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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
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Super New Moon in Pisces is the third and final New Moon after Winter Solstice and will reach perfection overnight @ 5:00 AM EST. This lunation is considered a Super Moon because the Moon is at its closest to Earth, portending amplified energy.

According to the Farmer's Almanac, its name originates from the Native American tradition of giving distinctive names to each recurring full moon based on natural events. It is believed that the name worm moon was chosen because it typically occurs around the time when the winter soil (and tree bark) begin to soften and worms and other critters begin to emerge. The worm moon was seen as an early indication of spring's arrival and the colder months' conclusion.

This lunation marks the beginning of a cycle of action where a new "seed" is born within us. This seed is still invisible and unknown but is accompanied by a feeling of openness and a sense that anything is possible.

As Pisces season reaches its peak, this powerful new moon offers us a fresh start and ideal opportunity to connect with our inner wisdom. Surrendering to the journey ahead of us is imperative.

Imagine what we could achieve if we had no fear of failure. Pisces season is the final stage of our creative vision before the Astrological New Year kicks off on March 19, 2024, when the sun enters Aries. Moreover, the new moon in Pisces is the last lunar event before eclipse season begins, so it’s a great time to seal our intentions in a bottle and let them float on the cosmic ocean.

With Pisces representing the spiritual or escapist urge, we may tend to crave sleep, meditation, prayer, drugs, or alcohol which will allow us to escape from the harshness of reality. Now is when we're most susceptible to emotional assaults because we've escaped reality for a dreamy and/or nostalgic illusion; thus, we are most impressionable.

HOWEVER, it's also when we can become our most spiritual because our boundaries are at their lowest and understanding, compassion, intuition, and sensitivity to those less fortunate arise. Therefore, it's imperative we find a balance between the escapist and spiritual urge as a form of protection.

Attending a spiritual event, group, or a close circle of friends can provide that balance to keep us both grounded in reality while allowing our dreams, visions, and goals to take center stage.

It is a perfect time to begin to consider new ventures, projects, connections and to form goals. Especially with an energetic, waxing crescent Moon in Aries following in the path to fuel determination.

If we're unable to see the full picture and experience apprehension in taking steps, then is best to remain open to all the possibilities. There is nothing wrong with taking time to discover what we really want or need before moving in a new direction.

We can simply develop and visualize our intentions.

#art Liz Huston

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Tyrant of Words
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Mercury enters Aries this evening @ 11:03 PM, 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury, a house of substance and duty showing work, health, and habits. It indicates career, employees, tenants, servants, pets, and dependents. This house also highlights the service given to others. Here work and health are closely related.

Mercury is the prince of intellect, communication, avenues of expression, and patron of travelers. He possesses reasoning ability, awareness, and rules the brain, sight, mouth, and tongue among many other body parts, including ALL hormones. As the bearer of the caduceus, he holds healing power and has the ability to transcend dimensions.

Mercury's action can be knee-jerk, uncertain, and sometimes volatile under certain influences. Where we find Mercury in our chart indicates where and how we communicate best.


Aries is associated with quick changes and sudden forks in the road. Their life is marked by arriving at a certain place and then being turned in a new direction. Life is adventurous!

There is a dynamic restlessness to the Aries character. With the Sun in this sign, you are an activist and doer. If you have a new plan or idea—you can't wait to plunge in! The amusing little prayer, "Grant me patience NOW!" is typical of the Arien attitude.

When others first meet them, their instant impression is of something exciting, vibrant, talkative. Others will be lucky if they can get a word in edgewise. If someone brings up a topic, they will be delighted to tell in great detail exactly what they think about it.

Aries gravitate toward the center of action. They are audacious and intent on getting their own way. Since their nature is to express power, they treat opposition as an annoyance to be brushed out of the way. They are a natural leader who exudes self-confidence.

They are generous about helping others in a crisis. They are openhearted and share ideas and advice, and will even pick up the check. They are uninterested in the small and petty!

Mercury in Aries

It's not difficult to figure out how this transit will play out! Our attention to details and styles of communication become more proactive, improves, and increases. And what I mean by increases is not just substance but speed.

