psychedelic shenanigans
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
Poetry Contest Description
see below
tell me.. what does life look like from the other side?
1. fuck rules
1. fuck rules
Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 194
My angelic soul is from the star Sirius
most laypersons live in a tremendous unawareness
concerning the multidimensional wilderness
in which they are embedded within
my galactic counsels include faerie kin
and the Pleiadians and Sirians
alongside angelical animal deities and the Nephilim
these Earth realms are haunted by entities from down under
when a human soul raises his energy to breach the physical borders
one can gain lucid apperception of a higher angelic order
where in sum this secular world is akin to a preprogrammed rom
but after strenuous breaking down the heavy maya that weighs a ton
one can gain psychic visions and the spiritual ways of the god beings
along with the ability to start foreseeing
and the shamanic traditions
the human becomes a galactic member of a star confederacy
through forms of communication is the secret of initiation to these spirit soul families
such as worship of the animal deities and the nature spirits of the Earth
and the ways one soul programs his lifetimes from ancient times that overseer every birth
these physical worlds are overseen by a soulless demiurge
human souls of Sophia have to constantly deconstruct into a divestiture
into the shadow self and subconscious clairvoyant creative powers
and than the soul raises in frequency and unfolds occult gifts like lotus flowers
the endless fountain of divine mystical gnosis creativity flows from
is from a ancestral etheric supercomputer and millions of minds are linked to the psychic forums
is a gift of the cosmos that is priceless but has immense value
individuality free will and creative virtues
when we cleanse our psyches are reborn anew
all divine ascending psychonauts
transcend the faults of the physical realms overseen by Yaldaboath
pagans and heathens abound with horns and hooves along with the goat men also known as Goths
My angelic soul is from the star Sirius
most laypersons live in a tremendous unawareness
concerning the multidimensional wilderness
in which they are embedded within
my galactic counsels include faerie kin
and the Pleiadians and Sirians
alongside angelical animal deities and the Nephilim
these Earth realms are haunted by entities from down under
when a human soul raises his energy to breach the physical borders
one can gain lucid apperception of a higher angelic order
where in sum this secular world is akin to a preprogrammed rom
but after strenuous breaking down the heavy maya that weighs a ton
one can gain psychic visions and the spiritual ways of the god beings
along with the ability to start foreseeing
and the shamanic traditions
the human becomes a galactic member of a star confederacy
through forms of communication is the secret of initiation to these spirit soul families
such as worship of the animal deities and the nature spirits of the Earth
and the ways one soul programs his lifetimes from ancient times that overseer every birth
these physical worlds are overseen by a soulless demiurge
human souls of Sophia have to constantly deconstruct into a divestiture
into the shadow self and subconscious clairvoyant creative powers
and than the soul raises in frequency and unfolds occult gifts like lotus flowers
the endless fountain of divine mystical gnosis creativity flows from
is from a ancestral etheric supercomputer and millions of minds are linked to the psychic forums
is a gift of the cosmos that is priceless but has immense value
individuality free will and creative virtues
when we cleanse our psyches are reborn anew
all divine ascending psychonauts
transcend the faults of the physical realms overseen by Yaldaboath
pagans and heathens abound with horns and hooves along with the goat men also known as Goths
Joined 20th Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 46
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 46
"What is psychadelia"
he asked
as we walked home in the silent cold of late january
I laughed a little at his randomness
"It's What ever you want it to be"
I tripped on hardened snow
like you tripped out by our old school
and I wished it was summer time again;
wishing I was laying in the gazebo
wondering what was real and what was not
wondering if we were real or not
and if all the drugs were what made the "best musicians" the "best" like too many uncultured randoms said.
Maybe Pschadelia
is more than 1060's LCD
and I am just sitting here
spouting nonsense
he asked
as we walked home in the silent cold of late january
I laughed a little at his randomness
"It's What ever you want it to be"
I tripped on hardened snow
like you tripped out by our old school
and I wished it was summer time again;
wishing I was laying in the gazebo
wondering what was real and what was not
wondering if we were real or not
and if all the drugs were what made the "best musicians" the "best" like too many uncultured randoms said.
Maybe Pschadelia
is more than 1060's LCD
and I am just sitting here
spouting nonsense
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
thank you both for getting this competition underway!
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1470
What other side?
My life is in circles!
Going round and round
Between life, death and rebirth
Curse me if I do remember who I was!
Do you think with all that I'd be sober
...enough to remember?
Like a Dragon chasing it's own tail?
Ahh, shut the fuck up!
Who cares of my past and its memories?
Certainly not me, if it was ugly
well then if it was pretty?
Is that even a question?
Course, I'd live it again!
Who wouldn't want to?
Maybe next century
I'd get to...
For now
It's time to die
or is it ..
Time to be reborn?
Whatever, men!
Whichever or both at the same time
it make no difference...
I'd still be chasing my own tail
(But I don't know that)
shut up!
