Poetry competition CLOSED 18th February 2016 9:28pm
View Profile Poems by TinaLouise
RUNNERS-UP: ilovescarystories and Jade-Pandora

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hero's and villains

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

Poetry Contest

write a poem as a hero or a villain to your arch enemy , darker the better
simple are you a hero or a villain?  write a poem to the hero if your the villain, and to the villain if your the hero ! can be a hate letter , apology, surrender, whatever just do it!! thanks

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

Wanna play ?
You spread your big arse all over
all the boys had a share
what a nice girl you are
two bastard kids without a care
you taught them how to manipulate
and manifest their hate
My child was victimised for
seeing through their fake
living hell for her & I
she left for her own sake

I think it's about time I let you know
give you a nice friendly call 👌
Big girl, you've gone as far as you're
gonna go
Your game is up, you'll play no more
I've no time for you or yours
DOC's & the COP's
Yep I made the call
So deceitful, I can't believe your gall
You see you're an amateur compared
to 23yrs of this, I know it all
they call me the smiling assassin
you won't even see the ball
You still wanna play ??  You sure?

Ha ha ha I'm bored already
You're so young and dumb so
For Now...
I'll spare you some but
never underestimate me hun
your head will spin at the pace in
which I will bring your world undone
My child suffered due to you SCUM
And you call yourself a Mum??
Written by TinaLouise

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

damn epic write ! mom's are the number one villian!

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 16th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 1

Devilish bitch

Black mask
Ruby lips
Brown eyes
Voluptuous hips
I stalk
My prey
A trap
I lay
Innocent look
They fall
Whip them
They crawl
They plead
They beg
I feed
On their fear
The bad boys
The sinners
My toys
I play
At night
Drug them
Give no fight
Tied up
Stripped bare
I torture
With no care
Their pain
Their cries
I smile
Melodic sighs
No angel
Fear me
Devilish bitch
See me
Run... Run
Run away
Fast as you can
Or I'll have my way

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

cool write red thanks for posting :)

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

sinisterpenz said:damn epic write ! mom's are the number one villian!
Lioness and her cubs! ✌ thank you!

Ragdoll Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 26th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 86

☿ Dehumanized ☿









and loving
you only

how lonely!



and cowardly..


for your
loose lips




Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

whoa nice built up anger must of loved him great ink

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

lol..delete...too much medical mary jane and daddy-little porn pics...

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

                  The only wish
I only wanted to be part of your life.
I only wished to help you live.
So what did I do wrong?
You got me strapped to the bed.
Ya got me in this ward.
Ya got me in this stray jacket.
You tore me apart.
You said I was a great art.
So why did you cart me away?
I only wished to save you.
Why did you do this to me?
You're bringing me to my grave .
I only wanted to restore what we had.
And now you sell my emotions in your store of bad tonics.
All I wanted was to be with my family tonight.
Yet you all chased me and led me away in chains.
You burned down my home.
I carried you away from the ashes.
I didn't know my existence was a sin.
But I noticed that big grin.
As they carried me away.
I saw you sway with her.
The dagger that is hidden in the eyes.
I didn't know that I was your Frankenstein.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

MATMOS  (The Declaration)

Sycophants: their alarming numbers grow daily.
They roam the deserted streets with the sonic
Scream of sirens, sniffing the gutters in the
Frenzied hunt for vulnerable ones, of men and
Women: fresh meat, new arrivals like I had been.

I’ll never forget the echoes of their sniveling
Muzzles working the cracks of concrete and slab-
Breaks in the sidewalks where weeds never thrived.

Some of us, hot off the ships a few miles
From the visitors’ docks once the cruisers dropped
Anchor and lowered the gangplanks to disgorge their
Unwary cargo, would fall prey to the parasitic.

I didn’t let myself be run off, though thoughts had
Crossed my mind, and others stayed in steerage
When the immigrant ships returned to distant harbors.

Gaunt faces with glazed eyes without hope when they’d
See faces returning to where nothing waited for them.  
We knew how all of them, like us, had not spoken up.  

Not adult or child would trade the ones waiting
To drag them underground into slav’ry, than to
Go back to the soot of the satellites; good ones
Who perished with their remaining kith and kin.

Nothing survived, not even the burnt-out husks of
Their faith, as carts were pulled by hand, filled with
Crippled and elderly, along rutted roads, passing
One smoldering ruin, slow motion, after another.

But yet to stay, to turn away as one body, all, from
The empty docks on a day whose morning was
Graying o’er, was to walk straight into the lesser
Counterpart of small vermin, diminutive stature.

Hardly blips on radar; creatures in the largeness
Of under-pond, this radio-scape in increments,
Its boroughs that would swallow whole horizons.

Lesser carrion that lay their eggs in one’s flesh
To hatch and leech, subtle intrusion, while the
Victim is unable to realize until it’s too late:
That they are being groomed for the Matmos.  

At that moment I might find I was truly free
To do away this abuse making its entrance,
Because it knows, to slither unnoticed.

To its lair, leering pornographically, and
Unchallenged, till a clear moment draws near.

To communicate my will to those who’ll listen,
Without scathing claws of mindless retribution
Recoiled, to strike and disembowel me in
Mid-sentence, because it always knows.  

Even its stench, counting heartbeats till the
Time tolls when the next sycophant du jour is
Trussed and devoured as a microwave snack.

A production before the bloated, beady-eyed,
Jaundiced blight of flatulence, shape-shifting
Under-sewer force that creeps with great effort
Among the good citizenry of this lesser realm.

Wisely industrious, even serene, under the
Beetle-brow scrutiny of the aforementioned
And constantly growing tumor of bloat that
Oozes lactose-intolerant regurgitation
Not fit for human consumption or castration.

And so, in Declaration, I, the Watcher of the Matmos,
O Lowness of the Underworld shallows ‘neath its skin
From whence it crawled, dragging with it all
Foul vermin not worthy to show itself in the light:

Let it here be known by all those throughout
The Realm, that the Matmos misbegotten, is
Hereby banished, to return from whence it came.

Where knowledge of it is forever wiped
From the people’s collective memory.
That only I will remember it ever existed,
And, for a short balance, continue to be.

To watch and protect the future from its fate
Which is it’s alone, never to resurface.

The waste, its excrement, to turn on itself,
Through ev’ry pore, hole, and cranny, to poison
The elixir only it is privvy to imbibe, while I
Make sure the bile has nowhere else to go.

©2016 Jade-Pandora. All Rights Reserved.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

this is great

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

sinisterpenz said:this is great

Thank you.  Honored.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 26th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 227

Wow. Girl out there and so right. Becoming more and more of a fan.  For realz I'm in nothing but like. Thanks for the read.  

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 26th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 227

Cat woman? Nice couldn't say it better. Now I got to find a way to fall asleap. Thanks!!

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