 6:18 AM

Moon: 20SCO22, 2
Chiron Rx: 20ARI22, 7
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 6:19 AM

Mercury: 29SCO45, 12
Pluto: 29CAP45, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 11:03 AM

Moon: 25SCO49, 8
Uranus Rx: 25TAU49, 2
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 5:06 PM

Moon: 27SCO27, 6
Uranus Rx: 27PIS27, 2
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 8:20 PM
#art Vojtech Preissig

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We have a pretty big day Sunday, so I'm posting early.

Juno enters Scorpio Sunday morning @ 3:35 AM, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus, the perfect realm for a Juno transit.

Juno is known as the goddess of marriage and commitment. Its placement can show us how we feel about marriage, what marriage means to us, what we do or do not desire in our marriage relationship, or if we even want to get married in the first place.

Astrologically, a common-law relationship or a civil partnership also constitutes a marriage, as does any long-term living arrangement.

Juno's role in our birth charts signifies the attributes we desire in a lifelong partner and the characteristics we offer in return. Distinct from Venus, which rules over our early romantic interests, Juno probes further, uncovering the underlying principles that form the basis of enduring partnerships.

As Juno enters the compelling and enigmatic sign of Scorpio, it heralds a powerful blend that invites us to delve into the realms of deep intimacy and dedication. Individuals with this astrological placement experience an intense longing for a soulmate, a quest that is not just a mere wish but an earnest desire echoing at the essence of their being.

Scorpio, governed jointly by Pluto and Mars, is a fixed water sign known for profound emotional intensity. Those with Juno in Scorpio crave a partnership that transcends the superficial, aiming for a profound and transformative bond with their partner.

These individuals seek a deeply committed, fiercely loyal, and utterly honest relationship—one that strips away all pretenses and uncovers the essence of their being.

Juno's natal placement in Scorpio is characterized by deep intensity and a dramatic flair, mirroring the sign's connection with transformative and intense energies. Relationships under this influence are imbued with a potent passion and seek a connection that goes beyond the physical realm, exploring the psychological and spiritual depths to reveal the hidden aspects of their partner's psyche.

Often, this placement fosters an intuitive connection, allowing for a profound comprehension of a partner's silent emotions and innermost yearnings. The dual nature of Scorpionic influences is evident.

If your natal Juno is in Scorpio, as mine is, you can read about the placement in the full article: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

#art Caitlyn Grabenstein

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Note: The Moon, Venus, Ceres and Medea are OOB
Understanding OOB Planets: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Moon enters Sagittarius overnight @ 1:19 AM EDT, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun. Void of Course time: 12:51 AM - 1:20 AM EDT

Understanding Lunar Void of Course: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

With the Moon being in Sagittarius, our emotions become more idealistic. This is due to Sagittarius being a free-spirited and inquisitive sign, known for its adventurousness, optimism, exuberance, open-mindedness, and sincerity.

Sagittarius encompasses the Explorer Archetype and is undaunted by potential failure.  Throwing caution to the wind, warnings about stumbling blocks or practicality are mostly ignored. This lunar sign prefers wide-open spaces and that includes the confines of the mind. Afterall, you only live once, and life is to be discovered, despite their propensity for being periodically careless or reckless.  

During the Moon's transit through Sagittarius, our outlook on love doesn't mirror alternate fire signs ( Aries & Leo ). They view it as they view life, as an adventure and the thrill of discovery without the emotional submersion. These lunar natives require a lot of independence and personal space in order to thrive.

Our Moon sign reflects how we nurture ourselves, symbolizing our comfort zone and sense of safety. In contrast to the sun, which is governed by logic and the divine masculine, the Moon evokes a primal, psychic sensation. It's one of the most intimate and safeguarded parts of the astrological chart; while it may not always be apparent, it steers us with its nocturnal intuition.

For more information on the Moon in Sagittarius transit or Natal, please visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art William Russell Flint

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Notes: Daylight Savings Time Begins—Fall back an hour.
Moon, Venus, Ceres, and Medea are OOB: https://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Nov 03, 2024, EDT: Today could present obstinate challenges. Exercise patience and don't succumb to emotional outburst or cut your own nose off to spite your face.

