Poetry competition CLOSED 31st August 2017 2:40pm
View Profile Poems by Phoenix_Risen
RUNNERS-UP: souladareatease and Zach_of_all_trades

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From the ashes a fire shall be woken...

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 25th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 35

Every day is a new day (Rise)

I rise in the morning as the Phoenix
Crawling from the ashes of yesterday
Refreshed from the dust of my weathered bones
Reaching for the majesty of the Sun
Leaving behind discarded sorrow
Starting over on my continued journey
Breathing anew the vapours of life
Holding on to nothing but my heritage
The “mes” before me become my pedigree
Each Father a child of the Father
Each Child more than the child before
Building on the Father’s legacy
Reaching for the majesty of the Son
Written by sammy4444
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

When You Stopped Caring

You did not care until the moment when I walked away
And stopped talking to you. You could have found a way
To convince me to never leave, but did not sense anything
Was wrong or adrift. You did not realize that would sting
Me or set off my anger and frustration. The only fault
Is that I gave you every chance. I am not going to halt
My life to lick your wounds and heal your scars because
That is not how all of this works. Life does not get a pause
Or a re do button when there are the same mistakes that
Get repeated over and over again. You always get a flat
Line because you need me to revive it yet again. With
Every reason to be sorry, grace and forgiveness is a myth
From long ago. I cannot let you keep walking all over me.
You told me long ago that you keep wanting to see
Where life was going, but I was not a part of those
Plans and I was not the person to get lost in throes
Of something like lust. What you had was not love
Or even mutual respect, but destruction and of
Complete chaos. I always told myself to stop being
People who does not deserve it. I stopped agreeing
To getting myself hurt and to prevent my heart from
Dangerous situations. I have to walk away from some
Of the pain in order to let go although it takes so much
In me to not go back to you. I know I would be such
A hypocrite and liar if I ever did that. You do not
Deserve an explanation anymore. It is you I forgot.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16805

sammy4444 and eswaller, thank you for your entries.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16805

Darksun82, a double thank you for your two entries.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 5th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 25

The Samurai Song

He trained every day,
And took not for granted,
The way his blade
Sliced and Slanted.
Protecting himself
was all that he knew,
Aside from the blood
that his sword drew.
He'd go from sunrise
'till the moon hit his eyes,
But felt no remorse,
for everyone dies.
His honor was gold
and his focus was old,
a man who's life
needed to be told.
He fought for himself,
and his family tree,
He never thought once
about mortality.
But the pain in his eyes,
one night did arise,
When he saw his villages
flaming demise.
He opened his hut,
then slammed it back shut,
When he found his loved ones
strewn about guts.
He vowed for revenge
in the pale moonlight,
He swore for his ancestors,
he would do right.
He raised his blade,
and removed his own face,
Then clotted the blood
with the embers ablaze.
He rose from the ashes,
With hate in his eyes,
The blood of his loved,
His means to baptize.
He set out on horseback,
For hours he'd ride,
Pushing out flashbacks
For pain to subside.
He finally reached
The camp of his foes,
He waited outside,
With both eyes closed.
He Bowed his head,
Following his plan,
He aimed at his stomach,
With sword in hand.
The first guard to see
Walked right up to him,
But the night was so dim,
He saw just a flash
As the silver passed,
Slicing the guard
Clean in half.
The samurai rose,
Like a phoenix from flame,
To bring honor back
to his family name.
He snuck through the tents
Of the encampment,
Slaying who slept,
Smiling as he went.
When he got to the end,
He saved best for last.
He skinned their captain
And fashioned a mask.
He looked at it long,
Before he stitched it on,
And by  break of dawn
He was long gone.  


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16805

MrBuchanan, thank you for your participation.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16805

I thank all the participants of this competition for their awesome entries. The results were decided with non DU friends...as I just found it difficult to choose. Congratulations Pheonix...Zach and Souladareatease for winning. All entrants were superb. Please be with me in my next competition. Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

CONGRATS Phoenix_Risen !!!
A winning Entry to be Sure!!!

Thank You so much for this Comp. Grace and thank You Ever so much for the Runner up -Very nice Surprise!!!
Congrats to You Zach for Runner up as well!!!

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 21st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 99

Thanks Grace! I'm sorry  I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks so it seems, so I just want to say thanks for the great comp!
So many great poems here!!

souladareatease - thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Congratulations Phoenix_Risen! You Bag It!
You too Mr. Soul and Zach, three claps and a bow.

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