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fu*k obama
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 417
Poetry Contest Description
worst piece of shit america ever had in office .let's do this...
New, old, short, long, one or ten .....
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 417
I get my power from the people
the people with dark skin
or the racist or the sexist
I'd guess you'd say my kin
sure i'm a dick
but they'd vote for me again
go on you gay boys
and pack your fudge
you make me sick
but I wont judge
your limp wristed vote
will give me a nudge
no comprendo
no problemo
our border is abierto
ladies our babies
you can kill
I know you wont use it
but you can have a free pill
you abandoned your men
to promote other races
what I got planned for you
we wont see your faces
your just a tool
until your country splits
then i'll stick your high heels
where just the heel fits
barefoot and pregnant
no silicone tits
my IQ is low
the conclusion is forgone
more further proof
that I am a moron
i'm changing this place
I got my muslim groove on
I piss on your laws
and you don't do a thing
i'm strutting around
like I was a king
catch me red handed
I couldn't care less
my back pocket's got
the main stream press
they repeat my lies
like a brainless parrot
while I lead you away
from buffet
with a carrot
in the office of oval
the loss is a total
that taste in your mouth
it's totally scrotal
to liars and fuck-ups
promotions i'll give
our national security
will leak like a sieve
if I was a civilian
and still such a villian
my worthless dumb ass
in prison would be chillin'
when America aint free
blame it all on me
you'll be china's bitch
just wait and see
third world country
from sea to shining sea
on one of nato's thrones
is where I'll be
i'm the fascist, smashist
of the constitution
I can't over state
your future disillusion
I'm here to fuck up
your state of union..
the people with dark skin
or the racist or the sexist
I'd guess you'd say my kin
sure i'm a dick
but they'd vote for me again
go on you gay boys
and pack your fudge
you make me sick
but I wont judge
your limp wristed vote
will give me a nudge
no comprendo
no problemo
our border is abierto
ladies our babies
you can kill
I know you wont use it
but you can have a free pill
you abandoned your men
to promote other races
what I got planned for you
we wont see your faces
your just a tool
until your country splits
then i'll stick your high heels
where just the heel fits
barefoot and pregnant
no silicone tits
my IQ is low
the conclusion is forgone
more further proof
that I am a moron
i'm changing this place
I got my muslim groove on
I piss on your laws
and you don't do a thing
i'm strutting around
like I was a king
catch me red handed
I couldn't care less
my back pocket's got
the main stream press
they repeat my lies
like a brainless parrot
while I lead you away
from buffet
with a carrot
in the office of oval
the loss is a total
that taste in your mouth
it's totally scrotal
to liars and fuck-ups
promotions i'll give
our national security
will leak like a sieve
if I was a civilian
and still such a villian
my worthless dumb ass
in prison would be chillin'
when America aint free
blame it all on me
you'll be china's bitch
just wait and see
third world country
from sea to shining sea
on one of nato's thrones
is where I'll be
i'm the fascist, smashist
of the constitution
I can't over state
your future disillusion
I'm here to fuck up
your state of union..
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 417
When I married that bitch she was my cute little monkey
Now what the fuck that gorilla getting chunky
I'm a tiny silver back only mudsharks think is hunky
I'm not even President I'm just some white dems flunky...
Now what the fuck that gorilla getting chunky
I'm a tiny silver back only mudsharks think is hunky
I'm not even President I'm just some white dems flunky...
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 417
Welcome to the chump show
Where shit bout scrobama flow
That bitch just another Islam hoe
Wouldn't be shit if he wasn't a bro
Every chance he get put his dick where the shit go
Where shit bout scrobama flow
That bitch just another Islam hoe
Wouldn't be shit if he wasn't a bro
Every chance he get put his dick where the shit go
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194
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Forum Posts: 194
What The Obamas Did ABOUT America (Not FOR America)
He thought because he won two terms
He was standing in EXCELLENT terms
The truth is no one wanted to clean the mess
He and his wife made, nonetheless.
Vetoed this and vetoed that...
Even vetoed people's underpants
Boy or girl not determined by body part they have
Or parts they lack ...
Instead by how they best identify.
Proud idiot trying to rectify
Constitution he didn't even know.
What a blow!