Moon enters Sagittarius; Mars enters Leo; Juno enters Scorpio: https://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Today's going to reflect a rebellious and passive-aggressive energy where we may find ourselves, and others, resisting orders, suggestions, and/or advice, even from wise council. Guard against becoming insubordinate and unwilling to compromise with others. Doing so misses and opportunity for healing by surrendering to a greater good than ego.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):

Mars: 20CAN45, 9
Pluto: 29CAP45, 3
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:37 AM

Venus: 20SAG16, 1
Jupiter Rx: 20PIS16, 7
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 10:25 AM

Venus: 20SAG19, 12
Chiron Rx: 20ARI19, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:22 AM

#art Babette Deutsch

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#CollectiveCasting Tarot Card & Celestial Schedule ( Image in the next post ) of the Week, Sun, Nov 03 - Nov 09, 2024: VIII. STRENGTH, representing the dynamic life force rising to be integrated and liberated through acceptance and non-resistance.

Keywords: Patience, Perseverance, Compassion, Courage, Influence, and Health

This card is so apropos for the week of the U.S. election and arrives with a message that we are able to withstand any storm we face.  This week, I don't feel it's going to be one-side-or-the-other that will bemoan the outcome. I feel that the collective as a whole is going to face challenges within its own psyche.

The only way through these challenges isn't to buck the circumstances we may face, but to believe we have the strength to endure them, and that love will illuminate our path should we choose to step within and through each moment rather than resisting what is.

What we resist persists. Circumstances beyond our control are the best teachers of patience and an acceptance that leads to peace. There, in that peace, we may just discover something of ourselves, or of the world that we had been unaware we were seeking all along.

Blessings are ensured and will be greater than any malignant reaction that we may be tempted to demonstrate.

Message: Channeled
Deck & Artist: The Dreamkeepers Tarot by Liz Huston

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Cont from above

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For those of you who may be confused because you know my actual birthdate isn't until Tuesday, Nov 05: I will experience my Solar Return ( SR ) tonight, November 03. This is because of the phenomenon of precession, the wobble in Earth's tilt, resulting in a slight discrepancy of a day or two in the exact timing of our SR "around" by not necessarily on our birthday.

Our SR can differ from our birthdate because it marks the exact moment the Sun returns to the same degree, minute, and second it was at the time of our birth. Which is why it's so important to learn when our SR is. Those who think their SR is on their exact birthdate and time could be missing valuable guidance for the upcoming year.

Regardless of how we feel about our birthday, there's a magic energy that encompasses our Spiritual Homecoming to our origins in Earth.

Each year we age, profound changes occur due to experience. We're constantly growing new skin while shedding the old. Just as the Aries zero-degree marks the beginning of a new astrological year, our SR is a perfect time to reflect on the previous year and ask ourselves what we need to change, leave behind, or keep while moving forward.  

Like a New Moon, it's very important to set intentions that will reflect our spiritual growth. A long time ago, I was told that whatever we were doing on New Year's Day would reflect our year ahead. I attribute this saying more to our SR rather than New Year's Day or even the beginning of the Astrological New Year.

By examining the position of planets and houses within our SR chart, we can practically pinpoint focal points, potential obstacles, and prospects for the upcoming year. Many, especially astrologers, align their birthday festivities or journeys with their SR chart rather than their birthdate due to the beneficial energies to optimize goals.

Because astrology is all about patterns and the movements of the planets, our SR is a form of predictive astrology to garner insight what kind of year we'll experience based on where the planets are currently placed. The angles and aspects the Sun is making can reveal the primary themes, talents, and obstacles we may encounter.

It's also not uncommon for our SR to occur in a different house or make different aspects and angles to other planets than it was at birth. For example, your natal chart may indicate that your Sun is in the second house; however, your SR indicates the fifth house of self-expression and passion; thus, the main theme of the year ahead will be on fun, romance, and passionate creativity.

