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August Virtual Open Mic - 6th August

poet Anonymous

Due to the success of the first Virtual Open Mic night which saw 10 brave poets take up the microphone and have a jolly good time doing it, we are trying to set up the event for August.  This event will be hosted on Skype due to the financial implications of using Zoom and Missy being a broke ass hoe.


How does it work?

I’m glad you asked.

The format will be slightly different this time. Please let me know beforehand if you would like to read. All names will be drawn from a bowl at random to determine the reading order.

You will be invited to do a set of two /  three / four poems. We will ask you to introduce yourself very briefly, and then the stage is yours while you read your poems. These can be your poems, another DU members work (with permission) or a famous poets work (crediting the author, obviously... we don’t want any plagiarism...)

Once all the poets have read their pieces, we then have a free for all! A good old chat, joke and a social. So it’s a good chance to hang out with other poets. I’m hoping to gather a few non-DU friends for this and open this event up a bit if I can. That’s my goal anyway.

Do I have to have my camera on?

Absolutely not. We want you to be comfortable, so it’s not compulsory. Though a couple of us braved it last time and it was lovely to see and get to know people better. For that reason also, no screenshots are allowed and no recording will take place.

How do I join?

The event will be hosted on Skype on Thursday 6th August at 19:00 BST (London) please PM Missy to join with your Skype details once the date is confirmed.

Are there any rules?

Only a few:

* No screenshots or recording is allowed under any circumstances for the comfort of all taking part. Anyone found to be doing either will not be invited back.

* Verbal bashing of any DU members of any kind is not allowed under any circumstances. We’re all just here for a good night of poetry without all the drama.

* Please do not interrupt or heckle a person when they are reading. It’s nerve wracking enough without that shit.

* Please save conversation outside of the poetry until the end of all the readings. This is so the flow of the evening doesn’t get interrupted.

* Be respectful of others and don’t be a dick.

See you there!

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1393


Count me in!

poet Anonymous


Count me in!

Woohoo! Welcome back!

Slightly different format this time. Everything is listed above

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 29th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 22

I’m in! So excited

poet Anonymous

Lazy_Dead said:I’m in! So excited

Awesome.... Can we talk you into reading this time... perhaps.... ?

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 29th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 22

I’ll read this time

poet Anonymous

Lazy_Dead said:I’ll read this time

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1393

Lazy_Dead said:I’ll read this time


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 29th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 22

Put on my big girl pants... I’ve got time to hype myself up

Harry Nichols
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 1st Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 44

I’m down to read and sing some stuff!

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

Lazy_Dead said:Put on my big girl pants... I’ve got time to hype myself up
Just be your awesome self 😁

poet Anonymous

hgnichols said:I’m down to read and sing some stuff!

Woo! Great news!
Will send out details a few days before

poet Anonymous

Gahddess_Worship said:
Just be your awesome self 😁

Best way

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1080

I’m in!

poet Anonymous

Kinkpoet said:I’m in!

Fabulous! Lovely to have you back.
I’ll send out the details a few days before :)

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