Mix the boys and mix the girls
Throw the world in a confusion whirl
But when it comes down to his wife and kids
The search is on, raise the lids
Send the goons to clear the room
So they don't feel the American doom
It does not matter if American people are not safe
As long as his wife and kids can pee all safe.
Insurance wasn't about health care.
It was all about his pocket care.
People with no income, no work
How are they to pay fees, you jerk?
Michelle vetoed school lunch food
To give a poor kid with no home-food
A wilted salad to carry him through the night
While she enjoyed her nice fat burger making her own ass mighty tight
"Change you can count on," well they delivered
It was just change brought on by a horrid deceiver
Who took a turn for the very worst
Traitor at his very best now stands cursed
Among The People he says he served.
But, even more cursed stands America who tolerated this clown
We only exchanged one clown for another thumbs down
Saw a headline saying, "What's he doing, now?"
Thought to myself, "Who knows? Eating a cow
While starving school kids eat wilted greens.
With cauliflower And Lima beans..."
But this deceiver-traitor is luckier than you and I
And, you are probably asking me why
Because after he slaughtered America
We pay his pension while all of America, to and from
Still live off of scattered crumbs....
No need to shout it
No doubt about it...
Obama should have been Im-"peached"
Oh, what a "pickle" we have reached!
He thought because he won two terms
He was standing in EXCELLENT terms
The truth is no one wanted to clean the mess
He and his wife made, nonetheless.
Vetoed this and vetoed that...
Even vetoed people's underpants
Boy or girl not determined by body part they have
Or parts they lack ...
Instead by how they best identify.
Proud idiot trying to rectify
Constitution he didn't even know.
What a blow!
Mix the boys and mix the girls
Throw the world in a confusion whirl
But when it comes down to his wife and kids
The search is on, raise the lids
Send the goons to clear the room
So they don't feel the American doom
It does not matter if American people are not safe
As long as his wife and kids can pee all safe.
Insurance wasn't about health care.
It was all about his pocket care.
People with no income, no work
How are they to pay fees, you jerk?
Michelle vetoed school lunch food
To give a poor kid with no home-food
A wilted salad to carry him through the night
While she enjoyed her nice fat burger making her own ass mighty tight
"Change you can count on," well they delivered
It was just change brought on by a horrid deceiver
Who took a turn for the very worst
Traitor at his very best now stands cursed
Among The People he says he served.
But, even more cursed stands America who tolerated this clown
We only exchanged one clown for another thumbs down
Saw a headline saying, "What's he doing, now?"
Thought to myself, "Who knows? Eating a cow
While starving school kids eat wilted greens.
With cauliflower And Lima beans..."
But this deceiver-traitor is luckier than you and I
And, you are probably asking me why
Because after he slaughtered America
We pay his pension while all of America, to and from
Still live off of scattered crumbs....
No need to shout it
No doubt about it...
Obama should have been Im-"peached"
Oh, what a "pickle" we have reached!
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
comment removed cuz i rose above the urge to be hateful
have fun with your comp.
i look forward to reading the submissions.
have fun with your comp.
i look forward to reading the submissions.
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

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Joined 20th May 2012
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051
U Kno waht reelly piss me off
about Obama is he black
but he act whiter
really piss me off
he so hi an richeious
act like he make me gonna get heelth ensurance
I already got the system firgird out
If I get sick, like i did just a while ago
i just strut my stuff into the mergency room
an they gotta take me!
An if I needs to just go to a doctor..
(too much o that bar room pussie if you no wat i mean)
...GO FUND ME BABEEE!!!!!...
I dont got no credit so what can they do to me?
reck my credit???ha ha ha ha ha
i am laughting all the way to the bank o brama
which I dont need no account anyways
I just got to payday lonez
an get my paycheck
you should check it out
and thanks be to gawd
we wont be havin anymore of them
pollustion regulations
I chopped my catalytic converter out just to prove
nobody can take my right to pollute away from me
NOBAMA, cant do that to me anymore
finally I got my freedom
finally an if you in my rear view and
dont like my exhawst
you free to pass
its a free country
The last 8 YEARS
and the next 50
was and is
going to be
about Obama is he black
but he act whiter
really piss me off
he so hi an richeious
act like he make me gonna get heelth ensurance
I already got the system firgird out
If I get sick, like i did just a while ago
i just strut my stuff into the mergency room
an they gotta take me!
An if I needs to just go to a doctor..