We also need to check the planetary aspects and angles our SR is making.  For example, if Venus, goddess of love, is conjunct the Sun in Scorpio in the fifth house, this may indicate an opportunity to deepen our appreciation of beauty, pleasure, and self-worth to reach a more intense level of gratitude; thus, a new depth of awareness could emerge through passionate creativity.

The rising sign can also indicate how we will approach the coming year. For example, if the rising sign of an SR is in Cancer, representing comfort, family, tribe, and nurturing, it could indicate that we would benefit from paying attention to and connecting with our emotions by nurturing our emotional needs with the help of our family and/or tribe.

A Solar Return is a valuable compass to assist our navigation through the next 365 days. Because I am aware of this knowledge and desire to pay it forward, my Solar Return gift to YOU is to gift you the exact day, degree, minute, and second of your Solar Return!

To request your Solar Return Chart: inspiritualservice.com/readings-and-reports

Please include the following information when requesting:

- Birthdate
- Birthtime
- Birthplace
- Year ( 2024/2025) Requested**

This gift is available year-round; however, I may need adequate time to prepare your chart, so make certain you request ahead of your Solar Return! Those who have already experienced their SR can still benefit from this knowledge and course-correct!

Request: http://inspiritualservice.com/readings-and-reports

**Those who have recently or will be celebrating their SR soon will want to choose 2024; however, those whose who will be celebrating later next year may want to choose 2025.

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Mars enters Leo tonight @ 11:10 PM EST, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars.

This is a brief stint through Leo, as Mars will turn retrograde December 6th ( right around the time the election votes are being certified ), before traveling OOB on December 30th and re-enter Cancer on Jan 06, 2025.


Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio, symbolizing action, an aggressive urge, initiative, and vitality. It embodies our primal nature, desires, and sexual drive. It also reflects our ambitions, competitive spirit, and confrontations with mortality.

Mars is known to oversee surgical procedures, military operations, accidents, inflammations, and injuries. Traditionally known as the lesser malefic, the influence of Mars is typically sudden, forceful, and disruptive. Its power may result in destructive actions or, conversely, be channeled into courage and resilience. The position of Mars in an astrological chart highlights the areas where an individual's energy is most fervently exerted.


The majestic Lion inspires ambition, romance, generosity, optimism, and self-confidence, along with numerous other positive qualities! During this time, people with Mars in Leo may feel more energetic and powerful and may be more likely to express their individuality and creativity, as Leo embodies the 'Creator' Archetype.

As a fixed fire sign, Leos are powerful, courageous, and eager to conquer everything they set their minds to. Compassion and big-heartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership are the four main characteristics of the Lion.

Mars in Leo: Fire, passion


#art Mark Arian

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Until my dying breath.

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Note: Moon, Venus, Ceres, and Medea are all OOB: https://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Nov 04, 2024, EDT: Trusting our intuition can lead us down a healing path we weren't expecting.

Early afternoon the Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: Time to pay attention to our finances. Setting a holiday budget will help maintain stress levels.

Midafternoon the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Pallas in Sagittarius oppose Jupiter Rx in Gemini trine Chiron Rx in Aries: Utilizing wisdom in precautionary measures in both personal and professional life pays off in the long run. Travel may be in the near future as well as new beginning through some emotional healing. Trust your intuition.

This evening the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Venus in Sagittarius, highlighting marriage, partnerships and social engagements. Socializing could be on the menu tonight.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):  

Sun: 12SCO47, 10
Saturn Rx: 12PIS47, 2
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:36 PM

Moon: 19SAG50, 10
Pallas: 19SAG50, 10
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 2:53 PM

Moon: 20SAG10, 9
Jupiter Rx: 20GEM10, 3
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 3:22 PM

Moon: 20SAG16, 9
Chiron Rx: 20ARI16, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 3:44 PM

Moon: 21SAG54, 7
Venus: 21SAG54, 7
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 2:53 PM

#art Victor Nizovtsev

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Now that we're firmly rooted in Scorpio season, the SECOND DECAN OF SCORPIO actually began Saturday; however, there's been a LOT to post over the last two days!

Second Decan of Scorpio dates: NOV 02 - 11.

