Poetry competition CLOSED 8th March 2016 2:49am
View Profile Poems by Erotic_Goddess
RUNNER-UP: etroPaL_noveD

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 25th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 6

Poetry Contest

Write a poem describing sensuality between lovers; old, new, young, aged, etc. Get creative! I want lush eroticism in the extreme

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

         moonlight mandala

her ‘harbor of wicked intent’ was always wet,
so she spent a lot of time in the bathtub to cover for
it. pools, beaches, wherever there was water. she just
liked to be wet, I suppose. I figured when she slept,
she had mermaid dreams.

I was holed up in an air-conditioned hotel room, trying
to avoid the desert heat. I noticed a plug protruding from
the bathroom wall, concealing a hole that had never
been repaired.

in the randomness of fortune, it occurred that her bath was
adjacent to mine. the walls were thin, & when I heard the
water running in her tub, I popped the plug.

I beheld a woman who was no stranger to beauty, as beauty
goes. all the heart breaking curves that made her female.

one night I noticed her wearing a white robe, & a bag large
enough for a towel. I figured she was headed for the hot tub
downstairs, so I put on a pair of shorts & went down.

the tropical room was illuminated only by moonlight streaming
through the large windows. when I stepped into the tub, we
glanced at each other but didn’t speak. in moments, she began
touching herself as if I wasn’t there.

she pinched her nipples under her bikini top as she rubbed her
breasts. her other hand slid down her taut belly & into her
panties, to make love to her veiled pearl. her subtle movement
was sensual choreography; it was a ballet of eroticism.

I couldn’t remain simply a voyeur. she did not object as I moved
toward her. at once, my mouth was on her, sucking her aroused
nipples. my hands were all over her intimidating flesh, fingers
invading deeply within the folds of her water lily, & encroaching
rudely the puckered secret of her ass.

time passed rapidly, or else it stood still. at last, she threw her
head back, shutting her eyes tightly. her unchained moans
echoed in the moonlight: it was the most beautiful music ever.

I stood up then. my lust was dramatically apparent, & she
stroked me to release.

returning to my room, I slept for what seemed like days. when I
came to, I learned that she had checked out. I had no idea where
she had gone,

but wherever she is, she’s wet…

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186


I was utterly done in by the way the sun glinted like gilt on the fine hair of her forearms...

Definitely a dyke and every inch of her delectably delicious

                        from her

Dress khakis and button-down with rolled up sleeves (undershirt underneath ~ a concession concealing nipples, eschewing a bra)

Some sort of eminently comfortable shoe...

But her, herself, Mmm...vibrantly androgynous at first glance

Short, tousled blond(e) hair, vivid blue eyes bright with life and keen with quirky, clever wit as well as shrewd intellect

Roman nose ~ rather bold

Lips, ahhh...that lower lip especially. Drawing it betwixt my teeth, pulling lushness into my mouth, sucking...and releasing only to do it all again...

She'd come up behind me in the kitchen whilst I was cooking, breathe in succulent aromas, bend in and press my body to hers, loving murmurs caressing my ears and adoring bites adorning my neck

And, me, weak and wanton, after

Flushed and trembling in her wake

No longer thinking of food
but of another kind of sustenance
I craved as I did the cooling breeze
freezing my humid, shaking body afterward...later...

I was drawn as inexorably as the tides to the moon by her. She, unaware of my deepest yearning to be had by her...and had again...to taste her and touch and, ohhh!

When I told her how attractive I found her, she was surprised, told me to wait, but spoke with me long hours into the night by phone...seducing me...

Ahhh, I lie...for we seduced each other by word alone and sound and it was decadent...

We stopped even that for a time for she had much to attend ~ unfinished ~ that yet remained.  

But, when at last all was done (and, I admit, I had resigned myself at this point to being but her friend and naught more), she came for me.  

And, when she came, no more was there hesitation in her, she came and took me as though I were spoils of some arcane battle and she the victor, plundering...