When Mercury is transiting through Aries, we need to keep a tight rein on our temperament, or we may find our actions more impulsive, hot-headed, and aggressive than we realize. Because Mercury indicates short-term trips, this applies to travel as well, or we may discover ourselves in the midst of road-rage.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, the God of War. This transit heralds' fresh ideas and an eagerness to begin; however, Aries is not known for long periods of effort and concentration to complete what they begin. Short-term projects and goals are more favored during this period.

Mercury in Aries Natal:

The keyword for this natal placement is "Impulsive". You are imaginative, and you have good foresight and a desire to be first in everything. You can express yourself easily and you can improvise beautifully. At times you use your nervous energies cuttingly or even sarcastically.

Impetuous and impulsive, you may tend to sudden shifts and changes of viewpoint This placement is not well adapted for sustained mental effort; therefore, you need to cultivate patience and learn to not be impatient with delays.

Witty, inventive, and quick on the trigger your ideas are original. You can be combative and love a good debate. Sometimes you can be too headstrong or too self-centered. If there are challenging aspects from Mercury to Jupiter in your chart, you are prone to exaggeration and tend to look at the world as you wish it to be, not as it really is.

Many fixed planets in our chart will help to stabilize this placement.

#art: Kate Morgan Art

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Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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#Aspectingthecosmos, Sun, Mar 10, 2024: Deep conversations and analytical thinking bring about answers. Regeneration of an idea may surface.    

Daylight Savings Time: Spring Forward into Spring one hour

Super Moon in Pisces: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Moon enters Aries: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the Moon in Pisces conjunct Hygiea in the 11th House: Emphasis is on hopes, dreams, wishes, and friends. If circumstances beyond our control arise, accept them in peace.

Lunchtime brings a square between the Moon and Vesta in Gemini: Emotional challenges within the home or workplace are likely. Fan the flame of a goal or dream with the knowledge that any challenge is merely a step under disguise.

Midafternoon the Moon conjunct Neptune, 8th House: We have a choice, we can succumb to the spiritual or escapist urge. Endings are often painful; however, what's more painful is holding on so it can become a new beginning.

Early evening Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius: Deep conversations and analytical thinking bring about answers. Regeneration of an idea may surface.  

Tonight, the Moon, now in Aries, conjunct Mercury in Aries, 6 House:  Emotionally energized. Perfect time for study, organizing, analyzing, and evaluating our lives or business. Work and health are linked in this environment, take care.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 23PIS36, 11
Hygiea: 23PIS36, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 10:14 AM

Moon: 25PIS00, 10
Vesta: 25PIS00, 1
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:26 PM

Moon: 27PIS06, 8
Neptune: 27PIS, 8
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 3:45 PM

Mercury: 01ARI27, 8
Pluto: 01AQU27, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 6:20 PM

#art Kate Morgan Art

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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The Year of the Wood Dragon has landed, heralding it's time to get busy. Happy Super New Moon in Pisces!

Collective Casting Card of the Week, March 10 - 16, 2024: 17. LEO - I WILL / XIII AVEBURY MATRIARCH

17. LEO - I WILL, equivalent, STRENGTH

"It is better to be looked over than overlooked."

This is the card of honor and strength.

Proud and strong, those born under the sign of Leo are all about integrity. They are ruled by the sun, which is a light and a force we cannot live without. We would be left in darkness. Like the sun, Leos are warm and vital personalities. They intend to make their mark on the world. They have a secret wish to be admired, and they want their time on Earth to mean something. Not willing to be another link in the chain, Leos want to stand apart from the rest. Some may be known for their dramatic beauty, while others are clowns, or at least the life of the party.

The sign of Leo reigns over children, creativity, the stage, and the public arena. Leos make great actors, television workers, book publishers, artists, salespersons, and posers. What they do must count and be unique. To overlook a Leo brings about great resentment in him or her, but generally Leos are too proud to ever say anything.

When the Leo card comes up in a reading, expect to be at the center of something and be recognized. It may be to do with awards, a television appearance at a conference or a public forum, or any place where people gather. Your talents are about to be singled out for special recognition. Creativity should be a part of this endeavor. Children or youth or the young at heart may figure in too.

