Poetry competition CLOSED 24th April 2017 4:38pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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Imagery in Words

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

poetry that you can See, Feel & almost Taste

One Rule:  MUST include a GIF to compliment poem(s) entered.

New or Old writes.
No Limit on Entries.
One Week.

example ...

24hr cafe

the day
is cold and gray
sirens wail in the distance
as rain pours on the outside
coffee in two cups
are being poured
inside the 24 hr cafe ~
no cream, no sugar
just black coffee drinking strangers
by the occasional sound
of a newspaper, ruffling

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Tripping Trolls on the Roll

donkeys were trip tripping over the bridge
while the trolls looked up and thought
why couldn't they be donkeys too
and start their own hullabaloo
oh they need to be heard
they need to be known
the trolls just trolling
under the bridge

so they climbed up to the bridge
and started their walk back and forth
and back and forth on the plank-way
they taunted the donkeys
who just brayed and ran away
the cows who just looked bored
horses that disdainfully kept away
the trolls they were mad

so they started to pout
and they started to spout
all manners of stories
sonnets and verses fit
for the King's court
the trolls they sang their hearts out
told of fantastical worlds
and mysterious universe

delighted, their audience listened
enthralled with the stories
they started to cheer hip hip hooray
for the trolls the fancy trolls
who copied the donkey's brays
and all the cows little moos
and the horses neighing splutters
were in a frenzy of ideas

but after replays of a hundred and ten
tunes and verses again and again
the audience walked away
to adore altars of other orators
the cats, and dogs, the monkeys
crocodiles and kangaroos, they left
the trolls sputtered in anger on empty air
and slunk back to their grey domain

songs sad and lonely are still heard
from their home under the bridge
a repetition of pretty and fancy verses
but then they might be back one day
to dance their jig and recite their tales
to a happy adoring audience
...the tripping trolls.

(inspired by the Three Billy Goats Gruff-Hans Christian Anderson)
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Vowel (re)Movement

Wh@t if @ll the vowels in poetry united?
@nd ignited @ movement @ll @round the world?
Wh@t if they’d vow not to work for @nyone?
@ move me@nt to le@ve us writers in @ whirl.

If they’d unionize they’d go strike just to terrorize,
We’d feel helpless like we couldn’t use our h@nds,
M@ybe we could use those other @ltern@tives,
Like @sterisks, excl@m@tions, @t @nd @mpers@nds.

We live in @ world of fix@tions with h@sht@gs @nd @bbr.
Where the true @rt of the word seems slurred @nd dying,
@t le@st in my eyes but I love the properly cleverly written,
It’s @ tre@sure th@t I venture to @nd find s@tisfying.

It’s only @n ide@, m@ybe some kind of nightm@re,
How silly this fe@r of mine for vowels to dis@ppe@r,
They’d pick up their picket signs, @ll in their protest lines!
Until we m@ke @ de@l to be proper @nd fully @dhere.

Oh no! It h@s begun.

poet Anonymous

Miss Grace & wallyroo92 ... Thank You both for your entries ...

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Did you feel it, or might've seen it
But didn't hear it as it flew by us
Closest encounter in the past ten years

From a passer-by, the weirdest shaped rock
You ever did see, a quarter mile wide
It happened last night depending on where

You happen to be, and guess just how close
This visitor reached to making contact
With a monster splash or a ton of dust

Making a crater about five miles wide
Flyby: a million miles, is that far from you?
Rethink that while I say, only five times

Than our cousin Moon you could travel soon
I don't know 'bout you, closer than you think.
But relax for now, we're out of the red

One won't come that close for so many years
So now all we need to worry about
Is the hard real truth of nuclear war

That might/could come soon, then none of us need
To worry of jobs to pay for the rent
Or Internet hacks who'll steal your ID

And no asteroids to take us all out
Or leave some behind who linger a while
But there'll be no stress, now won't that be fine?