And, I, oh, I, well...

I was wet with want and desperate with it, ripe for the plundering and eager to be despoiled...

And, she did despoil, over and over, again and again with mouth and teeth and tongue wreaking havoc, with hands and fingers plunging and her very body plundering...

Til I was screaming with it, crazed

I held her down, arms wrapped round her thighs and despoiled right back: riding her writhing, my mouth and tongue and, yes, teeth bedeviling her, bringing her as she'd brought me...  

And, as she poured her tart nectar into my mouth, she triggered me again, screaming into her, eliciting forth yet more of her sea's ambrosia to quench my thirst  
                                                 for a time...

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 25th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 115

Ending The Drought

In a busy house they barely had time for each other, man and his wife focusing all love to the kids. Tensions were building mostly in his pants, where was that long ago romance maybe somewhere rekindled in a glance.

Devising a plan and thinking foolproof, it never fails. To insinuate love is what the two of them need, already feeling the stroking of her manicured nails on his g-spot within imagination he heavily breathes.

Chances fall short, like one in a million,
Vowing not to be cock blocked by his dependent children. Saying get comfortable dear assuring the spouse, packing them up and shipping off to grandmother's house.

Its then he sees a switch turned on, she releases her tits so savagely it seems wrong. No time to play Marvin Gaye's song
Tackling him quick in now, nothing but a thong.

They tongue wrestle a bit, sure he's a man and motor boats her tits. Seeing the freak has too long been locked up inside, she whips her legs over his face and continues to sixty nine.

Next thing one another know, he's within her taking it slow. Her back arches breasts look to the sky, head writhes caught by this vixens hands to gaze in her eyes.

She says stay with me as his thrusts quicken, his loves moans turns to screams.
Tensing together in simultaneous explosions, whispering in her ear come with me into my dreams.

Today, tonight, two sexual lovers apparent.
Tomorrow with tensions rebuilding, were good ol' parents.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 25th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 115

Incredible write. This is so well done. It sucks my write precedes yours cause that is a hard one to follow.

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

A Hunger

Her body is his conquest,his greatest feat,
His hands raging war on her body without sympathy,without pause,
Not one ounce of hesitation in the hands of starvation.
He needs to feed on her essence, breath in her feminine aroma,the taste of vanilla lingering on his tongue.
His hands need to feel the treasures that lie beneath the little black dress she wore.
Feel skin bare against his own.
His starvation sends growls roaring from his body.
She teases him nibbling the nape of his neck,nibbling down his torso, following the trail to his hardness with the tip of her tongue,she looks up at him teasing his tip,her eyes pleading,begging him to eat, his raging with hunger.
His hunger overpowers her as he grabs a hold of her hair,filling her throat with his throbbing shaft.
She moans sending shock waves up and down his shaft,his tip dripping wet, she sucks for she thirsts, her tongue teases as her lips take control over him.
His hunger grows as he grips her hair harder sending his necter deep in her throat.
Still his hunger remained as he tore off the black dress she was wearing exposing perky breasts,nibbles wouldn't suffice, his hunger was to great, he bites in arising his victims screams of pleasure and pain all the same in the eyes of hunger.
His tongue rips a path feeding off the moans escaping from her throat,her aroma filling his nostrils as the sweet taste of vanilla met with his tongue.
Her body setting in his lap he feels her wetness seeping through lace panties , He ripped through those to.
His body fills with lustful delight as he sets her on his face,vanilla fills his mouth as he begins to feed. Dripping on his tongue,he savors every drop of her, pouring in waterfalls in his mouth.
His hunger still consuming him he shoves her face down in the bed.
He growled softly in her ear "get on your knees" as his hardness rubbed against her ass so near.
She sucombs to his demands,his finger play with vanilla rubbing wetness across her ass.
Without but a warning he thrust inside entered her,stretching her ass so tight.
His name escapes her lips in pleading purrs,a mixture of pleasure and pain thrusting through her.
His hands gripping her hips, pulling her closer still.
She moves against him,moaning,cussing, feeling his viguorous thrusting.
Bending over her,his hand moves roughly up her stomach gripping her breasts.
Leaning over her he growls in her ear,grips her hair in his other hand exposing her neck to him.
He bites down without a second thought,feeding off of vanilla as her body shakes,shivers,crashes,thrashes and her name forms a scream from her lips.
Soaking him in vanilla,as he thrusts deep and releases,
Finally his hunger ceases,subsides as both collide in a heap on the bed.
But as he sleeps a fire glows from her eyes, hunger rose in her soul,
Starvation consumed her as she began to feed.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 25th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 6