My life is in circles!
Going round and round
Between life, death and rebirth
Curse me if I do remember who I was!
Do you think with all that I'd be sober
...enough to remember?
Like a Dragon chasing it's own tail?
Ahh, shut the fuck up!
Who cares of my past and its memories?
Certainly not me, if it was ugly
well then if it was pretty?
Is that even a question?
Course, I'd live it again!
Who wouldn't want to?
Maybe next century
I'd get to...
For now
It's time to die
or is it ..
Time to be reborn?
Whatever, men!
Whichever or both at the same time
it make no difference...
I'd still be chasing my own tail
(But I don't know that)
shut up!
Forum Posts: 3112
Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112
Sy naps e, I can never remember it prick your pick or pick your prick...anyway...i was rummaging through the attic in my mind trying to clean out some of the clutter when I came across this little gem...just do I spray painted it on the inside of my cranial cap...but a procrastinator am i....and when your mind is like a fish riding a unicycle on a high wire while juggling flaming gobs of napalm while humming wager's ride of the valkyrie's with only one good eye,the other having been scratched pressing too hard against the peephole(see gnomes) you stop to scratch your head and all is I know what you are thinking...why would a fish do all that when they can just swim away, just go with me on this o.k..I knew that i had to clear my mind 'cause the great buddha was coming over for lunch and he hates clutter....i know what you are thinking, how can a jolly fat man hate anything...but look at santa...think he likes getting crammed into that little sleigh, i mean it's much better now with the gps and all, doesn't take nearly as long...he now has time to stop and have a few with st. patty and how they both just love to chase the rabbit around, claiming they will make omelettes of his eggs...anyway....i dipped a toe in the babbling brook and hit an undercurrent that pulled me in way down deep...brain freeze as i almost drown in these quick running thoughts when i spot the bow of a ship sticking out of the water so i grab hold....the fish drops one on the flaming globes and it hits the water and i watch as steam rises ...suddenly i hear a whistle and i remember i have water on for tea...well it is time for me to go, maybe later i can clear some of that clutter i was telling you about...but then again, probably not., I can never remember it prick your pick or pick your prick...anyway...i was rummaging through the attic in my mind trying to clean out some of the clutter when I came across this little gem...just do I spray painted it on the inside of my cranial cap...but a procrastinator am i....and when your mind is like a fish riding a unicycle on a high wire while juggling flaming gobs of napalm while humming wager's ride of the valkyrie's with only one good eye,the other having been scratched pressing too hard against the peephole(see gnomes) you stop to scratch your head and all is I know what you are thinking...why would a fish do all that when they can just swim away, just go with me on this o.k..I knew that i had to clear my mind 'cause the great buddha was coming over for lunch and he hates clutter....i know what you are thinking, how can a jolly fat man hate anything...but look at santa...think he likes getting crammed into that little sleigh, i mean it's much better now with the gps and all, doesn't take nearly as long...he now has time to stop and have a few with st. patty and how they both just love to chase the rabbit around, claiming they will make omelettes of his eggs...anyway....i dipped a toe in the babbling brook and hit an undercurrent that pulled me in way down deep...brain freeze as i almost drown in these quick running thoughts when i spot the bow of a ship sticking out of the water so i grab hold....the fish drops one on the flaming globes and it hits the water and i watch as steam rises ...suddenly i hear a whistle and i remember i have water on for tea...well it is time for me to go, maybe later i can clear some of that clutter i was telling you about...but then again, probably not.

The iridescent spiral
sink into the turf
the earthen blanket
hiding from laser beams
wake up into the iridescent spiral world
waxing and waning through
burn the barrel
with all the elves
you met on the road
starlight remains
where once there was light
sink into the turf
the earthen blanket
hiding from laser beams
wake up into the iridescent spiral world
waxing and waning through
burn the barrel
with all the elves
you met on the road
starlight remains
where once there was light

black-listed verses
i text you up drunk
in the middle of the night
your Protestant fingers curse me
then sext me,
then bless me
i deep-throated
the tyranny of her words
to the bowels of her lust
exploding black ink slithering down
the path of post-mortem destruction
the epitome is a poetic fist verse-
it outshines the fifth
it out rules the fourth
it surpasses the third
it overshadows the second
it pulverizes the first
she pro-masturbated in apple seeds
shedding cum peels on my hand
bearing us a blasphemous life
within an orgasmic sunburst
raping us of any entry into heaven
i invoked a black-listed thought
as I sit here staring at your visceral face
in it I find imprisonment and regret
realizing I cannot hit
the reset button on my life
Joey Regan
Joined 2nd Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 13
Joey Regan
Lost Thinker
Forum Posts: 13
Rants From My Acid Trip
I asked my mom to give me a pet, so why is she touching my leg?
I bake cookies, but instead of flour, I use cocaine like a man.
When I see a fat man with breasts, I can’t help but stare at his nipples.
