What do you think about your government?

75.00% • 21 votes • I believe they should not be trusted completely.
17.86% • 5 votes • Not sure what to think.
7.14% • 2 votes • My government is the best.
Total votes: 28
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What do you think about your government?

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 303

ASK said:Fuck the government!

The idea of a government that protects and takes care of people is nice, but it's utopian.
Power corrupts, simple as that.

But they are smart though. They purposefully spread false conspiracy theories to confuse people.
Only a lost soul will truly believe that the government has people's interest at heart.

I couldn't agree more. I am glad there are those of us willing to speak up lol

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 263

well if the conspiracies are correct (I believe they are) then there are 600 FEMA concentration camps in the US and the government can manufacture its very own national crisis to put martial law into place and put these camps into effect. the US can suspend the constitution for however long they want. so tell me, how free is free? I don't trust the US government AT ALL. I want to live off the chart and off the grid away from society. I seriously do.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

lotta gripes here, no possible solutions to perceived problems,

everybody complains about the same system that provides the security for the ability to speak your mind without gettin your head stuck on a fn stick....

get involved and figure out how to fix it or go be a bitch in syria..........

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

Agree, johnrot. I said the same thing but not so, er, succinctly.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

I spent some time in Burma a few years back. It is/was run by the military.

democracy is messy as all fuck, but I'll take it any da over what that was.

(some say America is no longer a democracy. Don't know enough about it to say either way, but went to Madagascar a few years back and there everyone votes but only the very powerful actually get a say....you knew it, from the corrupt customs official to the high court judge travelling with his private army)

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

The Rothschild Family is the kings whom rule the planet through the banking cartel by bank rolling all side of war. You are bought and paid for well before you and your children are born. Money is required for all things. Tanks to the the computers and phones you use and pay people to use. In other words...
The globalism is a bitch. There isnt many govt out there.
Just puppet democracy to herd the sheep around

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

LeeMenke said:Well...
The Rothschild Family is the kings whom rule the planet through the banking cartel by bank rolling all side of war. You are bought and paid for well before you and your children are born. Money is required for all things. Tanks to the the computers and phones you use and pay people to use. In other words...
The globalism is a bitch. There isnt many govt out there.
Just puppet democracy to herd the sheep around

mate...total load of shit. The American democratic system has an issue with wealthy lobyists being able to use money to asert political will...worry more about that.

the world is changing...china, and somewhat Russia, are broadly in control. Your conspiracy theories are 50 years behind the times...

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

My government is of the people and by the people, but in my country, the people are greedy and selfish and they do not care about the other people, so by default, this government of the people can never be for the people. Our government is too busy protecting business that suck the people dry as consumers and best the people down as employees. There are two simple steps to make our government for the people, a two term limit for all elected offices and a cap on donations to political parties and candidates. The greedy bastards would not be so interested in running for office and the corporations could no longer put a stranglehold on politicians. It won't solve every issue, but it will at least bring the government in America back under the umbrella of the people who work for the people. Right now my government is reflective of the people who have 1% of the wealth. So I guess you can say it is of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%. Which is what I think about 50% of the American people, and that ain't much!

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593


my government is the dog's bollocks.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

"The Rothschild Family is the kings whom rule the planet"

Oh man, is the above statement so yesterday.  Every knows the Rothschild's lost all their money in the depression.

Who's really running the world is the Great and powerful 'O'.  The great Kenyan Zulu King of the zombie army of ISIS.  And at this very moment his secret tunnel of doom, that he's been building from the basement of the Whitehouse, to the middle of Mecca, is nearly complete.  With in hours after the grand opening the Zulu King shall unleash his voodoo, and mankind, and coffee, will never be the same.

Good Gosh.  People need to keep their rumors straight.

I know this to all be true, for the FOX told me, and Big Foot too!

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 9th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 47

Government starts at the local level and most people are totally oblivious to their local government. FEMA camps, chem trails and all that shit is so much more romantic and exciting than property taxes, zoning, trash pick up and school boards. But if you take the time to get involved at the local level you can effect change. Organize and grow that to a national level and you can impact that also. If you want to drive on the roads you gotta obey the speed limits of the entity that created and maintains them......or not but then be prepared to pay for your actions. I tend to ignore the government because...simply... fuck them. I've no use for fuckers telling me what I can or can't do. You wanna go fight wars go fight wars. You wanna fuck with the elected government of Ukraine go ahead. Keep banging your head against the same stupid rock in the middle east what do I care? Effects me not one bit except I get kind of sad at all the young kids whose lives are wasted fighting for nothing over and over and over and over. Eight years after Vietnam we normalized trade with them....54000 dead and countless wounded in mind and body for what? Canned strawberries? Fuck the government and the society that perpetuates it.  

Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Everyone here agrees: governments are bullshit. Nonetheless...
Quoting George Carlin, if the politicians sucks is because the families and the people suck. One must revise the educational system. As long as we teach our children behavioral rules we don't follow ourselves; teach them to study to get a better grade and not for the sake of learning, stressing on the importance of their individuality instead of the community; as long as we tell them is their right to find happines, even if that means trampling on our neighbours, we will go nowhere. One must place himself in front of a mirror, and say ''It is I, who suck as an educator; it's not always everyone else's fault''.
However, if we could be able to raise the future generations like that, we won't have a government at all.  
If you still believe in the concept of nation (I used believe, because one must have faith, because nations don't really exist, they are ideals), be prepared to disappear as an individual: the story of a man is not important for a government. We all think the government concern is the problem of poverty, healthcare, welfare etc. It's not at all about that. Conservation, expansion and ''equilibrium'' are a nations' only preoccupation: they behave much like a living being in a natural environment.
Beyond the curtain of democracy, conceals what we can call an Oligarchy, who in turn is ruled by banks. What is the sake of democracy, if the mass media tells everyone that they must adapt to the cogent conduct? There is only one accepted behavior: try to be different and, if you are not a talented genius, you'll end up living on a sidewalk.
Moreover, and here I conclude, democracy is an insult to every intelligent human being.
If this post seems confusional, is because I'm confused.

Thought Provoker
Australia 9awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 186

I think our prime minister Tony fuckface Abbott is a monkey that someone taught to speak...I dont know a single person who voted for him yet he got in.....he looks after those who are already wealthy and makes life harder for those who are not....anyone who truly believes the government is looking out for the people (all the people) is a fucking moron!. They are trying the keep you at the mind set of children, only telling you what they want you to know....war is not about defence...it is and always has been about greed and power.

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