Gorgeous piece!

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Thank you :)

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Lesson 1

There was an immediate and thrilling sexual attraction between the two of us.    
And more than that, to which I was unaccustomed,  
we began both intellectual and emotional intercourse almost at once.  
Over a drink in a crowded bar,  
a man blew slow soulful music into a saxophone.  
Creating a seductive soundtrack to what I would later recognize as my first lesson with Sir.      
He began teaching me the pleasure in pleasing him.  
While talking, I could feel his eyes seeing deeper, farther into me.    
He wanted me, of that I was sure.  
I knew what wanting looked like.    
But this was different, these dark eyes staring into mine.    
Sir wanted inside me.    
And in all kinds of ways.  
Feeling vulnerable, and a little afraid, I stared back.  
And became willing prey.    
He handed me a tip for our musician.  
Said "Walk slowly love, I want to watch."  
My neck and face went hot.  
I stood up too fast, half knocking over my chair.    
Felt his strong hand grasp me firmly around my wrist.    
"No love, slow down, I wish to see you move, take an eternity."  
Something in his touch, his voice, had steadied me.    
So I rose slowly, giving him all of my body to see.    
I turned from him, but the effect of his eyes on me did not weaken.    
Knowing they were there, hot, penetrating, I became aware of all of me.    
The rhythm of sex in my hips as I walked.    
The silky slide of my dress over my tummy and legs as I moved.    
When I reached the stage, I turned, giving him my profile.  
Bent over so slowly, inhaling purposely, forcing my tits up and out.    
Lifting my ass up high, making my legs long.    
I dropped the tip in the jar.  
As I stood and turned back, I met Sirs eyes with a  soul shaking, almost gravitational pull, and shuddered.    
The force of it was dizzying, completely arousing me.    
I felt my cunt go wet, my nipples harden.  
I'm unsure how I made it back to him, maybe I floated.    
As I sat down, Sirs hand went up my dress and between my thighs, thanking me.    
I had never known anything as rewarding and needed as that touch.  
Until he whispered in my ear,    
"Good girl."

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

etroPaL_noveD said:Incredible write. This is so well done. It sucks my write precedes yours cause that is a hard one to follow.

Doll, yours was an outstanding write. Be proud to be surrounded by these fine poets and not look the least unworthy.  I certainly did not think yours was any less a gorgeous piece than anyones...and there are awesome poets here....great job.  

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

A conversation with my true love through...the song he found me in.

