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* The Meditation Room *

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Thank you, Rian. I will choose the #3 today.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I'm glad I found a free moment to choose today. That was a very reassuring card, Rian. And while I may not get out into nature much in the near future, but I will spend some time visualizing it. Thank you.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:Thank you, RiAN! It's a beautiful deck for channeling. I have wanted a combined one of ascended masters, archangels, gods, goddesses ( from myths, legends, spiritual texts, and world religions ), Twin Flames ( Odin/Freya; Saint Germain/Portia, Shiva/Kali, etc. ), and enlightened beings.

There are plenty of decks out there for each; but that's not what I really wanted. This one is an excellent resource for education as well as receiving/channeling downloads.  

Excellent. Yes, the various decks that have been used in this thread have been quite an education.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17244

anna_grin said:ah okay. i dunno how I’d avoid ominous if ominous is there but I don’t think it’s too serious myself. also I’m still learning


Thanks for the link! Have you peeked at RiAN's rune link yet?

RiAN said:Good morning ,
For today i can offer a reading using the Fairies Oracle by Brian Froud for anyone who would like to pick a card.
It is amazing that I picked 3 cards all with the same colors,
Anyways number one to the left, two in the middle and 3 to the right side
I will reveal the meaning if someone has chosen a card
Happy Sunday all!!!

I was going to select No 3 today, but I see Johnny already selected it! Perfect message for a New Moon, RiAN!

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

It really is a beautiful deck in terms of knowledge and guidance, RiAN. I am still getting used to its energy. I'll give one soon, I promise.

In the interim thank you for providing readings and such while things are hectic! xo

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17244

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I loved the card too, and if there is an additional message for me, I would love to hear it. I am working on a post with an image of Hecate I obtained while crystal scrying this morning!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17244

Seeking Hecate. What do you see?

Crystal scrying has to do with the images a person sees inside of a crystal. I've shared several here. One's own mind can also project images into a crystal for insights. It's truly special when the image can be obtained photographically.

Here I sought Hecate, she appeared in a Smokey Quartz crystal ( as opposed to my Ancestors, who appeared in a Green Fluorite ( shared here ) ). Because crystals hold certain healing and magical properties ( just as the fluorite ), one can obtain a message combining the vision with the crystal:

Hecate: Represents liminal spaces, i.e. - doorways, gateways, entrances, crossroads, and midnight, thus identifies with the Moon, underworld, spirits of the dead, and both medicinal and baneful plants.

She is known as Keeper of the Keys and is a light bearer, unlocking the secret portals of wisdom and carrying a pair of blazing torches that can illuminate the path. Whenever we feel we are in a liminal space or crossroads, and can't make a decision in regards to the direction to go, you can connect with Hecate for her guidance.

Smokey Quartz: National gem of Scotland ( being both parents have Scottish heritage, I feel a certain kinship with this crystal ). In Celtic cultures, Smoky Quartz was sacred to the Druids. This stone represented the dark power of the Earth gods and goddesses. It was also associated with the ancient Gr
eek goddess, Hecate, the goddess of magic.

Meaning: Getting grounded and letting go. It is connected to the root chakra and offers a sense of stability and security. It also connects you to the supportive energy of the Earth while also connecting you to a higher state of being ( liminal places, crossroads, doorways ), guiding you to move on from lower vibrational energies that may weigh you down or hold you back. Because of its powerful cleansing and detoxing properties, this stone is one of the most powerful stones to work with for releasing and letting go of any and all unwanted energies in your energy field.

Mantra: I let go of anything that does not serve me. ( Imagine the lower vibrational energy around you going up in flames and your crystal clearing away the residue, leaving your mind, body and spirit vibrating at a higher frequency ).

This isn't the end of the message because it was three-fold: there is another image I will post of the Spirit Animal I was given: The Turtle.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17244

Same crystal, different scrying angle: The Turtle

Message: The Turtle is symbolic of peace, particularly amongst communities. It is also associated with feminine power, harmony, and understanding. This means that you stand to reap the benefits associated with these qualities by welcoming this spirit guide into your life.

The turtle spirit is quite resourceful. It gives you the inspiration to exude your natural wisdom in solving conflict and confrontations. This totem will help you to integrate the key aspects of your life to create a better you.

Oftentimes, we encounter rough conflict in our existence. This conflict doesn't depart; however, Turtle spirit guide provides you with the wisdom you need to deal with such challenges by fortifying your emotional and spiritual dispositions. You will find an easier way of dealing with the mandatory cycles of transformation.

Turtle is responsible for your evolution on the physical plane. It enables you to be more grounded. It allows you to pace yourself in a manner that makes you more productive. It encourages you not to burn your energies unnecessarily. Take measured steps that allow you to conserve your energy.

This way, you’ll have the confidence to make it to the next stage.

Some Native American folklore refers to the American continent as the ‘Turtle Island’. This carries much meaning to people leaving on this continent. It means that they have the strength and willpower to carry their responsibilities effectively. You are not scared of the challenges ahead.

You have the confidence of the turtle to guide you through the roughest waters of life with wisdom and determination. This spirit guide wants you to stay strong. Don’t allow any distractions and obstacles to come in the way of your progress.

You can rely on this totem to help you when you have a shortage of the spirit of persistence and steady effort. With its wisdom, you are able to succeed in whatever endeavor you decide to pursue.

Overall channeled message: Hecate, Smokey Quartz, Turtle Animal Spirit; Go slow and steady toward your goals, don't take shortcuts. Remain grounded and focused. Each liminal space you approach, every conflict, every crossroad of indecision will be met by positive guidance when you seek Turtle. You are protected ( as signified by Turtle's hard shell ) and your evolution is blessed with peaceful transitions should you heed this message.

Crystals are so much more than pretty things to look at. They're healing, they deliver messages from the spirit world, they're a part of Mother Earth and have transformational power when taken care of and used properly.

This Smokey Quartz had a nice rain bath last night under the New Moon. I knew instinctively she would be ready to deliver a message today. Along with, of course, Hecate and Turtle Spirit.

Happy New Moon all!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17244

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank you, Sweet Sister. I don't seek Hecate often, but she really delivered this time! I instinctively feel there's more to come as well. I will be honoring that gift of insight on my New Moon altar tonight, and remain open to receive more!

I hope your New Moon experience is blessed with much peace and love. xo

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