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What inspires you to write?

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 155

What inspires you to write poetry?

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 27th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 4

Having an outlet for any type of emotion I'm feeling at any given moment, usually to transpose any negative emotions into something productive. That is what inspires me.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 27th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 4


Strange Creature
United States
Joined 27th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 4

I wonder if death passes the time writing poetry? Waiting for us stop by and read what it wrote.

poet Anonymous

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Cashley Marie
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 20

I draw inspiration from life experiences and current events going on in the media. I took up writing poetry after a friend passed away, she was an activist and a spoken word artist. So, reciting poetry is bittersweet.

poet Anonymous

Many things inspire me. Current Events. Murder Hornets. Stephen King. J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth mythology. Spirituality. Must see Halloween movies during October. Ahavati. NaPoWriMo. Helping others via informative poems to improve their poetry writing skills.

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Dec 2021
Forum Posts: 8

The child within

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 3

It's usually my depression or something I can't say out loud

Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 24th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 171

Mostly, powerful emotions that need purging.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 12th Dec 2021
Forum Posts: 5

I really like to write, be it poetry or write a creative blog post, I can also cope with a written assignment from college without any problems, because I always do such things to my pleasure, and self-development and constant movement forward are very important for me. I am sympathetic to people who find it difficult to do this, so I recommend you https://paidpaper.net/studymoose-com-review this is a useful service where you can read a review about StudyMoose writing service, in which you can to study the services offered by this company, their characteristics, ratings and reviews, and you can find there the help you need in this craft, good luck!

Lost Thinker
Joined 30th Dec 2021
Forum Posts: 32

Loads of things inspire me to write. Inspiration is all around us in the things we do, see and hear and the emotions we feel.

What I write often depends on my emotions at the time though. If I'm feeling really strong emotions (positive or negative) or there's something happening in my life at that time, then I tend to feel like I need to get that emotion out onto paper, and so I write (or type depending on what I'm using). It's good to purge sometimes, to have an outlet for your emotions.


Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 4th Jan 2022
Forum Posts: 9

I originally started writing to express the heartache I felt growing up in an abusive narcissistic family, though after being remanded in prison and my material banned for five years courtesy of Crown Court for penning my childhood I soon took it a lot more serious, rather than just a hobby...

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