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Your favourite collaborations from DU poets.

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 518

Skinsong - with Indie

The crush
the press of bodies
is fucking intoxicating
it makes me wanna be bad
shed my skin in
all the wrong ways
fuck a guitarist
get naked on a stage somewhere
make a sex tape
where I vamp it
up on all fours
moaning for the
camera while
fingering my
last inhibition
electric sex shocks
with each guitar plaint
and it makes me wanna
lean back into a strangers
cock while we grind out
their contained desire
hard against me
while I hitch
my skirt higher
up my thighs
There's a bathroom stall
asking for me inscribe my name
into the wood
as if to say I fucked here
used the bass as foreplay
and it was dirty and beautiful
and I won't remember his name
tomorrow night when
I shed the succubus skin
I wear in this
hunting ground
I want to throw my arms up
my ass out and feel life
crash into my hollowed veins
as if sex and music
made new skin
and my body became
a midnight magic shockwave
until heads turned in
tandem heat
and I’d fuck every person
in this crowd,
break the
gang bang record
just to stay alive
another moment
I don't need to find god
in the crush of bodies
pressed against me
because I found
something better
And I'll fuck them all
blow every rockstar
fan boy or groupie bitch
who wants me on my knees
just to touch heaven
in the merciless rapture
of their bodies
and claim myself
gloriously unholy
utterly divine
and completely fucked
The press of bodies
makes me want
to be bad
Written by Betty
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Tyrant of Words
Netherlands 13awards
Joined 24th July 2016
Forum Posts: 72

Through Your Eyes ~ Duet with Duende

close my eyes
and lead me away
from all this madness

take me on a journey
with your mind
through your eyes

create a landscape
where we can meet
and become you & me

listen to my voice
I can give you peace
put your worries at ease

now picture your hands
see them becoming mine
touching you as I would

sink me inside deep
down into your mind
in our secret world of sin

now imagine my hands
traveling down your body
discovering every inch

bringing you relief
from the misery of life
as our minds become one

I yearn to feel your essence
deep inside my existence
you are the need in me

I crave your cosmos
beyond flesh and bone
connecting pass distances

engross me in this world
please your possessor
give into primal instinct

moan out with me, baby
be my magic lover
free us from judgement

I will, you complete me
breathe yourself into me
my body and mind are yours

then don't hold back, let go
for we can complete this ritual
one of our unbreakable bond
Written by DevilsChild
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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2140

Bitter Lake - Collaboration with Magdalena

Written for the "DUP swingers" competition.    
Seventeenth March, 1684.      
While cresting the foothills      
we crossed the south end of a small lake      
The ice proved thin due to springs that fed in from beneath      
One man fell through with full leathers and axes      
Two others drowned in an attempt to save him      
The surviving members of the party named this cursed spot      
Bitter Lake
I am silence while my surface is calm      
no wind to make waves through my tranquility      
the ghosts of those lost are sleeping      
I wear the sun like sparkling diamonds      
caught in a picture of captivating beauty      
inviting like hypnotic whispers      
Come to me and feel my embrace      
swim along my fluid caress the solution you long      
I can wet the appetite of the most innocent life      
come to me and play for a while      
There was a sun-bleached tire swing      
Dad told me not to go near there      
he said don’t go down alone.      
I’d seen the flashes of tadpoles      
and wanted to watch, just for a minute      
but the water tickled      
and the mud was slippery between my toes.      
I remember that I swam.      
There were clouds but no sky      
and a sunken tree, upright still in full leaf.      
I seem to remember climbing down    
into its branches.    
My liquid coldness is constant      
lives have dipped within my soothing ripples      
and I'm mistaken for friendliness      
the weaker becoming blind to my dangers      
that is when I take to their lungs      
drowning their feeble attempts to catch breath      
I bear down on the cries of a clutching soul      
until my blackness envelopes pulling lifelessness deeper      
Trembling currents shift my bed      
burying the debris fallen from my victims minds      
It was in the autumn as the sun slanted      
between the passing color and the coming snow      
when he first kissed me      
We’d borrowed his cousin’s old truck      
and rode in the long miles before dawn      
with the cedars hugging the path      
almost clothed by the closed-in wood      
when all at once it opened      
the shore      
blackness, immense.    
The moon when full will raise the tide of my oceans heart      
a swelling pulse of forceful energy in flow      
every liquid quarter is drawn to her beautiful command      
and the children of many shall be born      
giving back to life that what has been taken      
She anoints me with her reflection      
equilibrium being restored by the hand of natures will      
I am eternal and part of the ever evolving future      
you will swim through my caress      
regardless of the forewarning on the approaching winds      
She is undoing, the liar the leveler      
the meaning of the low empty spaces between the hills      
the perfect solvent against anything we might hold elevated.      
Did the water ever have a daughter or any one precious thing taken?      
Did it ever fight to keep on the upside of the earth      
feel the struggle to stay afloat holding every selfish hope back      
from the reflected self that lives in the lower lights?      
If you truly could ask anything of the water, of her truth      
ask only this:      
among all people and things      
all places we survey    
of the sky and the tumults that twine beneath      
which among them belong to us, and which to her?      
Clearly nothing is ours.      
What she's lost into the air weighs upon her surface      
wants to submit, struggling in isolation      
wants to belong.      
It will all be taken down      
nothing returned.
Written by braggman (Steve Bragg)
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Magdalena said:I will add this one here. It was for a comp and won.