This is a time for standing out and making sure you are counted. You are going to be appreciated for your unique qualities. It is about to happen. Your life is soon to be filled with creative fun, optimism, and youthful adventure.


This is a card of strength and healing to become honorable.

This Dragon comes in with the strength and power to delve deep into our ancestral past and bring healing. She usually follows the matriarchal line back through the passage of time. Healing our wounds brings honor and prevents us from wounded those who didn't wound us.

Her message: The time has come to release the chains that bind the continued pain from your ancestors, which has been passed down from generation to generation. You do not need to own this as it is not and never was your pain to bear.

It is safe to explore old family hurts and release them to her. Ask for wisdom to guide you in the best way to heal the past and move forward in your life, and you will be guided to discover the best way you can heal and leave the pain of your ancestral past behind. Old family wounds only fester on a deeper level if not acknowledged and released. They serve you no purpose in your journey now.

If Avebury Matriarch has flown into your awareness today, she wants you to visit an old natural temple, stone circle, or other ancient sacred site and connect to the energy of the land and asks you to ground yourself. Be still and ask her for guidance.

Due to her connection with the Avebury Hinge, she carries an incredibly ancient energy, that of the old ways, the shamanic healing of the ancestors of England. Her wisdom is as ancient as the land itself.

For an expanded Astrology and Tarot message for this week: http://inspiritualservice.com/Dragon-Landing

OracleCards: Black Moon Astrology by Susan Shepperd & The Dragon Path by Caroline Mithcell.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Moon enters Aries @ 8:20 PM EST, 7 House: This is a bold, impulsive, and energetic transit. Don't be surprised if you feel out of your element. This transit portends that even the meekest of us won't hesitate to take a stand.

This lunar visit is great for starting things; however, may lack the willpower to complete them. Take care not to become too argumentative or assertive.

The Moon enters Aries on a Sunday, ruled by the Sun. It's a wonderful day for spirituality, healing, success, and protection.

The Waxing New Moon makes this period ideal for manifestation magic!

For more information about the Moon in Aries, especially if your natal Moon is Aries: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Josephine Wall

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Mar 11, 2024: What is truly holding us back? Fear of failure? Of the unknown? When we recognize the elephant in the room, we begin to overcome it through integration. 🐘

Venus enters Pisces: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midafternoon the Moon in Aries square Ceres in Capricorn inconjunct Juno Rx in Virgo: That nurturing urge you feel toward selfcare? Make the relationship with self equal to the relationship with others so that we're at our best to serve.

Tonight, the Moon conjunct the North Node in Aries oppose South Node in Libra: Strong emphasis on spiritual evolution contrasted by emotional insecurity to move forward. What is truly holding us back? Fear of failure? Of the unknown? When we recognize the elephant in the room, we begin to overcome it.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 10ARI58, 10
Ceres: 10VIR58, 3
Aspect: Square
Time: 1:43 PM

Moon: 11ARI39, 10
Juno: 11VIR39Rx, 3
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 2:49 PM

Moon: 15ARI42, 7
NorthNode: 15ARI42, 7
Aspect: Conjunction
SouthNode: 15LIB42, 1
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 9:17 PM

#art Johan Hoeskstra 🎨🐘

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Tyrant of Words
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Reconnect with ritual. Super New Moon in Pisces 🌑♓

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Venus enters Pisces this evening @ 5:51 PM EDT, 7th House.

Venus, exalted in Pisces, is not just considered the Goddess of Love, but the glue of the Universe—as love is the highest essence of all creation.

The keyword for Pisces is "understanding", as they possess a compassionate and sympathetic nature when demonstrating their positive characteristics.

These two are cojoining in the 7th house, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, is a house of face-to-face relationships, partnerships, and cooperation. This house indicates what we lack within ourselves as it's opposite the 1st house, revealing our strongest personality traits. Therefore, what we lack is apt to be mirrored in others.

However, with Saturn currently in Pisces until 2026, this transit will be hampered by discipline and structure under this taskmaster. Conversely, if your Venus is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the energetic signature of this transit will be more powerful.

