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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE - David Icke on Homeopathy

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1867


have you ever made a decision based on 'gut-feeling'?
In which case, was it also rational? And scientific? And fact-based?

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Josh said:Hemi,

have you ever made a decision based on 'gut-feeling'?
In which case, was it also rational? And scientific? And fact-based?

15 years ago I illegally rode a racing motorcycle across the mountains in NZ, and across a long mountain plain at plus 160mph on that fuck-me fast bike, stoned, and with a few good shots of whisky in me, I got "a feeling", and for no reason at all got off the gas....at 50mph the front tire blew out and I pulled her up (just) without coming off. If that had happened minutes earlier, no question, dead Hemi.

Last christmas I was hammering across a wild sea, at night, on my own, and after 30 hours on my feet needed some sleep. I set the helm and went below to grab 20 minutes. Perhaps 30 seconds later I woke with "a bad feeling", and got back up. Seconds after getting on deck the wheel tried to tear free from the rudder post, and only my switching off the autohelm and hoving too stopped the steering destroying itself to a point I couldn't fix it.

Many a sailor who has lost a mast has told the story of waking shortly before it with "a bad feeling", and has either been on deck to see it, or helped limit the damage because of that. Research at Sydney university in the '80's showed a mast fails when its natural period goes in to damped harmonic motion. This happens at around 10 Htz. Humans find 10Htz very unsettling, even nausea inducing. Sometimes "instinct" is actually physics.

8 years ago I built one of the world's most sophisticated waste water treatment plants (reverse osmosis membrane facility). Once finished we had to put it in service. the system has over 20 000 separate controls. To get it running properly myself and a team slept in the control room for 4 weeks. We tuned that thing in on 'feel', then taught the computers to always manage around those base settings.

In my late teens and early 20's I ran a crew of hardarses, and we would frequent rough pubs looking for others who wanted trouble. On several occasions, for no reason, I got my guys out despite a promising evening. On two of those occasions (at least) people were killed after we left.

Instinct, intuition, whatever you call it, is a natural part of us.

Even in personal relationships, knowing when a woman wants you to come back, versus when it really is "over", is all 'gut'.

What I do for a living now is manage complex problems with incomplete data and uncertain outcomes. I use intuition, based on 25 years of managing people and engineering problems. I am often unable to express why I have made a decision, because the part of my brain doing it is a subconscious one. I'm am paid like I am because of how well tuned that sense is. These problems are to do with people, law, contracts, finances, shipping, logistics, engineering, political, non-profit organisations, Government  departments contracts, the list is almost endless....I can't possibly know everything about all these things,

If you have somehow gained the impression that I disdain such a basic human ability, you have misread me.

There are many instances (more actually) where I put instinct aside because data, or lack thereof, means either a decision cannot be made, or expert advice is telling me my instinct, though understandable, is incorrect or will produce a bad outcome. My instinct then is to listen to credible experts. I have also fired experts because my instinct told me they were dickheads. This happens several times a year....consultants are not created equal.

A good natural 'gut', coupled with a desire to listen to quality advice, is the world people like me live in.

(I have hundreds of examples of the above....rally cars/fast bikes/hot rods, dodgy cops, Madagascan back alleys, Tongan dog attacks, shark swimming, engine failures on small aircraft, a gun under a seat, musical intuition, crane pad failures.....)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

drone said:
YOU await the proof  with low expectations eh
if your waiting with low expectations
that would suggest
you have already made up your mind

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The charlatan who produced the "water memory" research was unable to repeat her results, despite considerable funding to do so, unless her or one of her people was in the facility doing the testing. The methodology was repeated by several research facilities, because of the size of the funding on offer to reproduce it, and no one has ever been able too. It was of interest because the claim (and the subsequent ones that this could also be transmitted over phone lines) would have "broken" our current physical understanding. Despite being offered, several times, a $1M prize to replicate the result, they have not done so. This is all on the public record.

