Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2016 4:39am
Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
View Profile Poems by Gahddess_Worship
RUNNER-UP: JohnFeddeler

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

BlackCarol said:Nobody knows

Nobody knows
Nobody knows what I've been through
Nobody realizes the pain
The pain that envelops me
The pain that never lets go

Nobody knows how I feel
Nobody sees the tears
I hide how I feel
I hide all my fears
Welcome, with my thanks to you, BlackCarol, for sharing your poem in the competition.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Thanks Jadey,

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

LobodeSanPedro said:nets

seduced by the fire of men  
who find amusement in my self destruction  
my hue is bark and bitter chocolate  
and I love the lullabies of crickets and bullfrogs  
I'm the dirty secret locked in a drawer  
while she's draped in silk  
her capricious flight  
reminds you of your dreams  
when you open your drawer  
i remind you  
the emperor has no clothes  

Thank you, Lobo, welcome on board.  Glad for your entry, and for you sharing it in the competition. --Jade♠️

poet Anonymous


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

The Fast Red fade of Elysium

She had long felt the glow of her red halo....
As if she were born under its neon din buzzing sign...

Causing her innocence to be flung tossed by the first wandering of fingers across lines and
up her too young thigh..

Red spent long before it should have and by men who had no right to her..

Her sign, she thought, was just too bright for any Elysium song...
So she did not indulge anymore
the daydreamer in her...
Any fancy of paradise was too peculiar sharp to shake fast...
To wake startled, and be forced to stare down the blue cold of reality in her Mothers tired eyes..
The forever there scared her silly.

She saw eternity stretch out into too much and never enough..
Into angry emptiness.
There was no just cause to dream in a void she figured.

She was hungry and furious with life that first time..
She walked fast down the grimy street,
He pulled up into the parking lot ahead in a big shiny black truck .
She understood he wanted a piece of her as his window slid down..

"How much?" he asked. Smiling.
The question crashed like a rogue wave from temple to temple and smashed against what little was left of her fragile heart...
The answer shook her...
I'm free she thought.

Finally the words "Twenty five Mister." ricocheted off her tongue like a bullet.
She looked at him with steely eyes of false self worth and bravado.
It worked.

He chuckled a "Get in darlin.."
His seat felt soft and warm..
She had been so cold.
She was grief stricken by its comfort.

Her cheeks grew hot as he chatted to her about his rough day and whiny wife,
"You sure are a purty lil thang, i was very happy, yes sirreee, very happy to see you.." he sang.

"How did you know?" she heard a voice escape her throat..
Terrified of an answer she was sure she already knew.
Her red halo buzz roared in her ears...
Salty wet filled her throat as she fought back and swallowed her rightful tears.

She heard a "click."
As he chuckled "Oh darlin, I know that look in your eyes."

Yes. She thought.
That must be it... the source of her light.
The seat sure did feel warm,
She sighed long and sank in.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Savaja said:Harlot's kiss, Serpent's Hiss

She was a harlot, true enough  
Made her living in that ancient profession  
She'd learned through time  
And bitter travail  
Her innate worth  
Once learned  
She never forgot  
Her clientele came to know her  
For her kiss  
No other harlot kissed as she  
Many chose not to kiss at all  
But she,  
Oh, she  
Her kisses were somewhat else  ........

Welcome on board, Savaja, and thank you for the gift of your entry to the competition.  Honor. --Jade💟

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

JohnFeddeler said:
              glory of harlots

 when her gentleman of that particular evening
was asleep on the embattled sheets, in the soils
of their recent lovemaking, she would cleanse herself
quickly in the bathroom. she would dress, gather up
her things, and leave the hotel room, closing the door
gently behind her.

 her drive home was free of pondering. there was no
recalculating her actions, the dominant movements of
his body upon hers, or the sex acts she performed on
him. and there were no regrets.


Hi, John, and welcome, glad to have you on board, with thanks for sharing your ink in the competition. --Jade

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Poetryman said:

"Un-stately Swans"

An eagle eyes an angel on the meaty side of town
Where the ladies are awaiting to hawk their wares around
I see her strutting at the bus stop every evening
Work was long and oh how I could find comfort in her breathing
My first step down brings her sweet voice as candy to my ears
She asks me each evening but my response she never hears
Now if I was the only one, I'd have said "yes" long ago
I'd take her in and do the sin but my name's not John, I'm Joe
A winter snow with nowhere to go to get out of the cold
The bus slides to a stop, I get off to silence gone unsold
Surely you'll catch your death if you remain out in this storm
I ask if you'd like to sit by the fire, drink something warm
But you say he's watching and expects payment for the time
So I say send him my way to collect mine for his crime
It's his turn to pay for the rape built to enslave his con
Locked shackles bind you to this corner 'til he's dead and gone

Welcome on board, Poetryman (JJ), and thank you for sharing your entry in the competition. --Jade