(too much o that bar room pussie if you no wat i mean)
...GO FUND ME BABEEE!!!!!...
I dont got no credit so what can they do to me?
reck my credit???ha ha ha ha ha
i am laughting all the way to the bank o brama
which I dont need no account anyways
I just got to payday lonez
an get my paycheck
you should check it out
and thanks be to gawd
we wont be havin anymore of them
pollustion regulations
I chopped my catalytic converter out just to prove
nobody can take my right to pollute away from me
NOBAMA, cant do that to me anymore
finally I got my freedom
finally an if you in my rear view and
dont like my exhawst
you free to pass
its a free country
The last 8 YEARS
and the next 50
was and is
going to be

The Obama Singalong Song
The reason your Daddy abandoned your family
Is because Barack fucked your Mama
It's all his fault and if it weren't for him
Fox wouldn't have canceled Futurama
Obama, Obama
He's the one who is making you pay
For everything in your home that you don't want
Obama, Obama
He's the one turning your nation gay
He even stopped children from writing in cursive font
There wasn't enough milk for your Cocoa Puffs
And the toy was missing from the box
That's why your on the Internets now posting in huffs,
Michelle Obama sucks dirty rich cocks
Obama this, Obama that
He's the one that ran over your cat
Obama here, Obama there
He's to blame for that stain in your underwear
Obama, Obama
He's the one playing golf
Forcing taxpayers to be his caddy
Obama, Obama
He's the one who fucked your Mama
And now you miss your Daddy
Obama, Obama
For better or worse
Please feel free to add a verse
Don't hold back - shout, rail and curse
And blame him for all your setbacks and failures
I slipped and fell and broke my ass
When someone wished Obamacare would pass
And now that my rump is in a sling
I feel the overwhelming urge to sing
Obama, Obama
If it wasn't for you and your smart ass jokes
We'd still be owners of those islands in the Bering Sea
And even though that was proven to be a hoax
I still believe every email forwarded to me
Obama, Obama
I feel enraged every time I hear
You taking credit for single handedly killing Osama
It pisses me off to no end that here
I spend my life being a drama llama
Obama this, Obama that
He's the reason my tires are bald and flat
Obama here, Obama there
An Obamascare
Obama Twenty-Four forward slash Seven all the time
Whilst you suffer as he luxuriously vacations on the taxpayer's dime
I rhyme
And rather badly at it too
If only
There had been a greater turnout
For McCain and Palin
From there on out
It surely
Would have been
Smooth sailin'
But now we're stuck with that awful Muslim
How can one afford to trust him?
Obama, Obama
Because of your policies
My car overheated, engine threw a rod
When I hailed for a cab, it drove on by
I was racially profiled, Hmmm, how odd
But I know damn well it was your fault, Obama
Your the cause of everything that goes wrong
And because Daddy left when you fucked my Mama
I involuntarily break-out in-to s-o-n-g
Your the reason I have crabs
Why my urine streams out in dribs and drabs
Why my toaster burns my toast
You fucked everything up for him and her
All of them and me
From sea to shining sea
From coast to coast
You know what time it is?
That's right, Folks
You guessed it
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
There's a black man living in a white house
Oh, it makes me pissed, but I swear to you
It's not what is seems, I know it sounds bad
But it has nothing to do with me being racist
That's an entirely different story altogether
And only for the ears of my therapist
Now, where do I begin?
Let's start with,
He's the cause of the tumor pressing on my brain
Obama, Obama
The source of all the violence erupting in the Ukraine
Obama, Obama
He's the reason why I'm allergic to hornets, wasps and bees
And as farfetched as it sounds, how else can you explain it?
Why all my clothing smells like cheese
Why did have to go and fuck my Mama?
Obama, Obama
With Michelle right there in the room, cheering you on
Obama, Obama
Without you, my life would be free of so much drama
And every time I saw Oprah on the TV
My pecker wouldn't turn to wood
You thought I was going to say hard on, didn't ya?
Hah! I got you good!
