Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2017 9:43pm
Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
View Profile Poems by Hepcat61
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and OxyMoronicMe

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

Poetry Contest

*write a pantoum
a pantoum is composed of a series of quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza are repeated as the first & third of the next.
The pattern continues for any number of stanzas [tho i'd like four stanzas] except for the final stanza which differs in the repeating pattern.

rules & stuff:

* as many entries as you like
* i'd prefer a new poem but will accept an oldie too
* not remotely arsed about the subject matter [as long as it's structurally sound]
* comp closes in 2 weeks

anyone needing a guideline for structure, google is your friend, alternatively, i'm a p.m away

have fun!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

A Pantoum: rhyme scheme: abab, 10-syllable line count.


A note from deep within rewrites our song,
That from above in cloudless sky rains down.
All senses come alive before too long,
Electrified from daybreak to sundown.

That from above in cloudless sky rains down,
The first sound that I hear is but a taste.
Electrified from daybreak to sundown,
To multiply and drench me in your haste.

The first sound that I hear is but a taste,
To what you'll bring to me in thunder's roll.
To multiply and drench me in your haste,
And further drown me as my lover's soul.

For what you'll bring to me in thunder's roll,
Can more than equal others' want of me.
And further drown me as my lover's soul
To match & raise the stakes to keep me free.

Can more than equal others' want of me,
All senses come alive before too long.
To match & raise the stakes to keep me free,
A note from deep within rewrites our song.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

(A Pantoum: rhyme scheme: abab, 10-syllable line count.)

Fashionista!: Sequel 2

I'm Fashionista, let's do lunch a while,
You must've seen me on the Time's front page.
I am the Queen of Trend, Manhattan-style,
My jungle prints have all become the rage.

You must've seen me on the Time's front page
About the slasher? darlin' that's not me.
My jungle prints have all become the rage,
A babe of interest, maybe, can't you see?

About the slasher? darlin' that's not me.
I have an alibi at Tony's Bar,
A babe of interest, maybe, can't you see?
I could be Andy Warhol's superstar.

I have an alibi at Tony's Bar,
A borrowed IOU from bouncer Buzz.
I could be Andy Warhol's superstar
If he were still alive, knew who I was.

A borrowed IOU from bouncer Buzz,
They said they saw me turn into a cat.
If he were still alive, knew who I was,
His meat was chewy but had lots of fat.

They said they saw me turn into a cat,
But that's all water under Brooklyn Bridge.
His meat was chewy but had lots of fat,
I've got the tender bits stored in my 'fridge.

But that's all water under Brooklyn Bridge.
I'm Fashionista, let's do lunch a while,
I've got the tender bits stored in my 'fridge,
I am the Queen of Trend, Manhattan-style.

Other published poems from the Fashionista series:
Fashionista!: The Sequel

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Variation 7

My breast she has been torn assunder
By wretched wench by name, seduction
I have shallow heart and know not what to do
This wretched witch, i name her shrew

By wretched wench by name, seduction
I am quilted with love letters torn
From wretched witch i name her shew
My patchwork din barely sheilds me its holes you can see through

I am quitled with love letters torn
Rag doll heart beats in vain
This wretched bitch i name her shrew
She leaves me with noth8ng and nothing to lose

Rag doll heart beats in vain
My heart is lost to seductions gain
She leaves me nothing and nothing i lose
This cunt of a witch i name her shrew

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

ginnykins & jadey
thank you both for most epic entries ^.^

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

(Pantoum of Secrets)

My lips are sealed
Hiding so many secrets
From many failures
Because of youthful indiscretions

Hiding so many secrets
My shoulder feels heavy
Because of youthful indiscretions
Carrying it all alone.

My shoulder feels heavy
From many failures
Carrying it all alone
My lips are sealed

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

thank you so much for your stunning entry, oxy

poet Anonymous

>She Broke My Love Bank<

She told me that she loved me
So, I took her kind words to my love bank
Unannounced, she cashed it all in
She left me with no deposits, brokenhearted  

So, I took her kind words to my love bank
I was as rich on love as a man can be
She left me with no deposits, brokenhearted  
I will never forget, I will never put my trust in another swindler

I was as rich on love as a man can be
So, naïve beyond belief
I will never forget, I will never put my trust in another swindler
There are bankrupt couples everywhere  

So, naïve beyond belief
Unannounced, she cashed it all in
There are bankrupt couples everywhere
She told me that she loved me