The influence of Neptune, known for its sensitivity, when combined with Pluto in Scorpio, tends to highlight an idealistic nature. This astrological aspect often leads one to be generous and altruistic, both in professional settings and personal relationships.

You possess the exceptional qualities of a great teacher, healer, or physician, with a natural talent for motivating and aiding others. Finding profound significance in your relationships is of great importance to you.

Romance and intensity define you, and love is your fulfillment. Achieving contentment in love unlocks your potential in life's other facets.

Luck often arrives unexpectedly, often through interactions with others. If you're someone who struggles with patience, the gradual progression of life's events can be challenging.; however, over age and experience you learn the benefits of exercising patience.

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Quality over quantity.

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Note: Moon, Venus, Ceres, and Medea OOB: https://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles
Moon enters Capricorn: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Nov 05, 2024, EDT: New beginnings abound today when we trust the process of transformation and believe everything happens for the greater good.

Early morning Jupiter Rx in Gemini oppose Pallas Athene in Sagittarius: We can reconcile polarities and double opportunities through strategic wisdom and relation/partnerships in order to move into a new phase.

Late morning the OOB Moon in Capricorn inconjunct Mars in Leo sextile Juno in Scorpio:  We may need to adjust our emotional response to life by facing our fears and trusting in the transformative process that, yes, ends something; however, also brings new beginnings in regard to our hopes and dreams. Profound relationships and committed partnerships can flourish.

This evening the OOB Moon in Capricorn square Vesta in Libra: Trusting in our bone-knowing intuition will reveal that everything happens for the good of all. When we trust the process, the light within us is rekindled and life becomes filled with self-expression, joy, confidence, and creativity.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):  

Jupiter: 20GEM06, 7
Pallas: 20SAG06, 1
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 8:30 AM

OOB Moon: 00CAP30, 1
Mars: 00LEO30, 8
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:15 AM

OOB Moon: 14CAP33, 8
Vesta: 04LIB33, 5
Aspect: Square
Time: 6:54 PM

OOB Moon: 00CAP48, 1
Juno: 00SCO49, 11
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 11:50 AM

#art Vladimir Davidenko

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"Women were the first diviners, and goddesses, the first symbols of destiny. The Moirae of Greek mythology were a triad of crones who were said to spin, weave, and cut the thread of fate.

The spinning wheel has many layers of meaning as the wheel of time and fortunes, of birth and life and death, of the passing of the seasons, of the cycling of all things, and the creation of form (thread) from chaos (rough wool).

In Hopi and other mythologies, "Spider Grandmother" gives advice, weaves a magic web, and provides medicinal cures. It is empowering for women to recall such archetypes of our abilities to weave our destinies.

She weave
She spin
She gather, she
The morning
And night of me
Budding spring
And swelling summer
Chilling winter
Weaveth she
Up and outer
Down and inner
Weave and gather
Silent spinner
Spider woman
Spinning three
Timeless times
Of destiny..."

Excerpt from Ariadne's Thread, Shekhinah Mountainwater
Art: Shaman Spider Woman by Susan Seddon Boulet

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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@followers: We're currently in a Lunar void-of-course until the Moon enters Capricorn this morning @ 10:17 AM EST • Void-of-course time began at 2:23 AM.

Understanding Lunar Void of Course: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Embodying the Ruler archetype, Capricorn offers the Moon an ideal setting to express her utmost organization, practicality, and business acumen. However, it's also a realm that can prompt the pessimistic side of us.  

As the Moon passes through Capricorn, we find our goals taking on greater significance. It becomes clear that this is the moment to manage family duties and business affairs, as well as to bring order to aspects of our lives that have become disorganized or unsettled.

Our Moon sign reflects how we nurture ourselves, symbolizing our comfort zone and sense of safety. In contrast to the sun, which is governed by logic and the divine masculine, the Moon evokes a primal, psychic sensation.

It's one of the most intimate and safeguarded parts of the astrological chart; while it may not always be apparent, it steers us with its nocturnal intuition.

For more information on the Moon in Capricorn transit or Natal, please visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Olga Suvorova

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