You can take a piss and not poop, but you can’t poop and not take a piss.
I almost cried during the Notebook, but coughed and yelled testosterone.
My son and I played tic-tac-toe. The pen was blood and canvas my wrist.
I know in an airport I can’t yell bomb, so I’ll just mention it here.
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Jesus. Jesus who? Hi. We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I’m getting YOLO tattooed on my butt because You Only Lick Once.
On a scale from one to ten how many pickles can fit in my nose?
As that one saying goes, you are what you eat. So I am a baby.
I'd like to say that I'm pretty pro choice. You can be gay if you want.
I asked my mom to give me a pet, so why is she touching my leg?
I bake cookies, but instead of flour, I use cocaine like a man.
When I see a fat man with breasts, I can’t help but stare at his nipples.
You can take a piss and not poop, but you can’t poop and not take a piss.
I almost cried during the Notebook, but coughed and yelled testosterone.
My son and I played tic-tac-toe. The pen was blood and canvas my wrist.
I know in an airport I can’t yell bomb, so I’ll just mention it here.
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Jesus. Jesus who? Hi. We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I’m getting YOLO tattooed on my butt because You Only Lick Once.
On a scale from one to ten how many pickles can fit in my nose?
As that one saying goes, you are what you eat. So I am a baby.
I'd like to say that I'm pretty pro choice. You can be gay if you want.
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
Thank you for all the submissions so far!! i can dig each one!
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 100
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 100
Dig the entries
Pariah Shadow
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633
Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1633
From Outside
"How strange it is to be
Anything at all"
Yes, isn't it
I am a dust mite
I am a molecule
Living on mars
I see kittens
With butterfly wings
Riding multi-colored
Shrouded in sun
Blue skylines
I am an onion
I am cinnamon
I am nothing
I am useless
I am peaking
At souls
Burning brightly
Outside the confines
Of a dust-built body.
"How strange it is to be
Anything at all"
Yes, isn't it
I am a dust mite
I am a molecule
Living on mars
I see kittens
With butterfly wings
Riding multi-colored
Shrouded in sun
Blue skylines
I am an onion
I am cinnamon
I am nothing
I am useless
I am peaking
At souls
Burning brightly
Outside the confines
Of a dust-built body.
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 100
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 100
Tripping Down The White Rabbits Hole
What's it like on the other side?
It's where lost and damned souls reside
They haunt each other in prismic divide
Shenanigan's are plotted against each other to fool their eyes
It's not the other side when the veil has been lifted and demons in disguise
Darkened enemies battle to take their staircase to win their prize
Wickedness seemingly beautiful to the halo upon the witches crown
Gypsy walks stealthily, regally projecting her royal renown
Rendezvous with the devil as he takes her out to his town
Attempting to lick her lave with drunken poisioned kisses
Weapon in her purse keeps this lover in her wishes
She'll take the stroll with the reaper and endure the lashes
Consumed by the breathless longing that beats in her heart
Among the evil surrounding who can have the strength to play the part?
Even as I accept my fate I'll dance with death from ending to the start.
What's it like on the other side?
It's where lost and damned souls reside
They haunt each other in prismic divide
Shenanigan's are plotted against each other to fool their eyes
It's not the other side when the veil has been lifted and demons in disguise
Darkened enemies battle to take their staircase to win their prize
Wickedness seemingly beautiful to the halo upon the witches crown
Gypsy walks stealthily, regally projecting her royal renown
Rendezvous with the devil as he takes her out to his town
Attempting to lick her lave with drunken poisioned kisses
Weapon in her purse keeps this lover in her wishes
She'll take the stroll with the reaper and endure the lashes
Consumed by the breathless longing that beats in her heart
Among the evil surrounding who can have the strength to play the part?
Even as I accept my fate I'll dance with death from ending to the start.
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672

Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 20
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 20
Crying Leaves
The main Forrest propagandist
fell prey to the ghastly breeze
inhabiting every facet of
the mid- tree feast.
A pack of grated Elves scouted for
unsung harmonium instruments,
and subsequently delivered them to
empyrean pixies, who made love
to the ever pugnacious Erymanthian Boar.
Silent spells were convoked
by ginger haired Warlocks, who
danced impetuously to uncoordinated
rhythm sections.
The nearby Lake chirped verses
from the book of Jonah ,
trying to raise Aspidochelone
up towards the centre of the forestry skies.
The main Forrest propagandist
fell prey to the ghastly breeze
inhabiting every facet of
the mid- tree feast.
A pack of grated Elves scouted for
unsung harmonium instruments,
and subsequently delivered them to
empyrean pixies, who made love
to the ever pugnacious Erymanthian Boar.
Silent spells were convoked
by ginger haired Warlocks, who
danced impetuously to uncoordinated
rhythm sections.
The nearby Lake chirped verses
from the book of Jonah ,
trying to raise Aspidochelone
up towards the centre of the forestry skies.