My rule is simple. I will believe anything, and I mean anything, you can prove. This is hard.

For instance, when Edwin Hubble applied the basic physics of redshifting to his night sky observations, and found that all galaxies are moving away from each other, AND ACCELERATING, both of which are intuitively frightening, and having read how his observations worked, I am forced to accept this.

What's so bad about that? If you run the arrow of time backward it shows there was a "big bang", where all matter come from nothing. Everything came from nothing. That is stupid shit, and required extraordinary evidence to be accepted. The evidence has been provided, and so I accept this as truth. The discomfort in in the obvious next step....what kicked off "something from nothing". Right now that question stands unanswered, and lies with the philosophers and theists, who produce nothing.

The second part, that the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing, is even weirder. It means I have to accept some unseen force, and unseen matter, to drive this acceleration. I have to accept that everything I see and interact with is just a tiny part of our actual physical reality. This is fuckin' bullshit, to put it plainly, but the evidence is clear that the rate of expansion is indeed increasing.

Physicists now think that there may be an even weirder explanation for these things, that is being hinted at in what experiments are being planned. The uncomfortable potential truth that we are embedded in an multi-dimensional lattice work that is only discernible to us in our three dimensions, and that it might also mean that there are parts of the larger universe that we will not ever be able to access, are both unsettling and unsatisfactory to me. If they are proved, I will accept that reality, and my discomfort with it.

An open mind, a truly open mind, requires courage, requires you to test the assertions of others, requires you to accept things that do not suit your world view.

Hunting around the internet to reinforce beliefs you already have is not an open mind. Rather, it is the exact opposite, where you reject all you disagree with, and accept what suits you.

Then you attack people who decide to ask questions on how you came to your views.

I think you need to be braver.

(water memory: think that through. Really think it through. The water that comes out of your tap has been shit, piss, flem, blood, mucus, semen, bile and whatever else countless times...it really has. That means yeah, ok it 'remembers' that time you waved your sacred onion/chrystal or whatever over it, but holy shit, think of what else! I'd never touch the stuff if I actually believed that.

You may look for yourself how many times the Thames river water has been over or through someone before it reaches any one user.....)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

drone said:ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE - David Icke on Homeopathy

This guy makes a living making by wild claims on media platforms to create controversy, to help him sell books. That is what his motivation is. Below is just one of his stated beliefs, that he wrote a book on, that he gets paid for. Any conflict of interest here between objective truth and making a dollar? Conspiracy theorists are often quick to claim science (usually medical science) is being manipulated to make money, and yet this guy, who is obviously doing exactly specifically that is not held to account by the people who buy his books or give him a platform.

The double standard is telling.

Icke believes that the universe is made up of "vibrational" energy and consists of an infinite number of dimensions that share the same space.[17][10][18] He advocates the existence of an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons (or Anunnaki) who have hijacked the earth and that a genetically modified human–Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, the Illuminati, or the "elite", manipulate global events to keep humans in constant fear so the Archons can feed off the "negative energy" this creates.[17][19][20][21]

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

hemihead said:

15 years ago I put a racing motorcycle across the mountains in NZ, and across a long mountain plain at plus 160mph on that illegally fast bike, stoned, and with a few good shots of whisky in me, I got "a feeling", and for no reason at all got off the gas....at 50mph the front tire blew out and I pulled her up without coming off. If that had happened minutes earlier, no question, dead biker.

Last christmas I was hammering across a wild sea, at night, on my own, and after 30 hours on my feet needed some sleep. I set the helm and went below to grab 20 minutes. Perhaps 30 seconds later I woke with "a bad feeling", and got back up. Seconds after getting on deck the wheel tried to tear free from the rudder post, and only my switching off the autohelm and hoving too stopped the steering destroying itself to a point I couldn't fix it.

