Poetry competition CLOSED 27th February 2016 11:35pm
View Profile Poems by Artemios

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Strange Creature
Joined 14th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 3

Poetry Contest

what is your darkest secret?
100 word minimum.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

I once [bleep] a [bleep] [bleep] for [bleep] then I [bleep] [bleep].woke up the next day [bleep] by the highway.....

poet Anonymous

In another life, I was a 21-year old woman who used to rape 16-17 year old  boys

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216

i remember those childhood dreams
sometimes cold and full screams.
nights grew long and bumbs at night.
Result in catastrophe from creepy fright

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

SatansSperm said:I once [bleep] a [bleep] [bleep] for [bleep] then I [bleep] [bleep].woke up the next day [bleep] by the highway.....

I hear ya 20$ is 20$. Been there.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

My darkest secret? I am a hermaphroditic alien hybrid as well as an unusual kind of vampiress that feeds on energy from peoples' divine sparks (basically their soul energy). However, I have become quite open and honest about the alien part in recent years so that is more of an open secret rather than a buried secret that only a few people know. The vampiress part? I am not quite as open about that, since I find that most mortals are more accepting of aliens than they are of vampires. *Wink* ;)

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

Secrets are meant to be untold
Due to the devastation that may unfold
If they were ever to be revealed

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


Madness in Silence
I don't know hell until I see
The horror that's been happening inside my family.
Secrets so horrible, I can't bear to speak.
Inside the walls of my so called home,
There I see it but blind eyes forbade.
My mind is screaming to shutted ears.
A burden so heavy, how much more can I carry?
Numb to the pain, Ignoring realities
My heart is burning, knowing is sinning
Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell.
My silence is golden.
Now I'm slowly chocking
Oh Death, I welcome you.
If only I could scape.

Invisible Chain
In a cold dark place, endless space,
A  stale foul smell of decay hangs in the air.
A sweet taste tempting, disguising the poison within.
It's a murder but more like suicide disguising.
I know it's rotting but I go on consuming.
Letting my soul be taken until there is nothing.
Hope? He is there somewhere.
I will be waiting. Come break this invisible chain.
My lifeline slowly fading. Hurry....
My soul is screaming as despair eats me away.
I hope to...

A kiss of death aroused those living in the pit of hell,
Where fire burns the tortured souls
And wounded hearts seeks no reprieve.
Death comes knocking on our door.
I am calmly waiting, my heart is at ease.
Finally a reprieve from the meager life that is full of lies.
I closed my eyes and opened my arms.
My hand reached out to speed up the touch.
My arousal spiked for the kiss of death and darkness' embrace.
Instead a light beamed and with a swift slashed.
It brakes the invisible chain!
Then my choking stopped and my breathing comes back.
I found my voice hoarse and cracked
Like a melody worth a million bucks.
My eyes were blurred and veiled
By tears that flows, without grief nor sore.
He is gone, I am free.
I am sorry, but I am happy.
Hope comes glimmering and finally I can start dreaming...
my life begins again.
From now on...

It's finally over,  HE IS DEAD,  I am free.
Free from the chains that bind me,
forcing my silence,  blindfolding me.
Yes, Now it's O'K.
My Lifeline...
A new beginning...

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Primogenito said:In another life, I was a 21-year old woman who used to rape 16-17 year old  boys

i just squirted coffee out my nose! lol

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

All that Glitters

She swills in dark ..  
heart leaks the night into pounding morning head…  
another day she walks the dead…  
another sun exhausted by 10, tiresome lonely staring down her demons mocking..  
Her only invited friends..  
though cruel friends they are embraced …  
by her martyrdom and self loathing costly, costly ways…  
her expensive tastes forfeited as slave to the high..  
or rather the chase…  
rot gut replaced fine wine when  
high escaped from her red knuckled grip that was once just an embrace..  
out the bathroom window without so much as a wave..  
Fuck You Cunt! he hollered…  
while she lay face down in a Demon Friend's cold empty lap ..  
faded to black mid jiz swallow surrounded by a dozen or so of her little blue precious gems…  
they do glitter in her red laced R.E.M…

someone let that crazy cat out of her bag....whewww...can breathe!