If only you knew how much I hated you
And how much of my life is dedicated to
Dissing you on the Internet every chance I get
You would cer-tain-ly whole-heartedly un-der-stand
It has nothing to do with you being a black man
Living in a white house
White house, there's a black man living in a white house
White house, white house, there's a black man living in a
White house, white house, there's a black man living in a
I'm not racist, ask my therapist, it certainly has nothing to do with you being
A black man living in a white house
La dee da da la dee da da
Doodly doot doot doooooooo
The reason your Daddy abandoned your family
Is because Barack fucked your Mama
It's all his fault and if it weren't for him
Fox wouldn't have canceled Futurama
Obama, Obama
He's the one who is making you pay
For everything in your home that you don't want
Obama, Obama
He's the one turning your nation gay
He even stopped children from writing in cursive font
There wasn't enough milk for your Cocoa Puffs
And the toy was missing from the box
That's why your on the Internets now posting in huffs,
Michelle Obama sucks dirty rich cocks
Obama this, Obama that
He's the one that ran over your cat
Obama here, Obama there
He's to blame for that stain in your underwear
Obama, Obama
He's the one playing golf
Forcing taxpayers to be his caddy
Obama, Obama
He's the one who fucked your Mama
And now you miss your Daddy
Obama, Obama
For better or worse
Please feel free to add a verse
Don't hold back - shout, rail and curse
And blame him for all your setbacks and failures
I slipped and fell and broke my ass
When someone wished Obamacare would pass
And now that my rump is in a sling
I feel the overwhelming urge to sing
Obama, Obama
If it wasn't for you and your smart ass jokes
We'd still be owners of those islands in the Bering Sea
And even though that was proven to be a hoax
I still believe every email forwarded to me
Obama, Obama
I feel enraged every time I hear
You taking credit for single handedly killing Osama
It pisses me off to no end that here
I spend my life being a drama llama
Obama this, Obama that
He's the reason my tires are bald and flat
Obama here, Obama there
An Obamascare
Obama Twenty-Four forward slash Seven all the time
Whilst you suffer as he luxuriously vacations on the taxpayer's dime
I rhyme
And rather badly at it too
If only
There had been a greater turnout
For McCain and Palin
From there on out
It surely
Would have been
Smooth sailin'
But now we're stuck with that awful Muslim
How can one afford to trust him?
Obama, Obama
Because of your policies
My car overheated, engine threw a rod
When I hailed for a cab, it drove on by
I was racially profiled, Hmmm, how odd
But I know damn well it was your fault, Obama
Your the cause of everything that goes wrong
And because Daddy left when you fucked my Mama
I involuntarily break-out in-to s-o-n-g
Your the reason I have crabs
Why my urine streams out in dribs and drabs
Why my toaster burns my toast
You fucked everything up for him and her
All of them and me
From sea to shining sea
From coast to coast
You know what time it is?
That's right, Folks
You guessed it
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
Doodly doot doot
There's a black man living in a white house
Oh, it makes me pissed, but I swear to you
It's not what is seems, I know it sounds bad
But it has nothing to do with me being racist
That's an entirely different story altogether
And only for the ears of my therapist
Now, where do I begin?
Let's start with,
He's the cause of the tumor pressing on my brain
Obama, Obama
The source of all the violence erupting in the Ukraine
Obama, Obama
He's the reason why I'm allergic to hornets, wasps and bees
And as farfetched as it sounds, how else can you explain it?
Why all my clothing smells like cheese
Why did have to go and fuck my Mama?
Obama, Obama
With Michelle right there in the room, cheering you on
Obama, Obama
Without you, my life would be free of so much drama
And every time I saw Oprah on the TV
My pecker wouldn't turn to wood
You thought I was going to say hard on, didn't ya?
Hah! I got you good!
If only you knew how much I hated you
And how much of my life is dedicated to
Dissing you on the Internet every chance I get
You would cer-tain-ly whole-heartedly un-der-stand
It has nothing to do with you being a black man
Living in a white house
White house, there's a black man living in a white house
White house, white house, there's a black man living in a
White house, white house, there's a black man living in a
I'm not racist, ask my therapist, it certainly has nothing to do with you being
A black man living in a white house
La dee da da la dee da da
Doodly doot doot doooooooo
geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028
geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

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Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
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Forum Posts: 417
Hepcat61 said:Fuck Obama...?
Sounds like you'd like to!
Like 'em black?
But you can't afford it!
On the other FIST!
All-ways OPEN to the deal...
Ask Vlady
He employed and enjoyed it!
(Three down and counting...) unlike others I don't need to name I don't care If you get so bothered by things you don't agree with that you need to put something that doesn't fit the comp.. But just FYI it makes you sound kinda gay for thinking about fisting trump...