I just read this poem a few times to remind myself of the beauty and the magic captured in this collab.

Below is the link to the DU Swingers Party poetry collab comp if anybody is interested or looking for a laugh. The poem entries don’t start to appear until page 11… absolute chaos and creative tension!


Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3039

case28 said:

I just read this poem a few times to remind myself of the beauty and the magic captured in this collab.

Below is the link to the DU Swingers Party poetry collab comp if anybody is interested or looking for a laugh. The poem entries don’t start to appear until page 11… absolute chaos and creative tension!


Thank you. It was a great comp. Braggman was the story teller in this one and did it brilliantly, and I, the, personification of water. 😀

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3039

Some fantastic Collabs here. Thank you so much everyone. I will contact those contactable for permissions within the coming week. 🥰

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6111

Manifest Destiny (Collab with Fia Naturie)

So long I have waited for your return
I have much to teach you, are you willing to learn?
I can show you how to remove the decay
Assemble the pieces that are in disarray
Wait... wait.... wait, just a bit
Need a minute to come to terms with this shit
Not easy to give up what used to be home
This darkness inside is all that I have known
Its all you have known, but theres so much more
Take hold of my hand and Ill pull you ashore
I know that you're cautious and lacking in trust
I will walk alongside you while you adjust
I am just supposed to let this happen, let this be?
Take your hand? Do you know me?
Do you know who I am, and what I have done?
You with your light, make me want to run.
I know who you are, I have always been near
The darkness is not the reason you're here
I Held back the trigger while you stared down a gun
You've been stuck in one place no matter how much you run
You’re the reason I’m still on this earth?
I don’t know if I should yell, scream, or kiss the dirt
I had pain, I had grief and I had sorrow
You are telling me no matter what you will be here for me, tomorrow
You have to know darkness to appreciate light
The pain and suffering prepared you for the fight
Its made you unbreakable, look back and you'll see
The darkness was never your shield, it was me
I am gonna put my faith in you, this one-time
The last time I put faith in anything was in mankind
I am lifting my hand, taking yours with a quickness
I’m going to believe what you said I'm stronger than the darkness
Then let us now begin to claim what is yours
To manifest the destiny of so many wars
As we walk hand in hand, unhindered, unchained
You will reap the reward that has long been ordained
Written by Just-Rob
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2712

~cherished one~with diamonddave75

frail yet strong  
pale beauty  
silent raindrops  
christen you  
i adore  
from afar  
naked and vulnerable  
you wash away my sin  
with a warm summer's shower  
caressing my tender spots  
all nature taking in our love  
you call to me in my quiet time  
pulling me out of the depths    
with your gentle lilt    
as delicate as a wind chime    
soothing the ache  
covering my shame in beauty  
long distance  
like a portrait  
you talk to me  
cruel undertones  
dark clouds  
that glimmer  
in sunlight  
whispering my sadness  
carried away on the breeze  
to your listening ears  
you are the thunder    
that quiets my demons  
the sunshine in a darkened heart  
with a torrent of compassion  
you cleanse a tormented soul  
in your light i shine  
so humbled  
by art  
divine one  
shining star  
my teardrops  
kiss your faith  
we are one  
in troubled times  
~reflected in the pools of your eyes I am cherished~  
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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