Many a sailor who has lost a mast has told the story of waking shortly before it with "a bad feeling", and has either been on deck to see it, or helped limit the damage because of that. Research at Sydney university in the '80's showed a mast fails when its natural period goes in to damped harmonic motion. This happens at around 10 Htz. Humans find 10Htz very unsettling, even nausea inducing. Sometimes "instinct" is actually physics.

8 years ago I built one of the world's most sophisticated waste water treatment plants (reverse osmosis membrane facility). Once finished we had to put it in service. the system has over 20 000 separate controls. To get it running properly myself and a team slept in the control room for 4 weeks. We tuned that thing in on 'feel', then taught the computers to always manage around those base settings.

In my late teens and early 20's I ran a crew of hardarses, and we would frequent rough pubs looking for others who wanted trouble. On several occasions, for no reason, I got my guys out despite a promising evening. On two of those occasions (at least) people were killed after we left.

Instinct, intuition, whatever you call it, is a natural part of us.

Even in personal relationships, knowing when a woman wants you to come back, versus when it really is "over", is all 'gut'.

What I do for a living now is manage complex problems with incomplete data and uncertain outcomes. I use intuition, based on 25 years of managing people and engineering problems. I am often unable to express why I have made a decision, because the part of my brain doing it is a subconscious one. I'm am paid like I am because of how well tuned that sense is. These problems are to do with people, law, contracts, finances, shipping, logistics, engineering, political, non-profit organisations, Government  departments contracts, the list is almost endless....I can't possibly know everything about all these things,

If you have somehow gained the impression that I disdain such a basic human ability, you have misread me.

There are many instances (more actually) where I put instinct aside because data, or lack thereof, means either a decision cannot be made, or expert advice is telling me my instinct, though understandable, is incorrect or will produce a bad outcome. My instinct then is to listen to credible experts. I have also fired experts because my instinct told me they were dickheads. This happens several times a year....consultants are not created equal.

A good natural 'gut', coupled with a desire to listen to quality advice, is the world people like me live in.

(I have hundreds of examples of the above....rally cars/fast bikes/hot rods, dodgy cops, Madagascan back alleys, Tongan dog attacks, shark swimming, engine failures on small aircraft, a gun under a seat, musical intuition, crane pad failures.....)

It's your second brain Hemi. Those 100 million neurons in your gut, I never ignore my gut feeling.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Magdalena said:

It's your second brain Hemi. Those 100 million neurons in your gut, I never ignore my gut feeling.

Yes, been watching this for a few years now...a good example of something really extraordinary, that will take very strong evidence, but seems to be standing up in our first steps to understanding.

Given the amount of 'me', that is actually other life, all essentially steering me to the benefit of itself, as well as how staggeringly complex we are as a bio-mechanical system, I'm quite prepared to accept (with evidence and testing), that our conscious mind is only one driver of our behaviors...mentioned above my work in tuning a waste-water treatment plant and how complex that was, with its 20 000 sensors, valves, pumps, switches etc. We are orders of magnitude more complex than that!

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

hemihead said:

Yes, been watching this for a few years now...a good example of something really extraordinary, that will take very strong evidence, but seems to be standing up in our first steps to understanding.

Given the amount of 'me', that is actually other life, all essentially steering me to the benefit of itself, as well as staggeringly complex we are as a bio-mechanical system, I'm quite prepared to accept (with evidence and testing), that our conscious mind is only one driver of our behaviors...mentioned above my work in tuning a waste-water treatment plant and how complex that was, with its 20 000 sensors, valves, pumps, switches etc. We are orders of magnitude more complex than that!

I've been fascinated with the mind/brain/conscious for many years, researched a lot of stuff, I've gone from one theory to another also scientific evidence. In my early days it was the placebo effect trials, to OBE (which my father experienced) to Aquired Savant. The second brain I first read about a year ago, there is so much more to know.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Magdalena said:

I've been fascinated with the mind/brain/conscious for many years, researched a lot of stuff, I've gone from one theory to another also scientific evidence. In my early days it was the placebo effect trials, to OBE (which my father experienced) to Aquired Savant. The second brain I first read about a year ago, there is so much more to know.