Sounds like you'd like to!
Like 'em black?
But you can't afford it!
On the other FIST!
All-ways OPEN to the deal...
Ask Vlady
He employed and enjoyed it!
(Three down and counting...) unlike others I don't need to name I don't care If you get so bothered by things you don't agree with that you need to put something that doesn't fit the comp.. But just FYI it makes you sound kinda gay for thinking about fisting trump...

chump said: unlike others I don't need to name I don't care If you get so bothered by things you don't agree with that you need to put something that doesn't fit the comp.. But just FYI it makes you sound kinda gay for thinking about fisting trump...
FYI being bothered has nothing to do wth it.
Numerous Americans including Trump, along wth many in Congress, were immensely bothered all throughout the previous 8 years that they said and did many ludicrous things in an attempt to express their disapproval of Obama. Birther Movement ring a bell? 30 something attempts to repeal the ACA without a bill ready to replace it? And other things too ridiculous to take seriously.
Now, what's the name of your comp?
Carry on.
FYI being bothered has nothing to do wth it.
Numerous Americans including Trump, along wth many in Congress, were immensely bothered all throughout the previous 8 years that they said and did many ludicrous things in an attempt to express their disapproval of Obama. Birther Movement ring a bell? 30 something attempts to repeal the ACA without a bill ready to replace it? And other things too ridiculous to take seriously.
Now, what's the name of your comp?
Carry on.
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 417
JohnnyBlaze said:
FYI being bothered has nothing to do wth it.
Numerous Americans including Trump, along wth many in Congress, were immensely bothered all throughout the previous 8 years that they said and did many ludicrous things in an attempt to express their disapproval of Obama. Birther Movement ring a bell? 30 something attempts to repeal the ACA without a bill ready to replace it? And other things too ridiculous to take seriously.
Now, what's the name of your comp?
Carry on. wasn't talking to you.... Other dudes poem belong in the fuck trump comp... My comp is named to mimic the other carry on .... And all they need is one attempt to work and its about to.... Bye bye blobamacare
FYI being bothered has nothing to do wth it.
Numerous Americans including Trump, along wth many in Congress, were immensely bothered all throughout the previous 8 years that they said and did many ludicrous things in an attempt to express their disapproval of Obama. Birther Movement ring a bell? 30 something attempts to repeal the ACA without a bill ready to replace it? And other things too ridiculous to take seriously.
Now, what's the name of your comp?
Carry on. wasn't talking to you.... Other dudes poem belong in the fuck trump comp... My comp is named to mimic the other carry on .... And all they need is one attempt to work and its about to.... Bye bye blobamacare

chump said: wasn't talking to you.... Other dudes poem belong in the fuck trump comp... My comp is named to mimic the other carry on .... And all they need is one attempt to work and its about to.... Bye bye blobamacare
You are aware that there is less Congressional Republican support for repeal of the ACA now than ever before ........?
But I will agree that the more the Republican plan copies the ACA, the more it stands a better chance of passing.
You are aware that there is less Congressional Republican support for repeal of the ACA now than ever before ........?
But I will agree that the more the Republican plan copies the ACA, the more it stands a better chance of passing.

Where is my head at? I almost forgot to post a competition entry.
A Billion Points Of Insight
Log onto to the Internets
Read'em and weep, Love
Billions of comments
too many to keep track of
about how Obama is a
terrorist Muslim or a n****r
usually both
For millions of American voters
it really took very little to
their feelings of being unsafe
causing them to retreat
into their Safe Space
A vote for Trump
then became a vote against Obama
a way of saying
"In your face, Chump!"
A billion points of insight
ambered in individual Timelines
Probably two billion
if that Zuckerberg hadn't deleted
the extremely offensive whines
A Billion Points Of Insight
Log onto to the Internets
Read'em and weep, Love
Billions of comments
too many to keep track of
about how Obama is a
terrorist Muslim or a n****r
usually both
For millions of American voters
it really took very little to
their feelings of being unsafe
causing them to retreat
into their Safe Space
A vote for Trump
then became a vote against Obama
a way of saying
"In your face, Chump!"
A billion points of insight
ambered in individual Timelines
Probably two billion
if that Zuckerberg hadn't deleted
the extremely offensive whines