The threat here is to fail to create balance between work and pleasure. While goals, dreams, and work are important parts of our lives, we are nothing without Love. Don't forget to MAKE time for love and beauty. And I don't mean just romantic love, but that of friendship, the earth, creation as a whole. Fall in love with every moment of every day and all that you are blessed with.

Revel in the essence of Love balanced with accomplishment - travel, go places you've never been, experience things you've never done.

As Love heals all things, it's also the perfect time to heal estranged relationships, so we should be kind, courageous, and love in all our deeds and communications.

The good news is that Venus will conjunct Neptune in Pisces April 4th, 11th House. This conjunction is brief but oh so powerful and considered a very auspicious day. These two together provide a fairytale-like atmosphere, especially for creative-endeavors and love. If we're not in a relationship, we could be swept off our feet, much like Anchises—discipline and structure be damned!

#art Venus and Anchises by William Blake

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Tyrant of Words
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Mar 12, 2024: When we attempt to control others, we tighten the noose around our own neck. Allowing them to be themselves regardless of what we want is the first step to spiritual maturity.

Moon enters Taurus: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Late morning the Moon in Aries conjunct Eris in the 11th House: Energy is emphasized one of two ways according to our thoughts, 1) Focus on creating a peaceful balance with the parts of our self we feel are discordant, or, 2) Succumb to the influence of Discordia. What we choose to focus on is what will be.

Early afternoon the Moon sextile Vesta in Gemini: A bittersweet flow of emotional energy fueling the fire of desire within us for whatever we want. Though that may be letting go of something so a new thing becomes visible.

Midafternoon the Moon sesquiquadrate Juno Rx in Virgo: When we attempt to control others, we tighten the noose around our own neck. Allowing them to be themselves regardless of what we want is the first step to spiritual maturity.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 24ARI27, 11
Eris: 24ARI27, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:26 AM

Moon: 25ARI23, 10
Vesta: 25GEM23, 12
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:58 PM

Moon: 26ARI25, 10
Juno: 11VIR25Rx, 3
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 2:37 PM

#art Conner Beaton

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Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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^^^ Indeed.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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Moon enters Taurus this evening @ 8:29 PM EST, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Pluto and Mars

V/C Moon: 7:08 AM - 8:28 PM

When the Moon enters earthy Taurus from fiery Aries, we immediately feel more grounded and goal oriented. While Aries can get the ball rolling, they have little staying power to complete the task. However, Taurus not only ensures it keeps rolling, but it's also up to furthering and/or completing the task at hand.

Taurus is uncomplicated and focuses on the desire to sate its sensualities. We want a comfortable and safe home, to feel fulfilled from a satisfying meal, and money in the bank to take care of our needs. Everyone wants most of these things daily; however, these desires are amplified and magnetic while the Moon transits Taurus.

Venus-ruled Taurus appreciates beauty, and with the sextile late tonight* with Venus in Pisces, a beautiful flow of energy grounded in the structure of selfcare elevates gratitude for self as much as another. We are at our peak to give and receive love.

Avoid indolence and obstinance and don't focus on changing others or situations we have no control of. In acceptance lieth peace, contentment, and balance.

* This sextile happens @ 11:00 PM EST, but my PDT friends will experience it early evening.

For more information about the Moon in Taurus, including Natal, visit the Moon's Promenade: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Duy Huynh Studio

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Fire of Insight
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Ahavati said:[b]
While Aries can get the ball rolling, they have little staying power to complete the task.

Tut! The above bit's clearly wrong, A. We Rams have loads of stamina. 🙃

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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ajay said:
Tut! The above bit's clearly wrong, A. We Rams have loads of stamina. 🙃

Ha! You'll be the first I've met that does! They're so energetic they like to move on quickly rather than get bogged down in details. This is when they typically hire another to finish what they started.

Aries is Cardinal signs, meaning they are the perfect leaders for teams. Cardinals are visionaries and get the ball rolling themselves before delegating. They aren't afraid to get their hands dirty or throw some weight behind their teams' efforts either.

Tyrant of Words
United States 116awards
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