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

_shadoe_ said:squuuueeeeee!
ginnykins & jadey
thank you both for most epic entries ^.^

Bb, as always...,you got it

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028


(an unrhymed pantoum in iambic tetrameter)        
I wake to grayly flaccid light        
Where Moon devours red Sun’s heat        
A land of sweetly scented Ghosts        
Where flightless crows forget the sky  
Where Moon devours red Sun’s heat        
In streets of bone like broken teeth        
Where flightless crows forget the sky  
The weight of Ghosts remains unseen        
In streets of bone like broken teeth        
In rooms that conjure Earthly tears        
The weight of Ghosts remains unseen      
The churches where the corpses feed      
In rooms that conjure Earthly tears        
Of failed incantations brought        
The churches where the corpses feed      
With airs of golden ashes glut        
Of failed incantations brought        
The shattered splendor poisoned me        
With airs of golden ashes glut        
I was the ghost of stolen hearts        
The shattered splendor poisoned me        
Where once I touched its sacred coin        
I was the ghost of stolen hearts        
And witness Oz that they still see        
Where once I touched its sacred coin        
I wake to grayly flaccid light        
And witness Oz that they still see        
A land of sweetly scented Ghosts  
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

m110 & mister cat, thank you both for joining the pantoumonium!

poet Anonymous

y/w m110

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Dreams of an Amber Moon

In dreams like sailing ships on amber moon,
A midnight bird sings words like skies of flame.
You shimmer in your vails, a wave of stars,
I rush to find my North in loving you.

A midnight bird sings words like skies of flame,
The echoes bank and flow with mesas’ spires.
I rush to find my North in loving you,
With clouded eyes, that fail the night’s release.

The echoes bank and flow with mesas’ spires.
Pray’rs raised in muffled glyphs of ancient tongues,
With clouded eyes, that fail the night’s release,
Forgotten stones of faiths long since dispelled.

Pray’rs raised in muffled glyphs of ancient tongues,
A vision scene’d on scarlet desert grounds.
Forgotten stones of faiths long since dispelled,
Foundation set for holy temple’s site.

A vision scene’d on scarlet desert grounds,
With meditation sought your mystic source.
Foundation set for holy temple’s site,
A shaman’s trace to kama’s lucid truth.

With meditation sought your mystic source,
In dreams like sailing ships on amber moon,
A shaman’s trace to kama’s lucid truth,
You shimmer in your vails, a wave of stars.


Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Healing Waters

In lips caressed with praising, sound its fill,        
Which fall and leave mine filled with deeper yearn.        
That lift again to nape of sweet stream’s spill          
Descend again in urgent deeper's burn.      
Which fall and leave mine, filled with deeper yearn,        
From heaven’s shown embrace on rosy peak,        
Descend again in urgent deeper’s burn,        
To dire land, the pilgrims’ doorway seek.        
From heaven’s shown embrace on rosy peak,       
Long have I missed the fount I’ve never known.        
To dire land, the pilgrim doorway seek,       
My mouth and tongue in fore-graced spells intone.        
Long have I missed the fount I’ve never known,        
A healing croft that’s sought to cleanse all need.        
My mouth and tongue in fore-graced spells intone,  
A consecrating holy wash concede.        
A healing croft that’s sought to cleanse all need,        
Through capstone’s gentle arch I enter tall,    
A consecrating holy wash concede.        
With soaking worship sacraments enthrall.        
Through capstone’s gentle arch, I enter tall        
In lips caressed with praising, sound its fill.        
With soaking worship sacraments enthrall          
That lift again to nape of sweet stream’s spill.        
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1884

Her Alluring Eyes (Reprise)

In her alluring eyes I find my secret paradise,
Like a portal that us mortals wish to go through,
Where I reside in an eternal ecstasy, reprise,
In her heavenly embrace I completely subdue.

Like a portal that us mortals wish to go through,
I pursue the secrets to make her fire go higher,
In her heavenly embrace I completely subdue,
Into a world and realm of dreams and desire.

I pursue the secrets to make her fire go higher,
Immersed with a thirst that can’t be assuaged,
Into a world and realm of dreams and desire,
Where my dire passion can never be caged.

Immersed with a thirst that can’t be assuaged,
It lingers as the flames spread and take flight,
Where my dire passion can never be caged,
To a place full of grace and endless delight.

It lingers as the flames spread and take flight,
Where I reside in an eternal ecstasy, reprise,
To a place full of grace and endless delight,
In her alluring eyes I find my secret paradise.

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