Lyrics to: i would drink a case of you    
"Just before our love got "found" you said    
I am as constant as a northern star" and I said"    
Darlin constant scares the livin shit out mih...i run and i run furious fast 'n far..    
Though i kin see peculiars shine uvv yur star...    
Constant? Teehee  Know nuthin uuuv it.      
Thank i'd adore it sugar...butt..teehee    
Gin's constant, a darkness..so blue n black monster dark..teehee    
I took the dirt road less traveled...    
Ha! Led mih to noo paradise park..    
Led to a place in mih heart so dank..    
Sumthin of a lake flood hainted town like a claustrophobic drown.. i'd sank..    
An i did sooo able n quick..    
Cain't stain still.....no I..i am afeared of haint's..    
I babydoll,    
.. i ain neva met no saints....    
In my manic mind them ghost fucks reeeaal harrrd..    
Stillness, screw that hell bitch.    
Don' she becum a graveyard?    
Purty purty puuleeeez..    
Ohn mih kneeez...    
Show me a piece a still as sumthin "pretty"    
I'd letcha feel round ohn mih titties....teehee.    
......he smiles then and Laughs....    
..But not at me.....oh that would be nirvana my bawdy lady!    
And i will most certainly try....    
Lays one hand on my white thigh..    
Fingertips slow going up towards my cherry pie...    
Mih nani naps went all mysty from thrill of said title n touch...    
Called mih lady he did!      
I let outta moan n a newfound sigh..
Awwe to braaathe..  
Oh my holy wine fuck!!      
Was jess bout tooo much..n jess plent enuff..
My new lover says ta mih so tenderly,      
a gentle comb through mih chesnut pony hair.    
Takes mih hand gratefully and graciously..kisses there...    
"Constantly in the darkness    
Where's that at?"    
Nowhere near as scary as what you let into the place under your straw hat my darling.    
Says he...  

Yesss! Says darleeen!  
"My darling, taking me by hand.    
I undersand."    
My lady i have been there.      
Known overwhelming fear.    
Look into my eyes sweet lover, you can trust this man. I promise you will never suffer me through tears.    
Then I'll be damned!      
This gintilminds fangers went right smack up tween n around mih panties n up my love hole two he crammed!    
Says baby i would like to continue a while?      
Yes, someone might notice, but your soul and your jade eyes are all i see.    
You want to continue baby, just tell me.      
"If you want me I'll be in the bar"    
I scribbled a note..puiuleeeez finish yur fanger fuck..i's feelin sum  stll then..    
Sware i wuuzz.      
"On the back of a cartoon coaster"    
Mih wet n you, felt nuttin but light..    
...is it night?      
I saw stars....    
Asked the waitress to give it to mih gintilmind.    
An frum sumwhare sooo deeeep inside...    
I cried.    
Soon mih lover was there by my side.      
My lady Jennifer, theres a booth back there that will be nice.      
Princess listen close, for no , you shake your head once, yes twice..    
No speaking just take my hand.    
Do you understand?      
Mih head bobbed down two times..    
He played this song ohn the juke box..    
Gals voice hit mih soul with a feelin    
Like wind chimes....    
"Oh you are in my blood like holy wine    
You taste so bitter    
But you taste so sweet oh    
I could drink a case of you, I could drink a case of you darling    
Still be on my feet    
i Still be on my feet"      
He said okay darling sshhh! Trust me....I have picked you like a grape ripe with juice from the vine..    
My God so pure and fine..    
Pull up your skirt as you scoot in..    
Ah! What a good girl you have been    
..now let me take you by hips and pull you on this big cock of mine...    
Sweetness now, i want no hint of a whine!    
"Oh I am a lonely painter    
I live in a box of paints    
I'm frightened by the devil    
And I'm drawn to those ones that ain't afraid"    
He grabbed mih round the waist good. N tight. ain as i slid down him i felt filled differnt n heard the gal sang..    
Afeared of the Devil ain not the ones that ain't....    
"I remember that time that you told me, you said    
Love is touching souls"      
This man ain      
I am...    
Thas whut wuz happenin..    
Feel it Jennifer, he thrusted slowly, but steadily up into me..    
Neva did his strong ever luvin arm loose its hug offa me..    
I love you and need you.      
I can tell you feel it too!    
if you feel it too dont be scared, just nod yes please my sweet miss.    
My head bounced up and down twice      
In rhythm with his penis.    
I entered into realms of light and climactic rapture..    
No fear no dark,      
Only intense orgasm  and close in my new lovers capture..    
Safe with him inside he filled me in moan, in the middle of a public place. .    
I knew then with him freedom, no cemetary lake, no scary space.. Ah still. Selah.
"Surely you touched mine 'cause    
Part of you pours out of me    
In these… "    
(An erotic tale through Joni Mitchell's I could drink a case of you. Please hear it sung sweet divine and high as you read. In mih purest purtiest hillbilly speak. Teehee!)