.gif images: bestanimations.com

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

my cold dead heart

my cold dead heart  
remembers to forget the melodies  
we once hid inside  
my lips betray me however  
and i make porcupined air bubbles  
of the lyrics where you slipped on my skin  
i forget to remember  
there are holes in the walls  
where memories used to hang  
with promises of forever  
as the dirge plays on  
I don't ask for salvation  
nor forgiveness  
just the sweet wet crackle  
of my showering on your grave  
as you watch  

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


spineless sharecropper
antediluvian chores
weave chambers of life
within soft wet coffee grinds
birthing a cascade of blooms


Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


tertiary robe
descends in spiraling ebbs
weightless boughs beckon
sweet bombastic eulogy
as harvest ashes rustle

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


my mind grows weary
Trying to tell every story
I've ever heard

I hide out at the bistro
On the avenue
Sipping Chardonnay
And treasure hunting through
Moules marinieres

Pensées évaporées

I think of Baldwin and Wright
in these moments
I walk the park for a bit
And then the boulevard
An old man passes me by

Whispers of his pipe tap me on the shoulder
They tell me he left the house
Before his wife could kick him out
Come walk with us
Talk with us
They say
The hints of nutmeg and cinnamon are tempting
But I bid him adieu

I see a Muslim girl
Covering her hair for modesty
Yet she struts in her jeans like a girl
From the Boogie Down
What's that story

There's a hollow point in the wall
I pass on the path in the park
Dark enough for thieves
Dark enough for lovers
But it keeps its secrets
Like they all do

Until I brush their side
and ask

Excuse me ...

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

I Drink My Coffee Black.

Stirring sugar into it,
Is the vision I have of you,
As we sat sipping in the morning,
And the taste of your lips,
That still lingers,
Decades later.

Cream mixed in becomes,
The liquid chocolate of your skin,
Still brings tingling to mine,
And is a memory,
That delights my eyes,
Decades later.

Decades later,

In lament,
I drink my coffee black.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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The icon I use, a steaming cup of coffee, is the image I would like to attach to this poem.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Tips for adding a gif:

1. Google the name of the image you want with the word "gif" right after it ...

e.g. coffee gif or horse gif

2. Select the images tab in Google ... an array of images will appear. You need only copy and paste at this point BUT ...

3. But be aware ... giphy - tumblr - Pinterest don't work on DUP ... ALSO make sure the file size is less than 500 x 500 (you'll see this information on the image itself)

4. You have to bracket[ ]: img & /img
At the beginning and end of the string


I used parentheses in the example so you could see what a string should look like ... BUT you must use brackets [ ]

Hope that helps


jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

That will help folks for sure, Lobo!  I just have one thing to add because I'm able to transform something from the above mentioned sites through my photobucket account into the URL link I use, adding the aforementioned brackets at each end = img & /img.  Works like a charm.  In fact, I'll be posting another entry in about 90 mins or so using a tumblr .gif.

Cheers! x

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


A dreary dusk has settled on my mind
The rain falls softly on my window pane,
As rain comes down upon my lonely heart
With thoughts of him like raindrops' coldest stain.

Why does the heart insist on this behest,
A weight that cannot test my agony
That cannot mend the gap we both endure
That will not give the answer in our need.

And so it goes throughout the gentle night
While I in mourning set aside my rest.
The drone of showers robs me of my peace
For keeping vigil in my tender quest.

.gif image: tumblr

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Early Breakfast

By day the traffic hurries on its way
While no one sees me other than myself.

I go about my personal affairs
Sit in my car or at a public park

Which are two of my favorite spots to write
And find me there while evening dims the sky

I shift around my clothes to fall away
As shape my body stretches to grow large

My eyesight sharpens in the dark of night
The scent of prey on two legs has me snap,

I leap across the green expanse of lawn
To hunt the shadows sprinting from my snarl.

The papers read "TWO MUGGERS EATEN RAW"
My human self annoyed they got it wrong.

.gif image: Jade Pandora

poet Anonymous

Miss Grace, JJJayJr and Senor Lobo … Thank You for your Entries

Congrats, WALLYROO92 … your piece made me smile in thought provoking splendor.

and Miss Jade[y], congrats as Runner-up … your poem ``Quest`` made me feel more than I bargained for.


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