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Erotica Done Right 18+!!!

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940

Kinkpoet said:
Thank you.
Mother nature at her finest.

She is giving me her finest version of an ass whoopin right now with this humidity

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

In times of suffering we are reminded of those we hold dear
The ones that matter in our lives flash before our eyes
We prepare ourselves for an unexpected death by cleansing our spirit as quickly and as soundly as we can
I had an adverse reaction to aspirin today
It started with a migraine brought on by monsoon pressure
I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis the past year and I have asthma
By taking the aspirin it triggered a disease called AERD aspirin exascerbated respritory disease.
20% of those affected survive the reaction
I had a trying day and am just pulling out of it,.  There are times in our lives when we become sick then there are the times we know we may die, this was one of those times. I had an inhaler and used it consistently
I did not go to ER I wanted to die at home if I was going to die .
Between fever, chills, respiratory arrest or failure I meditated
I found I had no remorse no regret and was ready to transition
I left an I Love You  text for my boys
then fell asleep involuntarily
I was surprised when I woke up three hours later still alive
I logged into DU and saw the recent post by BlackWolf and knew why I had survived
I feel too emotional right now to finish this post I will be back

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I am most pleased you pulled through this dreadful challenge , Valeriya...

I am sorry you were given to endure that , yet most pleased you pulled
through this most difficult imposition on your physical health...

Take care of your psyche , and your body which houses such !

We care for you...and still ask you to care to stay around with us !

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903


Passion runs
Through my eyes
Are flames of desire

My hands begin to shake
Legs begin to tremble
Sensations so sweet surge
Covering my senses

I'm gasping
A silent scream
Only you lover can hear

Creating the fire within me
Producing this heat
I grab the sheets with my fingers
To let you know
I love every minute
Of all your teasing

You seem to pay close attention
To every movement
You kiss my inner thighs
Making me
Breathe more heavily
What comes next

So aroused
Feelings tingling through me
A river torrent moving
Its current drawn
Towards the heat
The moistness of your mouth and tongue
Tasting what comes forth

Written by AspergerPoet56
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Lost Thinker
Joined 19th July 2020
Forum Posts: 19


Passion runs
Through my eyes
Are flames of desire

My hands begin to shake
Legs begin to tremble
Sensations so sweet surge
Covering my senses

I'm gasping
A silent scream
Only you lover can hear

Creating the fire within me
Producing this heat
I grab the sheets with my fingers
To let you know
I love every minute
Of all your teasing

You seem to pay close attention
To every movement
You kiss my inner thighs
Making me
Breathe more heavily
What comes next

So aroused
Feelings tingling through me
A river torrent moving
Its current drawn
Towards the heat
The moistness of your mouth and tongue
Tasting what comes forth

Written by AspergerPoet56
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AspergerPoet56 said:

now this is beautiful sexy!!!

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940


Passion runs
Through my eyes
Are flames of desire

My hands begin to shake
Legs begin to tremble
Sensations so sweet surge
Covering my senses

I'm gasping
A silent scream
Only you lover can hear

Creating the fire within me
Producing this heat
I grab the sheets with my fingers
To let you know
I love every minute
Of all your teasing

You seem to pay close attention
To every movement
You kiss my inner thighs
Making me
Breathe more heavily
What comes next

So aroused
Feelings tingling through me
A river torrent moving
Its current drawn
Towards the heat
The moistness of your mouth and tongue
Tasting what comes forth

Written by AspergerPoet56
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AspergerPoet56 said:

Bravo AP

Sweet and Seductive

Good  job on this one

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122

Valeriyabeyond said:In times of suffering we are reminded of those we hold dear
The ones that matter in our lives flash before our eyes
We prepare ourselves for an unexpected death by cleansing our spirit as quickly and as soundly as we can
I had an adverse reaction to aspirin today
It started with a migraine brought on by monsoon pressure
I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis the past year and I have asthma
By taking the aspirin it triggered a disease called AERD aspirin exascerbated respritory disease.
20% of those affected survive the reaction
I had a trying day and am just pulling out of it,.  There are times in our lives when we become sick then there are the times we know we may die, this was one of those times. I had an inhaler and used it consistently
I did not go to ER I wanted to die at home if I was going to die .
Between fever, chills, respiratory arrest or failure I meditated
I found I had no remorse no regret and was ready to transition
I left an I Love You  text for my boys
then fell asleep involuntarily
I was surprised when I woke up three hours later still alive
I logged into DU and saw the recent post by BlackWolf and knew why I had survived
I feel too emotional right now to finish this post I will be back

Damn V haven't followed last few days, been deep in my own shit.  

I hope beyond the moon and stars that you are ok.  You are an integral part of DUP.  I have come to know you as an online friend.  Please be ok.  My spirit is with you.  Please let us know you are still in the realm of the living. I don't know what else to say 3xcrpt you are needed here.  Thank you.  

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Valeriyabeyond said:In times of suffering we are reminded of those we hold dear
The ones that matter in our lives flash before our eyes
We prepare ourselves for an unexpected death by cleansing our spirit as quickly and as soundly as we can
I had an adverse reaction to aspirin today
It started with a migraine brought on by monsoon pressure
I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis the past year and I have asthma
By taking the aspirin it triggered a disease called AERD aspirin exascerbated respritory disease.
20% of those affected survive the reaction
I had a trying day and am just pulling out of it,.  There are times in our lives when we become sick then there are the times we know we may die, this was one of those times. I had an inhaler and used it consistently
I did not go to ER I wanted to die at home if I was going to die .
Between fever, chills, respiratory arrest or failure I meditated
I found I had no remorse no regret and was ready to transition
I left an I Love You  text for my boys
then fell asleep involuntarily
I was surprised when I woke up three hours later still alive
I logged into DU and saw the recent post by BlackWolf and knew why I had survived
I feel too emotional right now to finish this post I will be back

Healing energy to you.🙏

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Thanks Kink,  Sky, Elsie,  
Thanks for the energy I'm feeling your love and positivity
Feel like I've been hit by a truck

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Yeah , but you have the guts to hit the truck back...;)

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Blackwolf said:Yeah , but you have the guts to hit the truck back...;)

Haha yes I do

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Expectant Orgasm

The expectant orgasm
Body primed for pleasure
Mind seduced by fire
Senses knowing the feeling
That is to come

The look of lust in eyes
Lips parting for a soul capturing Kiss
There the melting begins
Skin tingling hearts pounding
The knowledge of fiery tongue

Passion takes over
Breasts coveted by a hungry mouth
Hardened nipples devoured
The tasting of you continues
Gliding towards the caldron hot desire

Thighs parted
The starving tongue dives in deep
Licking the hot honey
That drips for its master
The tongue of ecstasy
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Dreams Of A Lover’s Lust

Blood pumping through veins
With a fiery rush
Eyes burning upon beauty
The fire inside raging
Mouth suddenly dry
As I watch you your wet luscious lips
Form words sounds
Yet all I hear is your breathing
The beating of your heart
Those lips I want to kiss
Just simply devour
The lust and hunger inside rises
My heart lurches
As I see your breasts rise and fall
I blush at my thoughts
The emotions warring inside
Feelings from deep in my soul
Stirring madly
Because of what I see
What I imagine
You ignite wild fantasies
Dreams of a lover's lust
You are sensually surreal
Sending a thrill
A surge of electricity through me
So powerful
So natural
I embrace your beauty with my soul
I yield to your sexuality with my heart
I worship your being with my being
Fully wholly with passion
With purest fire of lust
I adore you
I want you
I love you

Written by AspergerPoet56
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