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Savaja...uhhhh....go jesss!

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


All Rights Reserved

Open your legs and spread your lips!
Just like that, see how wet you are?
With a horsetail, your cunt would be slapped.
Count as I do!
One, two, three.
There you go.
Do you like it? Answer me, damn it!
Disobey and your ass shall earn whips.

Now, hand me that ice cube!
Feel the cold burning you;
Numbing your senses,
Grazing your flesh.
Don't cum till I say you can!
Understand all that?
Inserting two fingers in...

Feel me rubbing that G-spot?
You stubborn bitch!
Another whip then.
One, two, three.
Stop squirming!
I'll lick the sting away.
Hmmm so yummy!
Like Sashimi served with Sake.

I could feel your insides,
Strangling my digits.
I see, you're shaking,
Squirting all over!
Why did I stopped, you asked?
You are not listening at all!
Told you not to cum,
Until I say you can!

Now, calm your self and kneel down!
Put your hands behind your back.
Lick my balls, suck them both!
Oh yeah,  do it again, just like that.
Look at me and don't close your eyes,
Take me in as deep as you can!
Gag, tear up, my beatiful cocksucker...
Motherfucker, you're making me hard!

Stand up and sit on the edge of the bed.
Bend your knee up and rub that nub.
Look at me, see how horny you make me?
This cock, inside of you, I'll ram it hard!
Cunt, do you want that?
Then say,  "Please Sir, fuck me now!"
Put your arms up.
No matter what, don't move that hand.

Screw you slut, so wet and tight!
Say it! Say your mine, all mine!
Pinch that nipples, pull both up,
Arch your back, scream with delight!
I know what you want...
Your clit played with as you're slammed.
Then what is the magic word?
Say, "Please Sir, let me cum."

Count as I do!
One, two, three.
There you go.
Cum for me!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
There, there, there!
Let go... Let go... Let go...
Good girl.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 29th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2

Consígalo Aquí

©Sub. of MM.inc LLC.

You want me, yes
In covetous greed of everything, she's not
eyes burning through the skin, until marrow boils hot
You want me, yes. .

Erecting when my silence replies to you
My gaze tastes the bead of your upper lip ~ did you know?

You wish to hear "I love you" from between these thighs
the tension breaking and building and breaking and building amidst the sighs

Consígalo aquí
Monteme Mente Papi
¿No sabe usted que es lo suyo? Ehh?
¿Siéntalo en el apretón?

You want me, yes. .
In your envy of everything that rests against me
ready to do battle even, with the most gentle of tropical breeze

You want me
. .yes. .

Admit your navel ~ tapped ~ with a grown man serpent
~ to no repent
Cocoa breast tips magnetically rise to the quiver of your ribs
~ did you know?

This focus on the pulse at the base of your neck, exact
the pinnacle of these hips slick, as it pauses and contracts

Consígalo aquí
Monteme Mente Papi
¿No sabe usted que es lo suyo? Mmmm?
¿Siéntalo en el ~ bromista?

It's the same, you and I
dwelling amongst the heady, in-between
Kissing wet, without lips
The entrance, minus ~ the touching of hips

Senses dripped and amuck
The air feels it ~ you know?

contorting clouds into scenes of our ~ fuck. .

. .You want me ~ ~ yes. . .

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

here in the chilly evening
as the setting sun
sets fire to a tableau
of frozen sky and rippling waves
I take your hand in mine
we go inside
as I undress you
my eyes dance across your skin
a prelude to fingertips and lips
your lips and mine
meet and part
repeat and again
tasting tenderness
excitement keeping somnolence at bay
the smell of your hair
as you whimper in my ear
an invitation
a demand
as endorphins course through our veins
need and desire
lust and maybe love
but your smooth skin
and my tired, worn out heart
meet in a place of delight
this is what it's all about
this is all there is

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