Strange Creature
Joined 14th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 3

I like your poems

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 79

I've ruined many things before
broke my dads CD and paint
on his blue jeans whisky and coke
got him deported fucking radical
call the cops trapped him in a room
with a knife intent on ending a life
i look at them walk away the man who is
or was someone i never called again.

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Page 69

I opened the magazine on page 69
my dearest number since I was nine
I thought it was comics, I wanted to laugh
surprised I saw a woman and two men having a rough

it was in black and white, small pics with big pricks
at the end of the page you could hear them screaming
I got scared cause my pants went mad like lips
and the voice of my father was coming closer to the ring

I tore this page and hide it under my mattress
and once in a while I was releasing my mad stress
since this day my daddy was in a depression
nobody knew why, but only I had his salvation.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Scared Little Secret

Lightning cracked !!! And a limb fell.
In my young mind monsters hands waited to grab me from the dark....
And grab ...
And grab they would....
Not the grotesque hands of my imagination....

to that later...now

And so i crawled into him. Safe.
So afraid of the storm..
The thunder pounded the thump thump
of my heart.....
"You tremble babygirl...."
he said and took me into what he called "safe harbor.." embrace...
the strong arms of a man
I was a little girl
"Safe covers"...I wanted it to be...
SO TRULY wanted safe arms and cover...around me.  
A Feel good around me..
He brought me close tight strong arms
held me so close outline of our bodies
pressed together..it did...feel good...
I blink tears hard away And say...he felt good.
And hard against my tummy...he... I felt....
hard long thick against my tummy...

"The storm excites me!" he said...
"Feeel?" he said. I closed my eyes tight. Hiss hand giant around mine so small led me to the thick long monument of excitement pressed between us.

"Erected by the storm and your bottom. You bent over for me Jenny, bent over right in front of me tonight..."
"In your nightie....didn't you!"
"Your showed me a peek right down your nightie to your breasts....they are getting full and round.
Bent over to show me your cute rear end Jennifer...."

He kissed my mouth...

His big hand held mine and rubbed the long thick....
"That makes me feel good he said...." "Thank you." he said.
The scare of the storm! The scare of the feeling in my body..I felt stirring, felt between my legs. OH! the scare!

I am going to comfort you...
His hand found  it's way between my thighs....I was shamed by my fall open. My legs fell open...
And shame again when i was pleased he called me "Good girl."
My Strawberry Shortcake panties were pushed down...rough.

"I will know" he said "That you like this touch if you are wet."
"You will show me that you are a naughty, bad, bad little girl!" he shoved a hand down.
Slid a finger between my privates and l knew because he laughed. I cried.
I cried because it felt good.
He pulled a glistening finger out, and slow traced my mouth with the sticky.
He kissed me on my wet mouth.
Made wetter still by my tears of shame.

"You dirty, dirty little princess." he said. "You are aren't you?" he asked.

With tears running down cheeks, I shook my head yes.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

Tell me have you ever felt so wild
you could hog tie and torture
the father of your child
inflicting the pain you feel inside
for all those years of abuse
every tear you've silently cried

Have you ever despised a soul who lies
you've envisioned a branding iron, red hot
jammed up through his junkie pitiful hide
for every single heavy handed touch
decades of abuse that stripped your pride
I'm asking have you ever felt so wild

You could gag and bound the
father of your child, happily
sit and watch him get
penetrated from behind or maybe
dip him in a tub of hydrogen peroxide
Immersed enough to burn but not fry
for all the times you had to run and hide

Now the thought of him makes me go wild
serial killers in comparison well
they are meek and mild this is why
I pray I never come face to face
with the father of my child
he was 28 I was 16
in some countries he'd be called
a dirty old pedophile....

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