Totally different, but kinda not. I love watching sea birds, especially sea, and their intelligence is obvious. In lab testing (and in the wild) many can count, problem solve, reason, hold grudges, recognise faces, solve mysteries...the list goes on. Our understanding of intelligence requires biiiig brains, and yet birds, with their tiny brains do amazing things. I think (I know) there is non-human language all around us, and we're slowly waking up to it. Anyone who has ever watched cows communicate, especially in supporting each other through grief, has experienced this. Our understanding of intelligence, and especially language, has a long way to go :-)

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

hemihead said:

Totally different, but kinda not. I love watching sea birds, especially sea, and their intelligence is obvious. In lab testing (and in the wild) many can count, problem solve, reason, hold grudges, recognise faces, solve mysteries...the list goes on. Our understanding of intelligence requires biiiig brains, and yet birds, with their tiny brains do amazing things. I think (I know) there is non-human language all around us, and we're slowly waking up to it. Anyone who has ever watched cows communicate, especially in supporting each other through grief, has experienced this. Our understanding of intelligence, and especially language, has a long way to go :-)

Humans over complicate everything and overthink. I learn more by watching and observing people than I do when interacting with them. Animals go with instinct first, for survival and otherwise. Dogs for example, so tuned in to their higher senses, they can pick up illness in people.  

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Magdalena said:

Humans over complicate everything and overthink. I learn more by watching and observing people than I do when interacting with them. Animals go with instinct first, for survival and otherwise. Dogs for example, so tuned in to their higher senses, they can pick up illness in people.  

A good discussion here. Detecting illness with odors is getting serious study.

(I also look forward to the day my dolphin-doctor runs a sonar scan on me to confirm I'm pregnant


Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Not judging , or arguing , just saying ;

This reality , this understanding , is what is *normal* to me ,
and I spoke with Brian Greene on the phone , regarding this
reality , and how easy it was to wrap the mind around...

( and within )...;)

The idea of "M - Theory" , and all within that...no problem...


I may not know , or understand all the scientific language ,
used today , yet I told him what was contained within our
ancient code , and the 44 to the 77th power bits of information...

As he stated...I was speaking of the number of particles in both
the seen and unseen universes , and the code they contained...

You have a grasp on things I perhaps , never will...

Me ?

This is extremely easy for me to grasp , and digest...

*Frames Of Reference*...( the *Grand Architect* knows how reality is framed )...LOL !

Best to all of us , in our ways to perceive !

"For instance, when Edwin Hubble applied the basic physics of redshifting to his night sky observations, and found that all galaxies are moving away from each other, AND ACCELERATING, both of which are intuitively frightening, and having read how his observations worked, I am forced to accept this.

What's so bad about that? If you run the arrow of time backward it shows there was a "big bang", where all matter come from nothing. Everything came from nothing. That is stupid shit, and required extraordinary evidence to be accepted.

The second part, that the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing, is even weirder. It means I have to accept some unseen force, and unseen matter, to drive this acceleration. I have to accept that everything I see and interact with is just a tiny part of our actual physical reality. This is fuckin' bullshit, to put it plainly, but the evidence is clear that the rate of expansion is indeed increasing.

Physicists now think that there may be an even weirder explanation for these things, that is being hinted at in what experiments are being planned. The uncomfortable potential truth that we are embedded in an multi-dimensional lattice work that is only discernible to us in our three dimensions, and that it might also mean that there are parts of the larger universe that we will not ever be able to access, are both unsettling and unsatisfactory to me. If they are proved, I will accept that reality, and my discomfort with it.

An open mind, a truly open mind, requires courage, requires you to test the assertions of others, requires you to accept things that do not suit your world view."