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840


Graduated summa cum laude
newly crowned wunderkind of Wall Street
leased a big flat, bought a new Audi
rubbing shoulders with New York's elite

Sexually harassed then brutally raped
her sleazy boss will do time she vowed
she was fired, he with warning escaped
all doors shut, informants not allowed

Not able to lower her standard of living
she sells her most precious commodities
dignity, body even soul for the bidding
to sate libidinous proclivities

On a fraternity brother’s dare
he calls up an escort service
cost irrelevant what did he care?
the sex is what makes him nervous

The freshman virgin tentatively knocks
naked save her silk robe wide she opens
ruby lips, pink nipples dizzy he rocks
oh she far surpasses his hoping

She bolts the door kisses his cheek
whispers lover get comfortable
drunk on her scent unable to speak
tossing his clothes on her table

Relax handsome why so morose
sheds her robe slowly drops to one knee
limp not ready not even close
I think I’m failing Geometry

Looking up giggling what did you say?
I noticed your diploma, Masters in Finance
Can you tutor me? I will still pay
I will do so with pleasure oh king of romance

My laptops on my bed open to porn
some guys need help getting stiff and excited
find your assignment I’ll make some popcorn
between her sheets he’s relieved and delighted

So how was it stud? You know were you able…?
Oh yes my man! It defies description
did it on her bed, on her kitchen table
trying every angle, every position

I plotted her every voluptuous contour
circumnavigated twin swollen spheres
wandered lost in her sex triangular
traced crescent moon smiles so sultry, sincere

Not to brag she said she enjoyed me
without any curve I still got an ‘A’
due to my visit her self she can see
here’s the bonus, she asked for no pay

What happened to this smart, sensual creature?
I was her last john she no longer turns tricks
she gave it all up to become a teacher
teaching Math to poor migrants out in the sticks

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

dejure said:sweet little dove

oh  dear dove
dear sweet little dove

I met your gaze
with my self blinded eyes

on a corner of the street
while the city is trying to sleep

many men came
took your hand
(and took you to a room)
no one really came
asking  for your hand

Hello dejure, with appreciation and thanks for sharing your ink in the competition. --Jade♎️

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

OxyMoronicMe said:HORSE TAIL

All Rights Reserved

(This poem is written as entree piece to a poetry competition - HEART OF GOLD)

A buck there,
A buck here.
At Some nights ,
More than yesterdays'.

One, two, three...
Or more men,
And women alike...
In a night,
Is all that...
I ever need,
Just to get-by,
And break even.

Lucky if I,
Found just one...
Who would pay,
A nice sum -
Just like Sam.
Hi Oxy, welcome to the party... and thank you for sharing your ink in the completion. --Jade💟

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186

Jade-Pandora said:
Welcome on board, Savaja, and thank you for the gift of your entry to the competition.  Honor. --Jade💟

Thank you very much for your kind welcome, Jade. Truly, tis I who am honored to participate here.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Erotic_Goddess said:        A Rose In The Graveyard

She wanders the corners between two stop lights,
Neon lights shed a sickening green tint on her skin
She was different from the others that frolic along the boardwalk,
Much to young to do the mini skirt riding up on tiny hips justice.
Her curves still in a developing stage,
caught between that of a teen and that of a woman.

Greetings Goddess, and welcome.  I thank you for participating with your poem in the competition. --Jade💟

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

She Tries to Please

She tried her hardest to please
Her elderly male client
Even getting on her knees
To make his member giant

He liked the feel of her lips
Around his flaccid member
Hoping it would rise to eclipse
The ones he could remember

It had risen the best it could
They tried its insertion
It entered only to the hood
No matter what exertion

She kindly soothed his distress
Her lips again employed
Sucking him with finesse
The feeling he enjoyed

Her mouth took his length
And stimulated it so well
He ejaculated full strength
He felt he'd had his fill

This action is typical
When she's with a punter
She's never judgmental
Always stems their hunger

Whatever they request
Nothing will she withhold
She's a body that is blessed
And a heart of gold

Some come to her for solace
Some to reclaim their youth
Others in search of knowledge
Sex is an eternal truth

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

calamitygin said:The Fast Red fade of Elysium

She had long felt the glow of her red halo....
As if she were born under its neon din buzzing sign...

Causing her innocence to be flung tossed by the first wandering of fingers across lines and
up her too young thigh..

Red spent long before it should have and by men who had no right to her..

Her sign, she thought, was just too bright for any Elysium song...
So she did not indulge anymore
the daydreamer in her...
Any fancy of paradise was too peculiar sharp to shake fast...
To wake startled, and be forced to stare down the blue cold of reality in her Mothers tired eyes..
The forever there scared her silly.

Welcome on board, Jen, and thanks for replacing the initial entry with this one.  I thank you for sharing it in the competition. --Jade💟

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