What inspires you to write?
Joined 21st Mar 2022
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Strange Creature
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Everyone has their own fetish that inspires them. I am a fan of online gambling. I like it and I often spend time doing it. I have a link where you can find many other good gaming platforms. So I found the Casino Kingdom for myself. After the game, I have such different emotions and feelings. Then I take my notebook with a pen and write poetry. Here is my secret

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
For me, all manner of things can inspire me (whether to write, or to create more visual artworks), be it things drawn from life or dreams or memories... but the vast majority of what I have written is spiritual or mystical in nature and those things derive from my more esoteric experiences and from memories sometimes called up from past lives (I am a huge believer, in reincarnation). One of my latest poems, "In Remembrance of Andrea" is actually in dedication to the first girl I ever fell in love with back when I was only sixteen years old, who died tragically... and some of our shared past life memories that we had together are a part of the poem, along with some otherworldly aspects that I found fitting to all that I was trying to convey. Writing... as well as all art in general... is a very powerful way to express things that cannot be expressed through any other means. And inspiration is the fuel that allows the artistic fire to burn so brightly in us!
Joined 11th Apr 2022
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Strange Creature

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The events that are happening in life current,past and wants are what help me write.
Joined 22nd Apr 2022
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Strange Creature

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I just know I love it since my early childhood.
Then as I grew up I realize writing has also been a therapeutic coping mechanism and a great way to express my loud thoughts that sometimes I can't let out verbally.
Then as I grew up I realize writing has also been a therapeutic coping mechanism and a great way to express my loud thoughts that sometimes I can't let out verbally.
Joined 17th Aug 2020
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Strange Creature
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Nature, other writers, relatives and travel. Friends, I write prose, not poetry. I tried to write poetry, but I understand that I find it too banal. I am currently writing a novel that reminds me of The Crucible. On the site https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/the-crucible/ I read several interesting articles about this book and its meaning. I drew parallels with my book and found many similarities.
Joined 27th Apr 2022
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Twisted Dreamer

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I have found that my inspiration can come from two sources:
1. My feelings in the moment. It is a way for me to express the negative to avoid build up. If it's on the page it becomes tangible. Allowing me to understand, dissect and do away with it.
2. Muses. I fall in love very easily, whether it be man or woman. I become enamored by the experiences of others, their secrets and passions. I try to be very transparent with people that hold my interest and I have found that by sharing these parts of my world they return it in kind. Something I deeply appreciate. This has been my primary inspiration as of late. It often fizzles out but has been as fulfilling for me as it is heartbreaking.
1. My feelings in the moment. It is a way for me to express the negative to avoid build up. If it's on the page it becomes tangible. Allowing me to understand, dissect and do away with it.
2. Muses. I fall in love very easily, whether it be man or woman. I become enamored by the experiences of others, their secrets and passions. I try to be very transparent with people that hold my interest and I have found that by sharing these parts of my world they return it in kind. Something I deeply appreciate. This has been my primary inspiration as of late. It often fizzles out but has been as fulfilling for me as it is heartbreaking.

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Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Yup… and that’s where I am with poetry too.

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Joined 1st Apr 2023
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Lost Thinker

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For me personally it's trying to put a feeling onto paper whether that be depression, love, apathy, happiness, or a mixture of any emotion or rather it's the pursuit of transcribing myself onto paper. Imagine a self portrait, but I can't draw, so words. Yup.
Joined 26th May 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Absolutely everything from ladybugs flying to tombstones decaying. Wishbones in my left pocket.
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Dangerous Mind

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Love ♥️
Joined 22nd Apr 2023
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Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 44
My experience with God is my source of inspiration. I have a depth-perception in attention span that I have zoomed in on and focused. For the sake of "resolution," it's important to "see" things in self and others. Being exposed to God allows me to excel in creativity, believe it, or not. I constantly strive to complete an imaginative, observatory spectrum, in which there is duality, irony, balance, control, analysis, knowledge, information, awareness, discipline, obedience, and potentially, wisdom. Stiving for the balance in wisdom, being humble and meek is important. It plays a vital role in my honesty. Admitting my own shortcomings. Finding peculiarities keeps me with a keen sense of conscience and morality. My own irony and poetic justice often apply to deeper introspection, and examination of self. It's easy for me to see sin in the world, but isn't it for anyone? I feel as though many are indignant hypocrites, pointing the finger, to accept the things they've yet to address in themselves, only it's burred deep, and not the most "literal" example. My work mostly reflects my experience, and I often see myself in it. I am a hypocrite, seeking forgiveness.