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Blackwolf said:Not judging , or arguing , just saying ;

This reality , this understanding , is what is *normal* to me ,
and I spoke with Brian Greene on the phone , regarding this
reality , and how easy it was to wrap the mind around...

( and within )...;)

The idea of "M - Theory" , and all within that...no problem...


I may not know , or understand all the scientific language ,
used today , yet I told him what was contained within our
ancient code , and the 44 to the 77th power bits of information...

As he stated...I was speaking of the number of particles in both
the seen and unseen universes , and the code they contained...

You have a grasp on things I perhaps , never will...

Me ?

This is extremely easy for me to grasp , and digest...

*Frames Of Reference*...( the *Grand Architect* knows how reality is framed )...LOL !

Best to all of us , in our ways to perceive !

Interesting you noted to leave off the sentence above what you quoted. Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Your "ancients" spiel is clearly babble, putting it quite frankly.

How can I be sure? Your model is used to predict nothing, then when science shows something new, you say "oh, totally already know that cos 'the ancients'".

The true test of a scientific hypothesis is its ability to predict.

Newton was able to use his laws of motion to predict the path of celestial bodies to a high accuracy, and his laws were accepted. Later, as our observational sophistication improved, we began to see a problem with those laws, specifically where high mass or relativistic high speeds were involved.  This problem lead to Einsteins general relativity.

This new theory, fully digested over 50 years, produced predictions like black holes, gravitational lensing, and more accurate predictions of location of celestial bodies. It is used every day in the phone in your pocket to allow GPS to be accurate to within metres....not possible without allowing for mass and energy affects of curved spacetime.

If a better hypothesis comes along, or observations show it breaks down, it will be discarded for whatever works better.

(side note: right now general relativity is the most accurate hypothesis in history, able to predict the behavior of high energy particles right up the event horizon of black holes, and able to predict both the existence, and temperature, of the cosmic background radiation from the big bang, to name two of many many things)

Your "ancients" retrospective-only views have no credence. Predict something, and get real famous real fast. If you can't what is the point of it, what utility or weight should be applied to it? Nil.

(heads-up....M-theory, and the attempt to unify the large and small forces with string theory in general, is yesterday's news. String theory has, after 30 or more years of effort, continued to fail the basic test of being able to predict anything, and is now so large and incoherent that it is of interest only for the mathematics it has produced. It was not string theory that predicted the Higgs boson, or its mass, but instead was adapted afterward to say "yeah, here is how that works". You are doing the same thing)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I was posting , not to you , though I used a quote from you , yet to all...

Let alone , your attitude in your post is a perfect example of your sense
of self importance , rude dismissal , and absolute arrogance...

You show your lack of knowledge , and big bully attitude in your words
every time you want to show off , or just disagree with someone...

As you said in a previous post , you would go out to bars to battle
with others , in your twenties...you haven't got over that rude attitude ,
have you ?

Still an attitude like what we used to ignore , or taught a lesson to ,
in my crowd , even if we had to take on the gang...

Live in your combative stupidity...it is obvious that is who you truly are...;)

And go ahead...report me , if you so choose...;)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Blackwolf said:I was posting , not to you , though I used a quote from you , yet to all...

Let alone , your attitude in your post is a perfect example of your sense
of self importance , rude dismissal , and absolute arrogance...

You show your lack of knowledge , and big bully attitude in your words
every time you want to show off , or just disagree with someone...

As you said in a previous post , you would go out to bars to battle
with others , in your twenties...you haven't got over that rude attitude ,
have you ?

Still an attitude like what we used to ignore , or taught a lesson to ,
in my crowd , even if we had to take on the gang...

Live in your combative stupidity...it is obvious that is who you truly are...;)

And go ahead...report me , if you so choose...;)

Standard response. When a conspiracy theorist is pushed to actually having to do or predict anything, they immediately move to personal attacks.

You have responded to script.

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